I just did one of these the other day, and it's in my BadLimits post:
Use the above function to remove from left side, right side, or the whole string, whatever characters you want removed.
Code: (Select All)
Function RemoveCharacters$ (passed_from_what As String, what_character As String, from_which_side As Integer)
'from_which_side: 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = left and right, 0 = whole string
Dim from_what As String
from_what = passed_from_what
If from_which_side = 0 Then 'strip from the whole string
p = InStr(from_what, what_character)
If p Then from_what = Left$(from_what, p - 1) + Mid$(from_what, p + 1)
Loop Until p = 0
End If
If from_which_side And 1 Then 'strip from the left
Do Until Left$(from_what, 1) <> what_character
from_what = Mid$(from_what, 2)
End If
If from_which_side And 2 Then 'strip from the right
Do Until Right$(from_what, 1) <> what_character
from_what = Left$(from_what, Len(from_what) - 1)
End If
RemoveCharacters = from_what
End Function
Use the above function to remove from left side, right side, or the whole string, whatever characters you want removed.
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