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3D Ferris Wheel
Thank you for the kind words!   

The island was the original project, but once that was made I wondered what could be done with it.    Before the Ferris wheel, I was messing around with throwing sticks, which eventually became throwing axes.  

If you want to try it, press the down arrow key to throw an axe.   I set the max at 100.    

Code: (Select All)
'Axe Island - james2464 - Jan 2023
'Credit to 3D program and tutorial by MasterGy

Option _Explicit
Randomize Timer

Screen _NewImage(1000, 1000, 32)

Const pip180 = 3.141592 / 180

Dim Shared c(100) As Long
Dim scr, da, db, da2, dega, db2, degb, ss, ap, sqa
Dim sky_points, sky_image, actual_point, asq
Dim wx0, wy0, wz0, wx1, wy1, wz1, wx2, wy2, wz2, wx3, wy3, wz3, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, sx3, sy3
Dim Shared mousex, mousey, mw, mouse_sens, vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, speed, moving
Dim sp3
Dim t
Dim Shared trx(5000), try(5000), trz(5000) 'terrain points
Dim Shared fr1(5000), fr2(5000), fr3(5000) 'terrain point groups
Dim Shared maxterrain
Dim Shared deep(1000, 1000), ed(4)
Dim Shared xm, ym
Dim Shared or1(5), key1, keyct, ks, ksct, oc




Dim Shared ground1, sky1, panel1, treering(4), cbx(200)

ground1 = _NewImage(500, 500, 32): makeground
sky1 = _NewImage(750, 750, 32): makesky
treering(1) = _NewImage(400, 400, 32)
treering(2) = _NewImage(400, 400, 32)
treering(3) = _NewImage(400, 400, 32)
treering(4) = _NewImage(400, 400, 32): maketreerings
panel1 = _NewImage(500, 500, 32): makepanel

For t = 1 To 20: cbx(t) = _NewImage(400, 400, 32): Next t: makepallette

Dim Shared tximage(200)
For t = 1 To 20: tximage(t) = _CopyImage(cbx(t), 33): Next t

tximage(0) = _CopyImage(ground1, 33)
tximage(195) = _CopyImage(panel1, 33)
tximage(197) = _CopyImage(treering(1), 33)
tximage(198) = _CopyImage(treering(2), 33)
tximage(199) = _CopyImage(treering(3), 33)

Type rawobject
    n As Integer 'object drawing number
    n2 As Integer 'drawing detail number
    n3 As Integer 'total number of details
    x1 As Single
    y1 As Single
    z1 As Single
    x2 As Single
    y2 As Single
    z2 As Single
    x3 As Single
    y3 As Single
    z3 As Single
    x4 As Single
    y4 As Single
    z4 As Single
    ix As Single 'image x
    iy As Single 'image y
    in As Integer 'image number - tximage()
End Type
Dim Shared raw(1000) As rawobject

Type xyzgroup
    x As Single
    y As Single
    z As Single
End Type

Type axisgroup
    xy As Single
    yz As Single
    xz As Single
End Type

Type mapobject
    det As rawobject 'details
    pos1 As xyzgroup 'position
    ori As axisgroup 'orientation
    vel1 As xyzgroup 'velocity
    sp As Single 'speed
    sc As Single 'scale
End Type

Dim Shared foo(900) As mapobject 'fixed objects eg water
Dim Shared moo(900) As mapobject 'moveable objects
Dim Shared post(100, 50) As mapobject 'specific object called 'post' which has 5 surfaces
Dim Shared stk(100, 50) As mapobject 'stick to throw

'create texture point data array
Dim Shared tx(500, 19), txtot, rawtxtot, mootxtot

