10-28-2022, 12:12 AM
A micro rogue-like game.
Navigate with arrow keys.
Collect gems, health potions, and power runes.
Monsters are just window dressing for now.
Navigate with arrow keys.
Collect gems, health potions, and power runes.
Monsters are just window dressing for now.
Code: (Select All)
' a micro rogue by James D. Jarvis October 2022
'navigate with arrow keys
Screen _NewImage(81, 30, 0)
Randomize Timer
Dim T$
Dim crn$(4)
_ControlChr Off
_Scrolllock Off
Dim mz(0 To 80, 1 To 25) As String
Dim crnr(4, 2), loot(3), monst(3)
loot(1) = 4: loot(2) = 3: loot(3) = 15
monst(1) = 132: monst(2) = 42: monst(3) = 111
crnr(1, 1) = 1: crnr(1, 2) = 1
crnr(2, 1) = 79: crnr(2, 2) = 1
crnr(3, 1) = 1: crnr(3, 2) = 25
crnr(4, 1) = 79: crnr(4, 2) = 25
maxx = 80: maxy = 25: mlevel = 0
herox = Int(_Width / 2): heroy = Int(_Height / 2)
php = 10: ppow = 0: pgems = 0
mlevel = mlevel + 1
mlabel$ = "MazeRogue Level " + Str$(mlevel)
_Title mlabel$
For y = 1 To maxy
For x = 0 To maxx
mz(x, y) = Chr$(219)
nx = 3: ny = 3: done = 0
Do While done = 0
_Limit 1000
For reps = 0 To 99
ox = nx: oy = ny
Rem move in random direction
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4)
Case 0
If nx + 2 <= maxx Then nx = nx + 2
Case 1
If ny + 2 <= maxy Then ny = ny + 2
Case 2
If nx - 2 > 0 Then nx = nx - 2
Case 3
If ny - 2 > 0 Then ny = ny - 2
End Select
If mz(nx, ny) = Chr$(219) Then
mz(nx, ny) = ".": If 1 + Int(Rnd * 50) = 1 Then mz(nx, ny) = Chr$(loot(1 + Int(Rnd * 3)))
If mz(nx, ny) = "." And 1 + Int(Rnd * 50) <= mlevel Then mz(nx, ny) = Chr$(monst(1 + Int(Rnd * 3)))
mz(Int((nx + ox) / 2), ((ny + oy) / 2)) = "."
End If
done = 1
For x = 1 To maxx - 1 Step 2
For y = 1 To maxy - 1 Step 2
If mz(x, y) = Chr$(219) Then done = 0
Next y
Next x
cr = 1 + Int(Rnd * 4) 'set a corner for the exit
If herox = crnr(cr, 1) And heroy = crnr(cr, 2) Then cr = 5 - cr
mz(crnr(cr, 1), crnr(cr, 2)) = Chr$(239)
T$ = "" 'load the maze into t$
For y = 1 To 25: For x = 0 To 80: T$ = T$ + mz$(x, y): Next x: Next y
ll$ = String$(81, 219) 'top and botton maze display edges becasue I didn't want to fix the maze generator to account for top and bottom edge
lastX = herox: lasty = heroy
Do 'game play loop
_Limit 20
Mid$(T$, (heroy) * 81 + herox - 81) = Chr$(1)
_PrintString (1, 1), ll$: _PrintString (1, 27), ll$: _PrintString (1, 2), T$
_PrintString (1, 28), String$(80, " ")
pcc$ = "Hit Points: " + Str$(php) + " Power: " + Str$(ppow) + " Gems: " + Str$(pgems)
_PrintString (3, 28), pcc$
If _KeyDown(19200) Then herox = herox - 1
If _KeyDown(19712) Then herox = herox + 1
If _KeyDown(18432) Then heroy = heroy - 1
If _KeyDown(20480) Then heroy = heroy + 1
If herox < 1 Then herox = 1
If herox > _Width Then herox = _Width
If heroy < 1 Then heroy = 1
If heroy > 25 Then heroy = 25
Mid$(T$, (lasty) * 81 + lastX - 81) = "."
If Mid$(T$, (heroy * 81 + herox - 81), 1) = Chr$(219) Then
herox = lastX: heroy = lasty
End If
For lp = 1 To 3
If Mid$(T$, (heroy * 81 + herox - 81), 1) = Chr$(loot(lp)) Then
Select Case lp
Case 1
pgems = pgems + 1
Case 2
php = php + 3
Case 3
ppow = ppow + 2
End Select
End If
Next lp
If Mid$(T$, (heroy * 81 + herox - 81), 1) = Chr$(239) Then
Beep: Cls: Print: Print "Continue to Next Level ?": Print: Input "Yes or No", ask$
If Left$(UCase$(ask$), 1) = "N" Then
heroy = lasty: herox = lastX
Cls: GoTo newlevel
End If
End If
lastX = herox: lasty = heroy
k$ = InKey$
Loop Until k$ = Chr$(27)