03-26-2023, 12:22 PM
Notice if we set NewImage's Y axis to 215, the font text will printed and disappear in moment cca (half second). Strange. If we set the Y-axis value to 216, the text will remain on the screen. But the font size is 72 (this value is also returned by the FontHeight function), so the minimum usable screen size should be 73 pixels in height - but if is screen height lower than 215, is screen without text.
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(800, 215, 32)
F& = LoadFont("BKANT.ttf", 72, "Bold")
Font F&
Print "QB64 Phoenix Edition"
FH = _FontHeight
Line (0, FH + 1)-(_Width - 1, FH + 1)