This is one keyword that tells me that "AS _BIT" is worthless. Cannot be the return value of a function which turned me off straight away and forced me to use "AS _BYTE" which I don't like neither. Also the other-worldly behavior of "NOT" caused me to reject "AS _BIT".
"_TOGGLEBIT" and the others are just easier, don't even have to declare an array to have up to 64 on/off switches. Now only if we were all more consistent about ON or OFF, ZERO or ONE, TRUE or FALSE, YES or NO, MALE or FEMALE, BLACK or WHITE... maybe not that last one but it could describe some people with one-track minds.
"_TOGGLEBIT" and the others are just easier, don't even have to declare an array to have up to 64 on/off switches. Now only if we were all more consistent about ON or OFF, ZERO or ONE, TRUE or FALSE, YES or NO, MALE or FEMALE, BLACK or WHITE... maybe not that last one but it could describe some people with one-track minds.