OK @Dimster and @OldMoses I think I have it roughed out:
Oops! Forgot if click outside menu while down that is cancel or a quit menu not a beep.
I'll add that and clean up code next.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Drop Menu function test" 'b+ 2023-06-25
' Instigated by Dimster here:
' https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1693&pid=17117#pid17117
Const ButtonW = 200, ButtonH = 20, Spacer = 2
Type BoxType ' to be used for mouse click checking
As String Label
As Long LeftX, TopY, BoxW, BoxH ' left most = x, top most = y, box width = w, box height = h
End Type
Dim Shared As Integer NBoxes
NBoxes = 72
Dim Shared Boxes(1 To NBoxes) As BoxType
Dim As Integer i, x, y, mz, mx, my, nItems, choice
ReDim menu$(1 To 1)
Dim s$
Screen _NewImage(806, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 50
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Cls ' so
' set up boxes
x = 0: y = 0
For i = 1 To NBoxes
Boxes(i).Label = "Box" + Str$(i)
Boxes(i).LeftX = x: Boxes(i).TopY = y
Boxes(i).BoxW = ButtonW
Boxes(i).BoxH = ButtonH
If (x + 2 * ButtonW + Spacer) > _Width Then
x = 0: y = y + ButtonH + Spacer
x = x + ButtonW + Spacer
End If
DrawTitleBox i
mz = MouseZone%(mx, my)
'If mz Then _MessageBox "Mouse Click Detected", "Box" + Str$(mz) + " @" + Str$(mx) + Str$(my), "info"
If mz Then
' quick make up a menu of items for box mz
nItems = Int(Rnd * 10) + 1
' nItems = 10 ' for testing
ReDim menu$(1 To nItems)
For i = 1 To nItems
menu$(i) = "Box" + Str$(mz) + " Menu Item:" + Str$(i)
choice = getButtonNumberChoice%(Boxes(mz).LeftX, Boxes(mz).TopY, menu$())
If choice = 0 Then s$ = "You quit menu." Else s$ = menu$(choice)
_MessageBox "Drop Menu Test", "Your Menu Choice was: " + s$, "info"
End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub DrawTitleBox (i)
Line (Boxes(i).LeftX, Boxes(i).TopY)-Step(ButtonW, ButtonH), &HFFFF0000, BF
_PrintString (Boxes(i).LeftX + (ButtonW - _PrintWidth(Boxes(i).Label)) / 2, Boxes(i).TopY + ButtonH / 2 - 8), Boxes(i).Label
End Sub
Sub DrawChoiceBox (leftX, topY, S$)
Line (leftX, topY)-Step(ButtonW, ButtonH), &HFFAABBFF, BF
Line (leftX, topY)-Step(ButtonW, ButtonH), &HFF000000, B
Color &HFF000088
_PrintString (leftX + (ButtonW - _PrintWidth(S$)) / 2, topY + ButtonH / 2 - 8), S$
End Sub
Function MouseZone% (mx%, my%) ' returns the boxes index clicked or 0 and
' Set the following up in your Main code of app
'Type BoxType ' to be used for mouse click checking
' As Long LeftX, TopY, BoxW, BoxH ' left most = x, top most = y, box width = w, box height = h
'End Type
'Dim Shared As Integer NBoxes
'Dim Shared Boxes(1 To NBoxes) As BoxType
' If function detects a mouse click inside a box mx and my will be adjusted to top left
'corner of box and box index returned by function name
Dim As Integer i, mb
mx% = -1: my% = -1 ' not valid zone signal
While _MouseInput: Wend ' poll mouse
mb = _MouseButton(1)
If mb Then
_Delay .25
mx% = _MouseX: my% = _MouseY
For i = 1 To NBoxes
If mx% > Boxes(i).LeftX And mx% < Boxes(i).LeftX + Boxes(i).BoxW Then
If my% > Boxes(i).TopY And my% < Boxes(i).TopY + Boxes(i).BoxH Then
mx% = mx% - Boxes(i).LeftX: my% = my% - Boxes(i).TopY
MouseZone% = i: Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function getButtonNumberChoice% (BoxX As Integer, BoxY As Integer, choice$())
Dim As Integer ub, lb, b, mx, my, mb
Dim As Long SaveSection
'this sub uses drwBtn
ub = UBound(choice$)
lb = LBound(choice$)
SaveSection = _NewImage(ButtonW, ButtonH * (ub - lb + 1), 32)
_PutImage , 0, SaveSection, (BoxX, BoxY + ButtonH)-Step(ButtonW, ButtonH * (ub - lb + 1))
For b = lb To ub ' drawing a column of buttons at _width - 210 starting at y = 10
DrawChoiceBox BoxX, BoxY + b * ButtonH, choice$(b)
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: mb = _MouseButton(1)
If mb Then
If mx > BoxX And mx <= BoxX + ButtonW Then
For b = lb To ub
If my >= BoxY + b * ButtonH And my <= BoxY + b * ButtonH + ButtonH Then
' put image back
_PutImage (BoxX, BoxY + ButtonH)-Step(ButtonW, ButtonH * (ub - lb + 1)), SaveSection, 0
' delay before exit to give user time to release mouse button
_FreeImage SaveSection
getButtonNumberChoice% = b: _Delay .25: Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
_Limit 60
End Function
Oops! Forgot if click outside menu while down that is cancel or a quit menu not a beep.
I'll add that and clean up code next.
b = b + ...