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old QB Defender game - anyone want to try to bring this up to speed?
Hi MadsciJr

about this goal

Quote:Another thing to fix I realized is the test for the presence of a joystick needs to come inside the menu loop, at the top. That way you can plug a controller in without having to restart the program.
for now it is not possible because the _device keyword is in development.

See this post about it _devices in development


Quote:As a general rule I always like to declare my variables all together near the top. First constants, second types, third shared variables.
this is often my way to code.


Quote:real arcade game with original sprites and rework code to use sprites and fix routines that draw the landscape.

at your posted link there are good information and links to images (astroship, enemies and alphabet)  and sprite info for game engine ( defender sprites list )  and this basic information  
Quote:The classic Williams video arcade games - Defender, Stargate, Robotron, Joust, Bubbles, Sinistar - all run on essentially the same platform. They can all display 304 x 256 pixels, using 16 colors at a time out of a hardware palette of 256. The horizontally- oriented games (all the games except Sinistar) display the byte at memory...
Here a first code to start from zero:

Code: (Select All)
'QBDefender from zero to code
' The classic Williams video arcade games - Defender, Stargate, Robotron, Joust, Bubbles, Sinistar -
' all run on essentially the same platform. They can all display 304 x 256 pixels, using 16 colors
' at a time out of a hardware palette of 256. The horizontally- oriented games (all the games
' except Sinistar) display the byte at memory

Rem PART 1: The screen
Dim Main&
Main& = _NewImage(304, 256, 256)
' setting to 256 colors we needn't using the Palette tecnique for getting 256 colors on the screen
Screen Main&
For n = 1 To 256
    'pset (n,1),n
    Line (n, 1)-(n, 256), n, BF
Next n

more information here walktrough Defender and here wikipedia page.

Messages In This Thread
RE: old QB Defender game - anyone want to try to bring this up to speed? - by TempodiBasic - 05-02-2023, 11:10 AM

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