'objects and data points
Data 1,1,1,-1000,0,200,-1000,0,-200,1000,0,200,1000,0,-200,500,100,12: 'wall
Data 2,1,1,-4000,-4000,0,-4000,4000,0,4000,-4000,0,4000,4000,0,500,100,3: 'water
Data 3,1,5,-.5,-.5,0,.5,-.5,0,-.5,-.5,-20,.5,-.5,-20,100,100,6: 'post
Data 3,2,5,-.5,.5,0,.5,.5,0,-.5,.5,-20,.5,.5,-20,100,100,6: 'post
Data 3,3,5,-.5,-.5,0,-.5,.5,0,-.5,-.5,-20,-.5,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'post
Data 3,4,5,.5,-.5,0,.5,.5,0,.5,-.5,-20,.5,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'post
Data 3,5,5,.5,-.5,-20,.5,.5,-20,-.5,-.5,-20,-.5,.5,-20,100,100,0: 'post top
Data 4,1,5,-.1,-.1,0,.1,-.1,0,-3,-3,-19,3,-3,-19,100,100,6: 'block
Data 4,2,5,-.1,.1,0,.1,.1,0,-3,3,-19,3,3,-19,100,100,6: 'block
Data 4,3,5,-.1,-.1,0,-.1,.1,0,-3,-3,-19,-3,3,-19,100,100,2: 'block
Data 4,4,5,.1,-.1,0,.1,.1,0,3,-3,-19,3,3,-19,100,100,2: 'block
Data 4,5,5,3,-3,-19,3,3,-19,-3,-3,-19,-3,3,-19,100,100,0: 'block top
Data 4,5,5,3,-3,-19,3,3,-19,-3,-3,-22,-3,3,-22,100,100,0: 'block top
Data 5,1,19,-1.5,-1.5,0,1.5,-1.5,0,-2.5,-1.5,20,.5,-1.5,20,100,100,6: 'stick
Data 5,2,1,-1.5,1.5,0,1.5,1.5,0,-2.5,1.5,20,.5,1.5,20,100,100,6: 'stick
Data 5,3,1,-1.5,-1.5,0,-1.5,1.5,0,-2.5,-1.5,20,-2.5,1.5,20,100,100,2: 'stick
Data 5,4,1,1.5,-1.5,0,1.5,1.5,0,.5,-1.5,20,.5,1.5,20,100,100,2: 'stick
Data 5,5,1,.5,-1.5,20,.5,1.5,20,-2.5,-1.5,20,-2.5,1.5,20,100,100,11: 'stick top
Data 5,6,1,-1.5,-1.5,0,1.5,-1.5,0,-2.2,-1.5,-20,.8,-1.5,-20,100,100,6: 'stick
Data 5,7,1,-1.5,1.5,0,1.5,1.5,0,-2.2,1.5,-20,.8,1.5,-20,100,100,6: 'stick
Data 5,8,1,-1.5,-1.5,0,-1.5,1.5,0,-2.2,-1.5,-20,-2.2,1.5,-20,100,100,2: 'stick
Data 5,9,1,1.5,-1.5,0,1.5,1.5,0,.8,-1.5,-20,.8,1.5,-20,100,100,2: 'stick
Data 5,10,1,.8,-1.5,-20,.8,1.5,-20,-2.2,-1.5,-20,-2.2,1.5,-20,100,100,11: 'stick top
Data 5,11,1,-9,0,-20,-9,0,-20,3,3,-17,3,-3,-17,100,100,9: 'axe top cover
Data 5,12,1,-10,0,-17,-9,0,-20,3,3,-16,3,3,-17,100,100,10: 'axe top edge
Data 5,13,1,-10,0,-17,-9,0,-20,3,-3,-16,3,-3,-17,100,100,7: 'axe top edge
Data 5,14,1,-10,0,-14,-10,0,-17,3,3,-15,3,3,-16,100,100,10: 'axe mid edge
Data 5,15,1,-10,0,-14,-10,0,-17,3,-3,-15,3,-3,-16,100,100,7: 'axe mid edge
Data 5,16,1,-10,0,-14,-9,0,-11,3,3,-15,3,3,-14,100,100,10: 'axe bottom edge
Data 5,17,1,-10,0,-14,-9,0,-11,3,-3,-15,3,-3,-14,100,100,7: 'axe bottom edge
Data 5,18,1,-9,0,-11,-9,0,-11,3,3,-14,3,-3,-14,100,100,9: 'axe bottom cover
Data 5,19,1,3,3,-17,3,3,-14,3,-3,-17,3,-3,-14,100,100,8: 'axe back cover
Data 6,1,11,-.3827,-.9239,1,.3827,-.9239,1,-.3827,-.9239,-15,.3827,-.9239,-15,100,100,6: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,.3827,-.9239,1,.9239,-.3827,1,.3827,-.9239,-15,.9239,-.3827,-15,100,100,2: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,.9239,-.3827,1,.9239,.3827,1,.9239,-.3827,-15,.9239,.3827,-15,100,100,6: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,.9239,.3827,1,.3827,.9239,1,.9239,.3827,-15,.3827,.9239,-15,100,100,2: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,.3827,.9239,1,-.3827,.9239,1,.3827,.9239,-15,-.3827,.9239,-15,100,100,6: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,-.3827,.9239,1,-.9239,.3827,1,-.3827,.9239,-15,-.9239,.3827,-15,100,100,2: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,-.9239,.3827,1,-.9239,-.3827,1,-.9239,.3827,-15,-.9239,-.3827,-15,100,100,6: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,-.9239,-.3827,1,-.3827,-.9239,1,-.9239,-.3827,-15,-.3827,-.9239,-15,100,100,2: 'trunk
Data 6,1,1,-.9239,.9239,-15,.9239,.9239,-15,-.9239,.3827,-15,.9239,.3827,-15,400,133,197: 'trunk top
Data 6,1,1,-.9239,.3827,-15,.9239,.3827,-15,-.9239,-.3827,-15,.9239,-.3827,-15,400,133,198: 'trunk top
Data 6,1,1,-.9239,-.9239,-15,.9239,-.9239,-15,-.9239,-.3827,-15,.9239,-.3827,-15,400,133,199: 'trunk top
Data 7,1,6,-15,-.5,0,15,-.5,0,-15,-.5,-20,15,-.5,-20,300,300,195: 'wall
Data 7,2,1,-15,.5,0,15,.5,0,-15,.5,-20,15,.5,-20,300,300,195: 'wall
Data 7,3,1,-15,-.5,0,-15,.5,0,-15,-.5,-20,-15,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'wall
Data 7,4,1,15,-.5,0,15,.5,0,15,-.5,-20,15,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'wall
Data 7,5,1,15,-.5,-20,15,.5,-20,-15,-.5,-20,-15,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'wall top
Data 7,5,1,15,-.5,0,15,.5,0,-15,-.5,0,-15,.5,0,100,100,2: 'wall top
Data 8,1,5,-10,-.5,0,10,-.5,0,-10,-.5,-20,10,-.5,-20,300,300,195: 'wall
Data 8,2,5,-10,.5,0,10,.5,0,-10,.5,-20,10,.5,-20,300,300,195: 'wall
Data 8,3,5,-10,-.5,0,-10,.5,0,-10,-.5,-20,-10,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'wall
Data 8,4,5,10,-.5,0,10,.5,0,10,-.5,-20,10,.5,-20,100,100,2: 'wall
Data 8,5,5,10,-.5,-20,10,.5,-20,-10,-.5,-20,-10,.5,-20,100,100,5: 'wall top
Data 9,1,5,-15,-.5,0,15,-.5,0,-15,-.5,-20,15,-.5,-20,100,100,195: 'wall
Data 9,2,5,-15,.5,0,15,.5,0,-15,.5,-20,15,.5,-20,100,100,195: 'wall
Data 9,3,5,-15,-.5,0,-15,.5,0,-15,-.5,-20,-15,.5,-20,100,100,195: 'wall
Data 9,4,5,15,-.5,0,15,.5,0,15,-.5,-20,15,.5,-20,100,100,195: 'wall
Data 9,5,5,15,-.5,-20,15,.5,-20,-15,-.5,-20,-15,.5,-20,100,100,195: 'wall end
Data 9,5,5,15,-.5,0,15,.5,0,-15,-.5,0,-15,.5,0,100,100,195: 'wall end

rawtxtot = 60: txtot = rawtxtot

'read data into array tx()
Dim t2
For t = 1 To txtot
    For t2 = 1 To 18
        Read tx(t, t2)
    Next t2
    'create 'raw' objects
    raw(t).n = tx(t, 1): raw(t).n2 = tx(t, 2): raw(t).n3 = tx(t, 3)
    raw(t).x1 = tx(t, 4): raw(t).y1 = tx(t, 5): raw(t).z1 = tx(t, 6)
    raw(t).x2 = tx(t, 7): raw(t).y2 = tx(t, 8): raw(t).z2 = tx(t, 9)
    raw(t).x3 = tx(t, 10): raw(t).y3 = tx(t, 11): raw(t).z3 = tx(t, 12)
    raw(t).x4 = tx(t, 13): raw(t).y4 = tx(t, 14): raw(t).z4 = tx(t, 15)
    raw(t).ix = tx(t, 16): raw(t).iy = tx(t, 17): raw(t).in = tx(t, 18)
Next t

Dim n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'n, x, y, z, sc,ac,ac2

n1 = 2: n2 = 0: n3 = 0: n4 = 500: n5 = 1: n6 = 0: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'water

'giant axe
n1 = 5: n2 = 150: n3 = 75: n4 = 485 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = 1: n6 = 3.14: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'giant axe

