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Comm and VCSP port twiddling controls sigs
I am back playing with comm ports again.  Way back in the old days it was possible to talk using inp and outp  to twiddle RTS n DTR.  As well as read DTR n CLS.  Nowadays it's not possible to get to those signals.  It's all because of VCSP (virtual comm serial port).  It's possible to have 255 serial ports in windows.  In the original PC comm ports maxed at 4 physical ports.  Now the VCSP port could be a alternative to a 8250 comm chip.  Or even not a comm port but a Ethernet serial interface device.

I am trying to test the above control signals, to identify bad ports (combination of loop back and such).  I need a way to set and read the control signals.

I suck at DLL interfacing with QB64.  Which is where I assume be VCSP signals need to be accessed.

Any help here maybe ?

Messages In This Thread
Comm and VCSP port twiddling controls sigs - by doppler - 06-08-2023, 12:12 PM

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