04-02-2023, 05:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2023, 05:52 PM by TempodiBasic.
Edit Reason: lexical errors
Hi MadSciJr
I'm going on with the project of a dictionary with hashing by string.
I have adapted to the Luke's UDT my routines of managing a dictionary with string key (in this example with one char as key) with this final code...
as you run the code, you will notice that the IDCheck function makes very slower the code from the usage without IDCheck as this screenshot shows.
now it lasts to code FUNCTIONs for overwriting an item (hash key is duplicated: overwrite or discharge data?), appending an item to the same hash key or shifting data to the next unused hash key.
Following the APPEND way we need the Join and Split string functions and the conversion Int2Str, Str2Int, Lng2Str, Str2Lng functions.
Following the SHIFTING way we need a SearchUnusedItem and the FindShiftedData functions.
If it is almost interesting, I will post the other 2 ways with correlate functions the next time.
Thank you for feedbacks
I'm going on with the project of a dictionary with hashing by string.
I have adapted to the Luke's UDT my routines of managing a dictionary with string key (in this example with one char as key) with this final code...
Code: (Select All)
Rem further implementation of dictionary using Luke Ceddia structuredata (UDT)
Rem adapting the code posted by MadSciJr in the following thread
' An hash array dictonary step by step
' by TempodiBasic, 3/14/2023, 11:04 AM
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1547
Dim Shared m_sTitle As String: m_sTitle = "dictionary step 3"
_Title m_sTitle ' display in the Window's title bar
Option _Explicit
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE = Not FALSE
Const cIntDictSize = 1000
Const cIntLookupSize = 32767
' For dictionary by Luke
' Object to store in the symbol table
Type DictionaryType
key As String
intValue As Integer
lngValue As Long
strValue As String
IsDeleted As Integer
End Type ' DictionaryType
Dim Shared ProgramPath$: ProgramPath$ = Left$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\"))
Dim Shared ProgramName$: ProgramName$ = Mid$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\") + 1)
' For dictionary by Luke
ReDim Shared m_arrDict(cIntDictSize) As DictionaryType ' Actual stored obejcts
ReDim Shared m_arrLookup(cIntLookupSize) As Long ' Mapping between hash and index
Dim Shared m_iLastIndex As Long
' For dictionary by TempodiBasic
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1547
' renamed HashString to TempodiIndex
Dim Shared TempodiIndex(0 To 1000) As DictionaryType, InData As DictionaryType ' TempodiData '<--- instance of hashtable
' Local vars
Dim in$
' Run the tests
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub DictionaryTest2
Dim RoutineName As String: RoutineName = "DictionaryTest2"
Dim entry As DictionaryType
Dim lngID As Long
Dim intID As Integer
Dim bResult As Integer
Dim bFinished As Integer
Dim key$
Dim iLoop As Long
Dim in$
Dim in2$
Dim sValue$
Dim strValue$
Dim intValue%
Dim lngValue&
Dim t#
Dim iCount1 As _Integer64
Dim iCount2 As _Integer64
Dim iCount3 As _Integer64
ReDim arrData(-1) As DictionaryType
' =============================================================================
For iLoop = 48 To 57 ' 0-9
ReDim _Preserve arrData(UBound(arrData) + 1) As DictionaryType
entry.key = Chr$(iLoop)
entry.intValue = iLoop
entry.lngValue = iLoop * 1000
entry.strValue = Chr$(iLoop) + Chr$(iLoop) + _Trim$(Str$(iLoop))
entry.IsDeleted = FALSE
arrData(UBound(arrData)) = entry
Next iLoop
For iLoop = 65 To 90 ' A-Z
ReDim _Preserve arrData(UBound(arrData) + 1) As DictionaryType
entry.key = Chr$(iLoop)
entry.intValue = iLoop
entry.lngValue = iLoop * 1000
entry.strValue = Chr$(iLoop) + Chr$(iLoop) + _Trim$(Str$(iLoop))
entry.IsDeleted = FALSE
arrData(UBound(arrData)) = entry
Next iLoop
For iLoop = 97 To 122 ' a-z
ReDim _Preserve arrData(UBound(arrData) + 1) As DictionaryType
entry.key = Chr$(iLoop)
entry.intValue = iLoop
entry.lngValue = iLoop * 1000
entry.strValue = Chr$(iLoop) + Chr$(iLoop) + _Trim$(Str$(iLoop))
entry.IsDeleted = FALSE
arrData(UBound(arrData)) = entry
Next iLoop
' =============================================================================
Print "Testing " + Chr$(34) + "TempodiBasic" + Chr$(34) + " dictionary for 3 seconds..."
iCount2 = 0
t# = ExtendedTimer + 3
For iLoop = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
StoreValue arrData(iLoop).key, arrData(iLoop)
iCount2 = iCount2 + 1
Next iLoop
For iLoop = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
intID = GetIndex%(arrData(iLoop).key)
If intID > -1 Then
InData.key = GetValue$(arrData(iLoop).key, InData)
End If
iCount2 = iCount2 + 1
Next iLoop
Loop Until ExtendedTimer > t#
' =============================================================================
Print "Testing " + Chr$(34) + "TempodiBasic" + Chr$(34) + " dictionary (no ID check) for 3 seconds..."