'tree stumps
Dim xt, yt, zt
For t = 1 To 15
    xt = Rnd * 100 + 200: yt = Rnd * 320 + 70: zt = exact_deep(yt / 50, xt / 50)
    If zt < -12 Then
        n1 = 6: n2 = xt: n3 = yt: n4 = Rnd * 2 + 522 + zt: n5 = 1.6: n6 = 0: n7 = 0
        foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'tree stump
    End If
    xt = Rnd * 100 + 200: yt = Rnd * 320 + 70: zt = exact_deep(yt / 50, xt / 50)
    If zt < -12 Then
        n1 = 6: n2 = xt: n3 = yt: n4 = Rnd * 2 + 511 + zt: n5 = .8: n6 = 0: n7 = 0
        foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'tree stump
    End If
Next t

'n1 = 9: n2 = 248.5: n3 = 184: n4 = 502 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .3: n6 = 0: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'front counter
'n1 = 9: n2 = 248.5: n3 = 181: n4 = 497 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .3: n6 = 0: n7 = 1.572: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'front counter
n1 = 8: n2 = 250: n3 = 166.7: n4 = 502 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .6: n6 = 0: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'wall
n1 = 7: n2 = 243.65: n3 = 175: n4 = 502 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .6: n6 = 1.57: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'wall
n1 = 7: n2 = 256.35: n3 = 175: n4 = 502 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .6: n6 = 1.57: n7 = 0: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'wall
n1 = 9: n2 = 260: n3 = 177: n4 = 502 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = 1.: n6 = 1.57: n7 = 1.572: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'floor
n1 = 9: n2 = 261: n3 = 175: n4 = 491.5 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .6: n6 = 1.57: n7 = 1.18: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'roof
n1 = 9: n2 = 239: n3 = 175.01: n4 = 491.5 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50): n5 = .6: n6 = 1.57: n7 = -1.18: foocopy n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 'roof

'create spectator
Dim Shared sp(6)
sp(0) = 250 'X position
sp(1) = 250 'Y
sp(2) = 470 'Z
sp(3) = 0 'looking in the direction of the observer XZ
sp(4) = 0 'looking in the direction of the observer YZ
sp(5) = 1 'multiplier X-Y see
sp(6) = 1 'multiplier Z see

'create screen
scr = _NewImage(1000, 1000 / _DesktopWidth * _DesktopHeight, 32)
Screen scr
_Dest scr
_DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software

'sky install
da = 11 'resolution sphere X
db = 7 'resolution sphere Y

sky_points = da * db
Dim sky_points(sky_points - 1, 9), sq(sky_points - 1, 7)
sky_image = _CopyImage(sky1, 33)

For da2 = 0 To da - 1
    dega = 360 / (da - 1) * da2 * pip180
    For db2 = 0 To db - 1
        degb = 180 / (db - 1) * db2 * pip180
        ss = 4000
        ap = da2 * db + db2
        sky_points(ap, 0) = Sin(degb) * Cos(dega) * ss
        sky_points(ap, 1) = Sin(degb) * Sin(dega) * ss
        sky_points(ap, 2) = Cos(degb) * ss
    Next db2
Next da2

For da2 = 0 To da - 2
    For db2 = 0 To db - 2
        sqa = da2 * db + db2
        sq(sqa, 0) = sqa
        sq(sqa, 1) = sq(sqa, 0) + 1
        sq(sqa, 2) = sq(sqa, 0) + db
        sq(sqa, 3) = sq(sqa, 2) + 1
        sq(sqa, 4) = _Width(sky_image) - (_Width(sky_image) / (da - 1) * da2) - 1
        sq(sqa, 5) = _Width(sky_image) - (_Width(sky_image) / (da - 1) * (da2 + 1)) - 1
        sq(sqa, 6) = Int(_Height(sky_image) / (db - 1) * db2)
        sq(sqa, 7) = Int(_Height(sky_image) / (db - 1) * (db2 + 1))
    Next db2
Next da2


    _Limit 40

    'keyboard input
    keyct = keyct + 1
    If keyct > 10 Then 'wait before more input
        key1 = keyboard
        keyct = 0
        key1 = 0
    End If

    'keyboard actions
    If key1 = 1 Then
        ksct = 1
        ks = ks + 1
    End If
    If key1 = 2 Then
        ksct = 1
        ks = ks - 1
        If ks < 1 Then ks = 1
    End If
    ksct = ksct + 1
    If ksct > 200 Then ks = 0

    If key1 = 4 Then
    End If

    If key1 = 3 Then
        If ks < 100 Then throwstick
    End If



    'draw sky    *********************************************************************************
    't = 1  'use for checkered sky

    For actual_point = 0 To sky_points - 1
        sky_points(actual_point, 4) = sky_points(actual_point, 0)
        sky_points(actual_point, 5) = sky_points(actual_point, 1)
        sky_points(actual_point, 6) = sky_points(actual_point, 2)
        r2m sky_points(actual_point, 4), sky_points(actual_point, 5), sky_points(actual_point, 6)
    Next actual_point

    For asq = 0 To sky_points - 1
        wx0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 4) + 0: wy0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 5) + 0: wz0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 6)
        wx1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 4) + 0: wy1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 5) + 0: wz1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 6)
        wx2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 4) + 0: wy2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 5) + 0: wz2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 6)
        wx3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 4) + 0: wy3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 5) + 0: wz3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 6)
        sy0 = sq(asq, 6): sx0 = sq(asq, 4): sy1 = sq(asq, 7): sx1 = sq(asq, 4): sy2 = sq(asq, 6): sx2 = sq(asq, 5): sy3 = sq(asq, 7): sx3 = sq(asq, 5)
        't = t * -1 'use for checkered sky
        'If t > 0 Then 'use for checkered sky
        _MapTriangle (sx0, sy0)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image To(wx0, wy0, wz0)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _Smooth
        _MapTriangle (sx3, sy3)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image To(wx3, wy3, wz3)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _Smooth
        'End If 'use for checkered sky
    Next asq
    ' ****************************************************************************************************


    'mouse input axis movement and mousewheel
    mousex = mousex * .6
    mousey = mousey * .6
    mw = 0
    While _MouseInput: mousex = mousex + _MouseMovementX: mousey = mousey + _MouseMovementY: mw = mw + _MouseWheel: Wend 'movement data read

    'control spectator
    mouse_sens = .0007 'mouse rotating sensitive
    sp(3) = sp(3) - mousex * mouse_sens
    sp(4) = sp(4) + mousey * mouse_sens
    If Abs(sp(4)) > _Pi / 2 Then sp(4) = _Pi / 2 * Sgn(sp(4))
    sp3 = sp(3) + (_KeyDown(Asc("d")) - _KeyDown(Asc("a"))) * 90 * pip180
    vec_x = (Sin(sp3) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
    vec_y = (Cos(sp3) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
    vec_z = -Sin(sp(4) + _Pi)
    If _KeyDown(Asc("a")) Or _KeyDown(Asc("d")) Then vec_z = 0
    speed = .3 'moving speed
    moving = Abs(_MouseButton(1) Or _KeyDown(Asc("w")) Or _KeyDown(Asc("a")) Or _KeyDown(Asc("d"))) * speed - Abs(_MouseButton(2) Or _KeyDown(Asc("s"))) * speed
    sp(0) = sp(0) + vec_x * moving
    sp(1) = sp(1) + vec_y * moving
    'sp(2) = sp(2) + vec_z * moving

