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Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker
Hey @mnrvovrfc, please report any issue/"drag" you find in revision 2.

>I'm sure you are aware that certain computers equipped with NVME have trouble running a Linux OS. This is food everyday for places such as the Manjaro forums. (No I'm not member of that place LOL, just a kind warning to everyone else.) This is only if you consider running Linux some time as well as Windows.

I'm rookie in Linux, yet, aware enough to skip bad/old distros, currently using latest Fedora, simply because of habit and circumstances, oh, also because I like it, overall. The need for latest is not kind of snobbism, but rather to have latest kernel/GCC/CLANG.

Wanted to upload it as a permanent link, for now, this link is active only for 30 days, grmbl.
Feel free to upload this file on your own host, thus more people to can access it.

Anyway, hope people, interested in quick "how the hell was this spelled" checks, find this package useful.

In this revision 2, I added mouse support, @bplus, I know you also prefer mouse over pad/keyboard.
Also, 'b' starts the scroll benchmark, after 5 full rectangles (not circles, hee-hee) within the 2K canvas the FPS is reported, my favorite N4100 laptop reports 286 (on Fedora 38), my main i5-7200U laptop (on Fedora 36) reports 456:


When in wordlist window, at the top-right corner, mouse wheel and buttons are shown, it is useful to see whether clicking Button1+Button2 fires the MB3 i.e. whether it simulates Button3. On Linux, the Mouse Preferences "allow emulating middle button through simultaneous left and right click", didn't see such allowance on Windows.

In the future, the idea, is to use r.2 as launching "minidesktop"and to add more functionality within '/' and other "keys", for example, by pressing "`" I want to search-and-make-citations from given files...

Oh, realized didn't show the look of it:
"He learns not to learn and reverts to what the masses pass by."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker - by Sanmayce - 05-07-2023, 10:17 PM

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