iCount3 = 0
t# = ExtendedTimer + 3
For iLoop = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
StoreValue arrData(iLoop).key, arrData(iLoop)
iCount3 = iCount3 + 1
Next iLoop
For iLoop = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
InData.strValue = GetValue$(arrData(iLoop).key, InData)
iCount3 = iCount3 + 1
Next iLoop
Loop Until ExtendedTimer > t#
' =============================================================================
Print "In 3 seconds:"
' Print "Luke algorithm counted to " + _Trim$(Str$(iCount1))
Print "Tempodi algorithm with ID check counted to " + _Trim$(Str$(iCount2))
Print "Tempodi algorithm (without ID check) counted to " + _Trim$(Str$(iCount3))
While _DeviceInput(1): Wend ' clear and update the keyboard buffer
Screen 0
End Sub ' DictionaryTest2
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
' BEGIN ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY FUNCTIONS For dictionary by TempodiBasic
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1547
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
' this function returns the value linked to the index IND
' in the table TempodiIndex
Function GetValue$ (ind As String, Inda As DictionaryType)
Dim inx
inx = GetIndex(ind)
Inda.intValue = TempodiIndex(inx).intValue
Inda.lngValue = TempodiIndex(inx).lngValue
Inda.strValue = TempodiIndex(inx).strValue
Inda.IsDeleted = TempodiIndex(inx).IsDeleted
GetValue$ = TempodiIndex(inx).strValue
End Function ' GetValue$
' this subroutine stores a value VALU linked to the index IND
' in the hashtable HASH
' In this implementation the SUB overwrites the previouse value
' stored into the hashtable if it happens a collision
' but this behaviour can be easily changed for storing the new value
' or in OPEN (searching the next cell with no value into it)
' or in list adding the value to the string already staying in hashtable
Sub StoreValue (ind As String, valu As DictionaryType)
Dim inx
inx = GetIndex(ind)
TempodiIndex(inx).key = ind
TempodiIndex(inx).strValue = valu.strValue
TempodiIndex(inx).intValue = valu.intValue
TempodiIndex(inx).lngValue = valu.lngValue
TempodiIndex(inx).IsDeleted = FALSE
End Sub ' StoreValue
' this function calculates the Hash value for storing
' the linked value in the hashtable
Function GetIndex% (ind As String)
Dim a As Integer
Dim k As _Integer64
Dim hash As _Integer64
k = 1
For a = 1 To Len(ind)
hash = hash + ((Asc(ind, a)) * k)
'k = k * 10
k = k * 1000
Next a
'GetIndex% = hash Mod 10
GetIndex% = hash Mod 1000
End Function ' GetIndex%
Function DeleteItem (key$)
DeleteItem = FALSE
Dim Inx
Inx = GetIndex%(key$)
If Inx > -1 Then TempodiIndex(Inx).IsDeleted = TRUE Else Exit Function
DeleteItem = TRUE
End Function
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
' END ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY FUNCTIONS For dictionary by TempodiBasic
' ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Function ExtendedTimer##
'modified extendedtimer to store the old day's count, and not have to recalculate it every time the routine is called.
Static olds As _Float, old_day As _Float, oldt As _Float
Dim m As Integer, d As Integer, y As Integer
Dim s As _Float, day As String
If olds = 0 Then 'calculate the day the first time the extended timer runs
day = Date$
m = Val(Left$(day, 2))
d = Val(Mid$(day, 4, 2))
y = Val(Right$(day, 4)) - 1970
Select Case m 'Add the number of days for each previous month passed
Case 2: d = d + 31
Case 3: d = d + 59
Case 4: d = d + 90
Case 5: d = d + 120
Case 6: d = d + 151
Case 7: d = d + 181
Case 8: d = d + 212
Case 9: d = d + 243
Case 10: d = d + 273
Case 11: d = d + 304
Case 12: d = d + 334
End Select
If (y Mod 4) = 2 And m > 2 Then d = d + 1 'add a day if this is leap year and we're past february
d = (d - 1) + 365 * y 'current month days passed + 365 days per each standard year
d = d + (y + 2) \ 4 'add in days for leap years passed
s = d * 24 * 60 * 60 'Seconds are days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
old_day = s
End If
If Timer < oldt Then 'we went from 23:59:59 (a second before midnight) to 0:0:0 (midnight)
old_day = s + 83400 'add another worth of seconds to our counter
End If
oldt = Timer
olds = old_day + oldt
ExtendedTimer## = olds
End Function ' ExtendedTimer##
$End If
as you run the code, you will notice that the IDCheck function makes very slower the code from the usage without IDCheck as this screenshot shows.
now it lasts to code FUNCTIONs for overwriting an item (hash key is duplicated: overwrite or discharge data?), appending an item to the same hash key or shifting data to the next unused hash key.
Following the APPEND way we need the Join and Split string functions and the conversion Int2Str, Str2Int, Lng2Str, Str2Lng functions.
Following the SHIFTING way we need a SearchUnusedItem and the FindShiftedData functions.
If it is almost interesting, I will post the other 2 ways with correlate functions the next time.
Thank you for feedbacks