    '_PutImage (0, 0)-(150, 150), ground1

    'find current terrain location
    xm = sp(0) / 50
    ym = sp(1) / 50

    If sp(0) > 3 And sp(0) < 498 Then
        If sp(1) > 3 And sp(1) < 498 Then
            sp(2) = 494 + exact_deep(ym, xm)
        End If
        sp(2) = 494
    End If

    Locate 1, 1
    'Print vec_x
    'Print vec_y

Loop Until _KeyDown(27)


Function keyboard
    keyboard = 0

    If _KeyDown(19712) Then '                                IF right arrow key was pressed
        keyboard = 1
    End If

    If _KeyDown(19200) Then '                                IF left arrow key was pressed
        keyboard = 2
    End If

    If _KeyDown(20480) Then '                                IF down arrow key was pressed
        keyboard = 3
    End If

    If _KeyDown(18432) Then '                                IF up arrow key was pressed
        keyboard = 4
    End If

End Function

Function exact_deep (x, y)
    Dim x1, y1, x2, y2, p0, p1, p2, p3, aposx, aposy, q
    x1 = Int(x) + 1: x2 = x1 + 1: aposx = x - (x1 - 1)
    y1 = Int(y) + 1: y2 = y1 + 1: aposy = y - (y1 - 1)

    p1 = deep(x2, y1)
    p2 = deep(x1, y2)

    If aposx * aposx + aposy * aposy < (1 - aposx) * (1 - aposx) + (1 - aposy) * (1 - aposy) Then
        p0 = deep(x1, y1)
        q = p0 + aposx * (p1 - p0) + aposy * (p2 - p0)
        p3 = deep(x2, y2)
        q = p3 + (1 - aposy) * (p1 - p3) + (1 - aposx) * (p2 - p3)
    End If

    exact_deep = q

End Function

Sub throwstick
    Dim n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 'n, x, y, z, sc
    n1 = 5
    n2 = sp(0)
    n3 = sp(1)
    'n4 = 495 + exact_deep(n3 / 50, n2 / 50)
    n4 = sp(2)
    n5 = .09
    newstick n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 'stick

End Sub

Sub deletepost
    post(ks, 1).det.n = 0
End Sub

Sub deletestick
    stk(ks, 1).det.n = 0
End Sub

Sub r2m (x, y, z)
    Dim x2, y2, z2
    x2 = x - sp(0)
    y2 = y - sp(1)
    z2 = z - sp(2)
    rotate_2d x2, y2, sp(3)
    rotate_2d y2, z2, sp(4) + _Pi / 2
    x = x2 * sp(5)
    y = y2 * sp(5)
    z = z2 * sp(6)
End Sub

Sub rotate_2d (x, y, ang)
    Dim x1, y1
    x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang)
    y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang)
    x = x1: y = y1
End Sub

Sub processterrain
    Dim x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
    Dim xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3
    Dim flag, ct, scale1, shx, shy, shz, txm
    flag = 0
    ct = 0
    scale1 = 1.
    shx = 0 'shift x position
    shy = 0 'shift y position
    shz = 502 'shift z position

        ct = ct + 1

        x1 = trx(fr1(ct)): y1 = try(fr1(ct)): z1 = trz(fr1(ct))
        x2 = trx(fr2(ct)): y2 = try(fr2(ct)): z2 = trz(fr2(ct))
        x3 = trx(fr3(ct)): y3 = try(fr3(ct)): z3 = trz(fr3(ct))

        xx1 = x1: yy1 = y1
        xx2 = x2: yy2 = y2
        xx3 = x3: yy3 = y3

        x1 = x1 * scale1: y1 = y1 * scale1: 'z1 = z1 * scale1
        x2 = x2 * scale1: y2 = y2 * scale1: 'z2 = z2 * scale1
        x3 = x3 * scale1: y3 = y3 * scale1: 'z3 = z3 * scale1
        x4 = x4 * scale1: y4 = y4 * scale1: 'z4 = z4 * scale1

        x1 = x1 + shx: y1 = y1 + shy: z1 = z1 + shz
        x2 = x2 + shx: y2 = y2 + shy: z2 = z2 + shz
        x3 = x3 + shx: y3 = y3 + shy: z3 = z3 + shz
        x4 = x4 + shx: y4 = y4 + shy: z4 = z4 + shz

        r2m x1, y1, z1
        r2m x2, y2, z2
        r2m x3, y3, z3

        txm = 0
        _MapTriangle (xx1, yy1)-(xx2, yy2)-(xx3, yy3), tximage(txm) To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth

        If ct >= maxterrain Then flag = 1
    Loop Until flag = 1

End Sub

Sub foocopy (n, x, y, z, sc, ac, ac2)
    Dim t, t2, flag, xt, yt, zt
    oc = oc + 1 'object count - used for object id number

    For t = 1 To rawtxtot 'find number of details in this object
        If raw(t).n = n Then
            t2 = 1
            flag = 0
            Do 'search foo() array for availability
                If foo(t2).det.n = 0 Then
                    flag = 1
                    t2 = t2 + 1
                End If
            Loop Until flag > 0
            't2 is next available array position

            foo(t2).det.n = n: foo(t2).pos1.x = x: foo(t2).pos1.y = y: foo(t2).pos1.z = z: foo(t2).sc = sc

            xt = raw(t).x1: yt = raw(t).y1: zt = raw(t).z1: objrotation xt, yt, zt, ac, ac2: foo(t2).det.x1 = xt * sc: foo(t2).det.y1 = yt * sc: foo(t2).det.z1 = zt * sc
            xt = raw(t).x2: yt = raw(t).y2: zt = raw(t).z2: objrotation xt, yt, zt, ac, ac2: foo(t2).det.x2 = xt * sc: foo(t2).det.y2 = yt * sc: foo(t2).det.z2 = zt * sc
            xt = raw(t).x3: yt = raw(t).y3: zt = raw(t).z3: objrotation xt, yt, zt, ac, ac2: foo(t2).det.x3 = xt * sc: foo(t2).det.y3 = yt * sc: foo(t2).det.z3 = zt * sc
            xt = raw(t).x4: yt = raw(t).y4: zt = raw(t).z4: objrotation xt, yt, zt, ac, ac2: foo(t2).det.x4 = xt * sc: foo(t2).det.y4 = yt * sc: foo(t2).det.z4 = zt * sc

