03-04-2023, 06:16 PM
(03-04-2023, 09:00 AM)mdijkens Wrote:Code: (Select All)Type DATATYPE
a As Integer
b As Integer
c As Integer
End Type
ReDim Shared SortedList(32767) As DATATYPE
Randomize Timer
For x% = 0 To UBound(SortedList)
SortedList(x%).a = Int(Rnd * 32768)
Next x%
t# = Timer(.001)
QSort 0, UBound(SortedList)
t2# = Timer(.001)
For x% = 0 To UBound(SortedList)
Print SortedList(x%).a;
Next x%
Print: Print Using "#.### sec"; t2# - t#
Sub QSort (leftN As Long, rightN As Long)
Dim pivot As Long, leftNIdx As Long, rightNIdx As Long
leftNIdx = leftN
rightNIdx = rightN
If (rightN - leftN) > 0 Then
pivot = (leftN + rightN) / 2
While (leftNIdx <= pivot) And (rightNIdx >= pivot)
While SortedList(leftNIdx).a < SortedList(pivot).a And (leftNIdx <= pivot)
leftNIdx = leftNIdx + 1
While SortedList(rightNIdx).a > SortedList(pivot).a And (rightNIdx >= pivot)
rightNIdx = rightNIdx - 1
Swap SortedList(leftNIdx), SortedList(rightNIdx)
leftNIdx = leftNIdx + 1
rightNIdx = rightNIdx - 1
If (leftNIdx - 1) = pivot Then
rightNIdx = rightNIdx + 1
pivot = rightNIdx
ElseIf (rightNIdx + 1) = pivot Then
leftNIdx = leftNIdx - 1
pivot = leftNIdx
End If
QSort leftN, pivot - 1
QSort pivot + 1, rightN
End If
End Sub
Holy heck this routine is fast! It takes 5000 values before it even begins to show a time of .001 sec to complete.