OK now try in qbjs
Not having much luck with qbjs, every time I try some stupid thing hangs things up.
What is it this time? @dbox
Code: (Select All)
' Option _Explicit to find undim variables
_Title "Tessellation 4" ' b+ 2023-05-19
' Inspired by Charlie's BAM example:
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread...2#pid15772
' b+ 2023-05-09 - Tiling with a pattern
' Tessellation 2 will try color filled with more background black.
' Tessellation 3 Charlie mentions a mirror image for interesting tessellating,
' lets try mirroring both x and y axis.
' Tessellation 4
' Use b key to toggle between:
' 1. 3 color tessellation
' 2. 4 color tessellation
' and use c key to toggle between:
' 1. a random set of colors
' 2. contrast (a red, a green, a blue and 4th is white)
'DefLng A-Z
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32) ' full rgb range here
_ScreenMove 250, 50
Dim Shared Pix ' Pix is number of pixels to Tile side
Dim Shared Scale ' Change a pixel to a bigger square block for not so subtle patterns
Dim Shared Tile ' Handle that stores Tile Image in memory to call up with _PutImage
Dim Shared B ' Toggle color mode from 3 to 4 and back
Dim Shared C ' Toggle Contrast set and Random set of colors
ReDim Shared Pal(1 To 4) As _Unsigned Long ' palette to hold 3 or 4 colors
Dim K$, t$
K$ = InKey$
If K$ = "b" Then B = 1 - B ' toggle coloring mode on a b keypress
If K$ = "c" Then C = 1 - C ' toggle coloring mode on a b keypress
' update the title according current b and c toggles
If B Then t$ = "4" Else t$ = "3"
If C Then t$ = t$ + " Contrasted Colors" Else t$ = t$ + " Random Colors"
_Title t$ + ": use b to toggle 3|4 colors, c to toggle random|contrast, any other for next screen"
MakePalette ' 3 or 4 random colors according to b
MakeTile ' create a new random tiling pattern
Tessellate ' tile the screen with it
_PrintString (740, 580), "ZZZ..." ' Show user we are sleeping awaiting a key press
Loop Until _KeyDown(27) ' quit when detect escape key on sleep
Sub MakePalette
Dim As Long n, i
If B Then n = 4 Else n = 3
ReDim Pal(1 To n) As _Unsigned Long
For i = 1 To n
If C Then
If B Then
If i = 4 Then Pal(i) = C3~&(999) Else Pal(i) = C3~&(10 ^ (i - 1) * Int(Rnd * 10))
Pal(i) = C3~&(10 ^ (i - 1) * Int(Rnd * 10))
End If
Pal(i) = C3~&(Int(Rnd * 1000))
End If
End Sub
Sub MakeTile ' make a random tile to Tesselate according to B Mode coloring
Pix = Int(Rnd * 9) + 4 ' sets tile size: pix X pix or a 4X4 to 12X12 Tile coloring
Scale = Int(Rnd * 6) + 4 ' to change pixels to square blocks
If Tile Then _FreeImage Tile ' throw old image away
Tile = _NewImage(2 * Scale * Pix - 1, 2 * Scale * Pix - 1) ' make new one
_Dest Tile ' draw in the memory area Tile not on screen
Dim As Long y, x, q
For y = 0 To Scale * Pix Step Scale
For x = 0 To Scale * Pix Step Scale
If B Then q = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1 Else q = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1
Line (x, y)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF ' this should be integer since Tile is
Line (2 * Scale * Pix - x - 1, y)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
Line (x, 2 * Scale * Pix - y - 1)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
Line (2 * Scale * Pix - x - 1, 2 * Scale * Pix - y - 1)-Step(Scale, Scale), Pal(q), BF
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub Tessellate ' just covering the screen with our Tile
Dim As Long y, x
For y = 0 To _Height Step 2 * Scale * Pix
For x = 0 To _Width Step 2 * Scale * Pix
_PutImage (x, y)-Step(2 * Scale * Pix, 2 * Scale * Pix), Tile, 0
End Sub
Function C3~& (n) ' New (even less typing!) New Color System 1000 colors with up to 3 digits
Dim s3$, r As Long, g As Long, b As Long
s3$ = Right$("000" + LTrim$(Str$(n)), 3)
r = Val(Mid$(s3$, 1, 1)): If r Then r = 28 * r + 3
g = Val(Mid$(s3$, 2, 1)): If g Then g = 28 * g + 3
b = Val(Mid$(s3$, 3, 1)): If b Then b = 28 * b + 3
C3~& = _RGB32(r, g, b)
End Function
Not having much luck with qbjs, every time I try some stupid thing hangs things up.
What is it this time? @dbox
b = b + ...