            'foo(t2).det.x1 = raw(t).x1 * sc: foo(t2).det.y1 = raw(t).y1 * sc: foo(t2).det.z1 = raw(t).z1 * sc
            'foo(t2).det.x2 = raw(t).x2 * sc: foo(t2).det.y2 = raw(t).y2 * sc: foo(t2).det.z2 = raw(t).z2 * sc
            'foo(t2).det.x3 = raw(t).x3 * sc: foo(t2).det.y3 = raw(t).y3 * sc: foo(t2).det.z3 = raw(t).z3 * sc
            'foo(t2).det.x4 = raw(t).x4 * sc: foo(t2).det.y4 = raw(t).y4 * sc: foo(t2).det.z4 = raw(t).z4 * sc

            foo(t2).det.ix = raw(t).ix: foo(t2).det.iy = raw(t).iy: foo(t2) = raw(t).in
        End If
    Next t
End Sub

Sub objrotation (x, y, z, a, a2)
    Dim xt, yt, zt, h, h1, h2, xt2, yt2, zt2
    Dim y2
    'yz rotation
    yt = y: zt = z
    h = _Hypot(zt, yt)
    h1 = _Atan2(yt, zt)
    h2 = h1 - a2
    yt2 = Sin(h2) * h
    zt2 = Cos(h2) * h
    y2 = yt2
    z = zt2
    'xy rotation
    xt = x: yt = y2
    h = _Hypot(yt, xt)
    h1 = _Atan2(xt, yt)
    h2 = h1 - a
    xt2 = Sin(h2) * h
    yt2 = Cos(h2) * h
    x = xt2
    y = yt2
End Sub

Sub moocopy (n, x, y, z, sc)
    Dim t, t2, flag
    oc = oc + 1 'object count - used for object id number

    For t = 1 To rawtxtot 'find number of details in this object
        If raw(t).n = n Then
            t2 = 1
            flag = 0
            Do 'search moo() array for availability
                If moo(t2).det.n = 0 Then
                    flag = 1
                    t2 = t2 + 1
                End If
            Loop Until flag > 0
            't2 is next available array position

            moo(t2).det.n = n: moo(t2).pos1.x = x: moo(t2).pos1.y = y: moo(t2).pos1.z = z: moo(t2).sc = sc
            moo(t2).det.x1 = raw(t).x1 * sc: moo(t2).det.y1 = raw(t).y1 * sc: moo(t2).det.z1 = raw(t).z1 * sc
            moo(t2).det.x2 = raw(t).x2 * sc: moo(t2).det.y2 = raw(t).y2 * sc: moo(t2).det.z2 = raw(t).z2 * sc
            moo(t2).det.x3 = raw(t).x3 * sc: moo(t2).det.y3 = raw(t).y3 * sc: moo(t2).det.z3 = raw(t).z3 * sc
            moo(t2).det.x4 = raw(t).x4 * sc: moo(t2).det.y4 = raw(t).y4 * sc: moo(t2).det.z4 = raw(t).z4 * sc
            moo(t2).det.ix = raw(t).ix: moo(t2).det.iy = raw(t).iy: moo(t2) = raw(t).in
        End If
    Next t
End Sub

Sub postcopy (n, x, y, z, sc)
    Dim t, t2, t3, flag

    t2 = 1
    Do 'search moo() array for availability
        If post(t2, 1).det.n = 0 Then
            flag = 1
            t2 = t2 + 1
            If t2 > 99 Then flag = 2
        End If
    Loop Until flag > 0
    't2 is next available array position

    If flag < 2 Then

        t3 = 0
        For t = 1 To rawtxtot
            If raw(t).n = n Then
                t3 = t3 + 1
                post(t2, t3).det.n = n: post(t2, t3).pos1.x = x: post(t2, t3).pos1.y = y: post(t2, t3).pos1.z = z: post(t2, t3).sc = sc
                post(t2, t3).det.x1 = raw(t).x1 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.y1 = raw(t).y1 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.z1 = raw(t).z1 * sc
                post(t2, t3).det.x2 = raw(t).x2 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.y2 = raw(t).y2 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.z2 = raw(t).z2 * sc
                post(t2, t3).det.x3 = raw(t).x3 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.y3 = raw(t).y3 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.z3 = raw(t).z3 * sc
                post(t2, t3).det.x4 = raw(t).x4 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.y4 = raw(t).y4 * sc: post(t2, t3).det.z4 = raw(t).z4 * sc
                post(t2, t3).det.ix = raw(t).ix: post(t2, t3).det.iy = raw(t).iy: post(t2, t3) = raw(t).in
            End If
        Next t
    End If
End Sub

Sub newstick (n, x, y, z, sc)
    Dim t, t2, t3, flag
    Dim vx, vy, vz, spd, ori

    t2 = 1
    Do 'search moo() array for availability
        If stk(t2, 1).det.n = 0 Then
            flag = 1
            t2 = t2 + 1
            If t2 > 99 Then flag = 2
        End If
    Loop Until flag > 0
    't2 is next available array position

    If flag < 2 Then
        vx = vec_x: vy = vec_y: vz = vec_z
        vx = vx * (Rnd * .2 + .9)
        vy = vy * (Rnd * .2 + .9)
        vz = vz * (Rnd * .2 + .9) - .5
        spd = Rnd * .4 + 1.4
        ori = Rnd * .15 + .1: ori = ori * -1
        t3 = 0
        For t = 1 To rawtxtot
            If raw(t).n = n Then
                t3 = t3 + 1
                stk(t2, t3).det.n = n: stk(t2, t3).pos1.x = x: stk(t2, t3).pos1.y = y: stk(t2, t3).pos1.z = z: stk(t2, t3).sc = sc
                stk(t2, t3).det.x1 = raw(t).x1 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.y1 = raw(t).y1 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.z1 = raw(t).z1 * sc
                stk(t2, t3).det.x2 = raw(t).x2 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.y2 = raw(t).y2 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.z2 = raw(t).z2 * sc
                stk(t2, t3).det.x3 = raw(t).x3 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.y3 = raw(t).y3 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.z3 = raw(t).z3 * sc
                stk(t2, t3).det.x4 = raw(t).x4 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.y4 = raw(t).y4 * sc: stk(t2, t3).det.z4 = raw(t).z4 * sc
                stk(t2, t3).det.ix = raw(t).ix: stk(t2, t3).det.iy = raw(t).iy: stk(t2, t3) = raw(t).in
                stk(t2, t3).det.n3 = raw(t).n3
                'set velocity and rotation
                stk(t2, t3).vel1.x = vx
                stk(t2, t3).vel1.y = vy
                stk(t2, t3).vel1.z = vz
                stk(t2, t3).sp = spd
                stk(t2, t3).ori.xz = ori

