I like the tiny game! Works fine
But about that line count
Search is not helping find Pete's code so here it is instead of link:
But about that line count
Search is not helping find Pete's code so here it is instead of link:
Code: (Select All)
Print "Line count analysis...": Print ' 1
Print "Press [1] to parse all colons or [2] the exclude colons after an IF statement.": Print '2
_Limit 30
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
Select Case b$
Case Chr$(27): System ' 3
Case "1": myopt = 3: Print "Parsing all significant colons...": Print ' 6
Case "2": myopt = 4: Print "Parsing all significant colons not used in IF/THEN one line statements.": Print ' 9
End Select
If myopt Then Exit Do
End If
x$ = _Clipboard$ + Chr$(13)
' parse clipboard
statement$ = UCase$(Mid$(x$, 1, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) - 1))
If statement$ = Chr$(10) Then statement$ = ""
x$ = Mid$(x$, InStr(x$, Chr$(13)) + 1)
If Len(_Trim$(statement$)) Then
program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
For i = 1 To myopt
Select Case i
Case 1: mychr$ = Chr$(34) '10
Case 2: mychr$ = "'" '11
Case 3: mychr$ = "REM " '12
Case 4: mychr$ = " THEN " '13
End Select
Select Case i
Case 1 ' Double polling for enclosed quotes.
Do Until InStr(statement$, mychr$) = 0
If InStr(statement$, mychr$) Then
statement$ = Mid$(statement$, 1, InStr(statement$, mychr$) - 1) + Mid$(statement$, InStr(InStr(statement$, mychr$) + 1, statement$, mychr$) + 1)
End If
Case Else
Do Until InStr(statement$, mychr$) = 0
If InStr(statement$, mychr$) Then
statement$ = Mid$(statement$, 1, InStr(statement$, mychr$) - 1)
End If
End Select
If Right$(RTrim$(statement$), 1) = ":" Then statement$ = Mid$(RTrim$(statement$), 1, Len(RTrim$(statement$)) - 1) ' ??
Rem PRINT statement$,
' count colons
seed% = 0: linecnt = linecnt + 1: real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1 ' 15
Do Until InStr(seed%, statement$, ":") = 0 ' ??
seed% = InStr(seed%, statement$, ":") + 1 ' ??
real_line_cnt = real_line_cnt + 1
program_ide_lines = program_ide_lines + 1
End If
Loop Until x$ = ""
Print "Program IDE lines ="; program_ide_lines; " Line count ="; linecnt; " Real line count ="; real_line_cnt
' 66 lines 9 blank lines = 57 + 15 colons = 72
b = b + ...