            End If
        Next t
    End If
End Sub

Sub moorotate
    Dim t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4

    For t = 1 To mootxtot
        If moo(t).det.n = or1(1) Then
            x1 = moo(t).det.x1: y1 = moo(t).det.y1
            xyrotation x1, y1, or1(5)
            x2 = moo(t).det.x2: y2 = moo(t).det.y2
            xyrotation x2, y2, or1(5)
            x3 = moo(t).det.x3: y3 = moo(t).det.y3
            xyrotation x3, y3, or1(5)
            x4 = moo(t).det.x4: y4 = moo(t).det.y4
            xyrotation x4, y4, or1(5)
            moo(t).det.x1 = x1: moo(t).det.y1 = y1
            moo(t).det.x2 = x2: moo(t).det.y2 = y2
            moo(t).det.x3 = x3: moo(t).det.y3 = y3
            moo(t).det.x4 = x4: moo(t).det.y4 = y4
        End If
    Next t
End Sub

Sub processfootextures
    Dim t, x, y, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
    Dim flag

    flag = 0
    t = 1

        x1 = foo(t).det.x1 + foo(t).pos1.x: y1 = foo(t).det.y1 + foo(t).pos1.y: z1 = foo(t).det.z1 + foo(t).pos1.z
        x2 = foo(t).det.x2 + foo(t).pos1.x: y2 = foo(t).det.y2 + foo(t).pos1.y: z2 = foo(t).det.z2 + foo(t).pos1.z
        x3 = foo(t).det.x3 + foo(t).pos1.x: y3 = foo(t).det.y3 + foo(t).pos1.y: z3 = foo(t).det.z3 + foo(t).pos1.z
        x4 = foo(t).det.x4 + foo(t).pos1.x: y4 = foo(t).det.y4 + foo(t).pos1.y: z4 = foo(t).det.z4 + foo(t).pos1.z
        x = foo(t).det.ix: y = foo(t).det.iy
        r2m x1, y1, z1
        r2m x2, y2, z2
        r2m x3, y3, z3
        r2m x4, y4, z4
        _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(foo(t) To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
        _MapTriangle (x, y)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(foo(t) To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth

        t = t + 1
        If foo(t).det.n = 0 Then flag = 1

    Loop Until flag > 0

End Sub

Sub processmootextures
    Dim t, x, y, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
    Dim flag

    flag = 0
    t = 1

        x1 = moo(t).det.x1 + moo(t).pos1.x: y1 = moo(t).det.y1 + moo(t).pos1.y: z1 = moo(t).det.z1 + moo(t).pos1.z
        x2 = moo(t).det.x2 + moo(t).pos1.x: y2 = moo(t).det.y2 + moo(t).pos1.y: z2 = moo(t).det.z2 + moo(t).pos1.z
        x3 = moo(t).det.x3 + moo(t).pos1.x: y3 = moo(t).det.y3 + moo(t).pos1.y: z3 = moo(t).det.z3 + moo(t).pos1.z
        x4 = moo(t).det.x4 + moo(t).pos1.x: y4 = moo(t).det.y4 + moo(t).pos1.y: z4 = moo(t).det.z4 + moo(t).pos1.z
        x = moo(t).det.ix: y = moo(t).det.iy
        r2m x1, y1, z1
        r2m x2, y2, z2
        r2m x3, y3, z3
        r2m x4, y4, z4
        _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(moo(t) To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
        _MapTriangle (x, y)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(moo(t) To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth

        t = t + 1
        If moo(t).det.n = 0 Then flag = 1

    Loop Until flag > 0

End Sub

Sub processposttextures
    Dim x, y, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
    Dim k, t2, t3

    For t2 = 1 To 100

        If post(t2, 1).det.n > 0 Then
            For t3 = 1 To 6
                x1 = post(t2, t3).det.x1 + post(t2, t3).pos1.x: y1 = post(t2, t3).det.y1 + post(t2, t3).pos1.y: z1 = post(t2, t3).det.z1 + post(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x2 = post(t2, t3).det.x2 + post(t2, t3).pos1.x: y2 = post(t2, t3).det.y2 + post(t2, t3).pos1.y: z2 = post(t2, t3).det.z2 + post(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x3 = post(t2, t3).det.x3 + post(t2, t3).pos1.x: y3 = post(t2, t3).det.y3 + post(t2, t3).pos1.y: z3 = post(t2, t3).det.z3 + post(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x4 = post(t2, t3).det.x4 + post(t2, t3).pos1.x: y4 = post(t2, t3).det.y4 + post(t2, t3).pos1.y: z4 = post(t2, t3).det.z4 + post(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x = post(t2, t3).det.ix: y = post(t2, t3).det.iy

                'if selected
                If t2 = ks Then
                    k = ksct Mod 20
                    k = k / 10
                    z1 = z1 - k: z2 = z2 - k: z3 = z3 - k: z4 = z4 - k
                End If

                r2m x1, y1, z1
                r2m x2, y2, z2
                r2m x3, y3, z3
                r2m x4, y4, z4
                _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(post(t2, t3) To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
                _MapTriangle (x, y)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(post(t2, t3) To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth

            Next t3
        End If
    Next t2

End Sub

Sub processthrow
    Dim x, y, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
    Dim t2, t3, xt, yt, zt

    For t2 = 1 To 100

        If stk(t2, 1).det.n > 0 Then

            For t3 = 1 To stk(t2, 1).det.n3
                'apply gravity and velocity info
                xt = stk(t2, t3).pos1.x
                yt = stk(t2, t3).pos1.y
                If xt > 0 And xt < 500 Then
                    If yt > 0 And yt < 500 Then

                        xt = stk(t2, t3).pos1.x / 50
                        yt = stk(t2, t3).pos1.y / 50
                        zt = 501 + exact_deep(yt, xt)
                        If stk(t2, t3).pos1.z < zt Then
                            stk(t2, t3).sp = stk(t2, t3).sp * .9995
                            stk(t2, t3).vel1.z = stk(t2, t3).vel1.z + .030
                            stk(t2, t3).sp = 0
                            stk(t2, t3).vel1.x = 0
                            stk(t2, t3).vel1.y = 0
                        End If

                    End If
                End If

                stk(t2, t3).pos1.x = stk(t2, t3).pos1.x + stk(t2, t3).vel1.x * stk(t2, t3).sp
                stk(t2, t3).pos1.y = stk(t2, t3).pos1.y + stk(t2, t3).vel1.y * stk(t2, t3).sp
                stk(t2, t3).pos1.z = stk(t2, t3).pos1.z + stk(t2, t3).vel1.z * stk(t2, t3).sp

                If stk(t2, t3).pos1.z > 501 Then
                    stk(t2, 1).det.n = 0
                End If

                x1 = stk(t2, t3).det.x1 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.x: y1 = stk(t2, t3).det.y1 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.y: z1 = stk(t2, t3).det.z1 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x2 = stk(t2, t3).det.x2 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.x: y2 = stk(t2, t3).det.y2 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.y: z2 = stk(t2, t3).det.z2 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x3 = stk(t2, t3).det.x3 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.x: y3 = stk(t2, t3).det.y3 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.y: z3 = stk(t2, t3).det.z3 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x4 = stk(t2, t3).det.x4 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.x: y4 = stk(t2, t3).det.y4 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.y: z4 = stk(t2, t3).det.z4 + stk(t2, t3).pos1.z
                x = stk(t2, t3).det.ix: y = stk(t2, t3).det.iy

                r2m x1, y1, z1
                r2m x2, y2, z2
                r2m x3, y3, z3
                r2m x4, y4, z4
                _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(stk(t2, t3) To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
                _MapTriangle (x, y)-(0, y)-(x, 0), tximage(stk(t2, t3) To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth

            Next t3
        End If
    Next t2

End Sub

Sub stickrotatexz
    Dim t2, t3, x1, z1, x2, z2, x3, z3, x4, z4
    'or1(5) = -.2
    For t2 = 1 To 100
        If stk(t2, 1).det.n > 0 Then
            If stk(t2, 1).sp > .02 Then
                For t3 = 1 To stk(t2, 1).det.n3
                    or1(5) = stk(t2, t3).ori.xz
                    x1 = stk(t2, t3).det.x1: z1 = stk(t2, t3).det.z1
                    xzrotation x1, z1, or1(5)
                    x2 = stk(t2, t3).det.x2: z2 = stk(t2, t3).det.z2
                    xzrotation x2, z2, or1(5)
                    x3 = stk(t2, t3).det.x3: z3 = stk(t2, t3).det.z3
                    xzrotation x3, z3, or1(5)
                    x4 = stk(t2, t3).det.x4: z4 = stk(t2, t3).det.z4
                    xzrotation x4, z4, or1(5)
                    stk(t2, t3).det.x1 = x1: stk(t2, t3).det.z1 = z1
                    stk(t2, t3).det.x2 = x2: stk(t2, t3).det.z2 = z2
                    stk(t2, t3).det.x3 = x3: stk(t2, t3).det.z3 = z3
                    stk(t2, t3).det.x4 = x4: stk(t2, t3).det.z4 = z4
                Next t3
            End If
        End If
    Next t2
End Sub

Sub xyrotation (x, y, a)
    Dim xt, yt, h, h1, h2, xt2, yt2
    xt = x: yt = y
    h = _Hypot(yt, xt)
    h1 = _Atan2(xt, yt)
    h2 = h1 - a
    xt2 = Sin(h2) * h
    yt2 = Cos(h2) * h
    x = xt2
    y = yt2
End Sub

Sub yzrotation (y, z, a)
    Dim zt, yt, h, h1, h2, zt2, yt2
    zt = z: yt = y
    h = _Hypot(zt, yt)
    h1 = _Atan2(yt, zt)
    h2 = h1 - a
    If h2 < 0 Then h2 = h2 + _Pi * 2
    yt2 = Sin(h2) * h
    zt2 = Cos(h2) * h
    z = zt2
    y = yt2
End Sub

Sub xzrotation (x, z, a)
    Dim zt, xt, h, h1, h2, zt2, xt2
    zt = z: xt = x
    h = _Hypot(zt, xt)
    h1 = _Atan2(xt, zt)
    h2 = h1 - a
    If h2 < 0 Then h2 = h2 + _Pi * 2
    xt2 = Sin(h2) * h
    zt2 = Cos(h2) * h
    z = zt2
    x = xt2
End Sub

Sub makeground
    Dim t, x1, y1, s, s2, x, y, c, ed
    s = 320
    s2 = (500 - s) / 2
    Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(14), BF 'border/beach
    Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(40), BF 'ground background
    For y = 1 To 500
        For x = 1 To 500
            x1 = x / 50
            y1 = y / 50
            ed = exact_deep(y1, x1)
            s = 0 - ed
            c(99) = _RGBA(10 - s / 2, 40 - s / 2, 30 - s / 2, s)
            For t = 1 To 60
                If s > t + 5 Then
                    'PSet (x, y), c(99)
                    Circle (x, y), 1, c(99)
                End If
            Next t

            'texture dots
            s2 = Rnd * 15
            c(99) = _RGBA(120, 100, 70, 5)
            If s2 > 2 Then Circle (x, y), 1, c(99)
            c(99) = _RGBA(125, 95, 70, 5)
            If s2 > 3 Then Circle (x, y), 1, c(99)

        Next x
    Next y
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 500), 0, ground1, (0, 0)-(500, 500)

End Sub

Sub maketerrain
    Dim t, s, x, y, x1, y1, p, q, p2, ct, flag
    Dim xt, yt, xh, yh, vc, dx, dy, pt(4)
    'Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(20), BF 'background
    t = 0
    x1 = 500: y1 = 500
    s = 50
    'create points  (trx,try,trz)
    For x = 0 To x1 Step s
        For y = 0 To y1 Step s
            t = t + 1
            xt = Abs(x): yt = Abs(y)
            'trx(t) = x - s: try(t) = y - s
            trx(t) = x: try(t) = y
            If x > 0 And x < x1 Then
                'trz(t) = -2
                If y > 0 And y < y1 Then
                    'trz(t) = 0
                    trz(t) = 0 - Int(Rnd * 8) - 2
                    xh = Abs(trx(t) - x1 / 2)
                    yh = Abs(try(t) - y1 / 2)
                    vc = _Hypot(xh, yh)
                    vc = 140 - vc
                    trz(t) = trz(t) - vc / 12
                    'trz(t) = trz(t) - (Int(Rnd * vc))
                End If
            End If
        Next y
    Next x

    'create point groups (fr1,fr2,fr3)
    p = Int(x1 / s) + 1
    q = Int(y1 / s) - 1

    p2 = p * q
    t = -1
    flag = 0
    ct = 0
    x = 0
        For x = 1 To p - 1
            t = t + 2
            fr1(t) = x + ct
            fr2(t) = x + ct + 1
            fr3(t) = x + ct + p
            fr1(t + 1) = x + ct + 1
            fr2(t + 1) = x + ct + p
            fr3(t + 1) = x + ct + p + 1
        Next x
        ct = ct + p
        If ct > p2 Then flag = 1
    Loop Until flag = 1
    maxterrain = t + 1

    't = t + 1
    'For ct = 1 To t
    'Print fr1(ct), fr2(ct), fr3(ct)
    'Next ct

    For t = 1 To maxterrain
        Line (trx(fr1(t)), try(fr1(t)))-(trx(fr2(t)), try(fr2(t))), c(1)
        Line (trx(fr2(t)), try(fr2(t)))-(trx(fr3(t)), try(fr3(t))), c(1)
        Line (trx(fr3(t)), try(fr3(t)))-(trx(fr1(t)), try(fr1(t))), c(1)
    Next t

    'set some terrain z points manually
    trz(13) = -8
    trz(24) = -9
    trz(35) = -10
    trz(46) = -9
    trz(57) = -8

    trz(14) = -8
    trz(25) = -9
    trz(36) = -10
    trz(47) = -9
    trz(58) = -8

    trz(15) = -7

    trz(48) = -14
    trz(59) = -14
    trz(70) = -14

    trz(49) = -14
    trz(60) = -14
    trz(71) = -14

    'create DEEP array
    t = 0
    For y = 1 To 11
        For x = 1 To 11
            t = t + 1
            deep(x, y) = trz(t)
            Locate y * 3, x * 6
            Print deep(x, y)
        Next x
    Next y


End Sub

Sub makesky
    Dim t, y, m
    y = 750
    For t = 1 To y
        m = 255 * ((750 - t * .65) / 750)
        c(99) = _RGBA(200, 200, 255, m)
        Line (0, t)-(750, t), c(99)
    Next t
    'For t = 0 To 750 Step 25 'longituge lines
    'Line (t, 0)-(t, 750), c(1)
    'Next t
    'For t = 0 To 750 Step 25 'latitude lines
    'Line (0, t)-(750, t), c(1)
    'Next t
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(750, 750), 0, sky1, (0, 0)-(750, 750)
End Sub

Sub maketreerings
    Dim t, y, m, r1, r2, x1, x2, y1, y2
    y = 200
    For t = 1 To 212 Step .01
        m = t Mod 40
        If m > 20 Then
            m = 150
            m = 100
        End If
        c(99) = _RGB(m, m - 20, m - 40)
        r1 = .390: r2 = 1.250
        x1 = Cos(r1) * t: y1 = Sin(r1) * t
        x2 = Cos(r2) * t: y2 = Sin(r2) * t
        Line (y + x1, y - y1)-(y + x1, y + y1), c(99)
        Line (y + x1, y - y1)-(y + x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x2, y - y2)-(y + x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y - y1)-(y - x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y - y1)-(y - x1, y + y1), c(99)
        Line (y + x1, y + y1)-(y + x2, y + y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x2, y + y2)-(y + x2, y + y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y + y1)-(y - x2, y + y2), c(99)

    Next t

    _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 400), 0, treering(4), (0, 0)-(400, 400)
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 133), 0, treering(1), (1, 1)-(133, 399)
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 133), 0, treering(2), (266, 1)-(134, 399)
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 133), 0, treering(3), (399, 1)-(267, 399)
    _ClearColor c(0), treering(1)
    _ClearColor c(0), treering(2)
    _ClearColor c(0), treering(3)
End Sub

Sub makepanel
    Dim t, y, m, r1, r2, x1, x2, y1, y2
    y = 200
    For t = 1 To 212 Step .01
        m = t Mod 40
        If m > 20 Then
            m = 50
            m = 40
        End If
        c(99) = _RGB(m, m - 5, m - 15)
        r1 = .390: r2 = 1.250
        x1 = Cos(r1) * t: y1 = Sin(r1) * t
        x2 = Cos(r2) * t: y2 = Sin(r2) * t
        Line (y + x1, y - y1)-(y + x1, y + y1), c(99)
        Line (y + x1, y - y1)-(y + x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x2, y - y2)-(y + x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y - y1)-(y - x2, y - y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y - y1)-(y - x1, y + y1), c(99)
        Line (y + x1, y + y1)-(y + x2, y + y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x2, y + y2)-(y + x2, y + y2), c(99)
        Line (y - x1, y + y1)-(y - x2, y + y2), c(99)
    Next t

    _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 133), 0, treering(4), (266, 1)-(134, 399)

    _PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 300), treering(4)
    _PutImage (0, 100)-(500, 400), treering(4)
    _PutImage (0, 200)-(500, 500), treering(4)
    _PutImage (0, 300)-(500, 600), treering(4)
    _PutImage (0, 400)-(500, 700), treering(4)
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 500), 0, panel1, (0, 0)-(500, 500)

End Sub

Sub makepallette
    Dim t
    For t = 1 To 20
        Line (0, 0)-(400, 400), c(t), BF
        _PutImage (0, 0)-(400, 400), 0, cbx(t), (0, 0)-(400, 400)
    Next t
End Sub

Sub colour1
    c(0) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
    c(1) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
    c(2) = _RGB(35, 25, 10)
    c(3) = _RGB(35, 70, 100)
    c(4) = _RGB(40, 250, 10)
    c(5) = _RGB(0, 25, 75)
    c(6) = _RGB(45, 35, 20)
    c(7) = _RGB(100, 100, 105)
    c(8) = _RGB(75, 75, 80)
    c(9) = _RGB(50, 50, 55)
    c(10) = _RGB(95, 95, 100)
    c(11) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
    c(12) = _RGB(35, 25, 10)
    c(13) = _RGB(0, 45, 85)
    c(14) = _RGB(160, 150, 100)
    c(15) = _RGB(0, 25, 75)
    c(16) = _RGB(55, 25, 30)
    c(17) = _RGB(175, 175, 175)
    c(18) = _RGB(100, 100, 100)
    c(20) = _RGB(20, 30, 15)
    c(31) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
    c(32) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
    c(33) = _RGB(0, 55, 255)
    c(34) = _RGB(255, 255, 0)
    c(40) = _RGBA(45, 20, 25, 125)
    c(41) = _RGBA(50, 50, 30, 40)
    c(42) = _RGBA(20, 30, 15, 40)
    c(43) = _RGBA(75, 45, 15, 40)
    c(44) = _RGBA(40, 60, 30, 40)
    c(45) = _RGB(50, 50, 30)
    c(46) = _RGB(20, 30, 15)
    c(47) = _RGB(55, 45, 15)
    c(48) = _RGB(40, 50, 10)
    c(51) = _RGBA(10, 40, 30, 160)
    c(52) = _RGBA(10, 43, 30, 140)
    c(53) = _RGBA(10, 46, 30, 120)
    c(54) = _RGBA(10, 49, 30, 100)
    c(55) = _RGBA(10, 52, 30, 80)
    c(56) = _RGBA(10, 55, 30, 60)
    c(57) = _RGBA(10, 58, 30, 40)
    c(58) = _RGBA(10, 61, 30, 20)
    c(59) = _RGBA(10, 64, 30, 10)

End Sub

Messages In This Thread
3D Ferris Wheel - by james2464 - 02-10-2023, 05:44 AM
RE: 3D Ferris Wheel - by RokCoder - 02-10-2023, 07:14 AM
RE: 3D Ferris Wheel - by bplus - 02-10-2023, 06:20 PM
RE: 3D Ferris Wheel - by OldMoses - 02-11-2023, 02:06 AM
RE: 3D Ferris Wheel - by james2464 - 02-11-2023, 04:51 PM

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