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QB64 Surabikku - Sliding block puzzle
QB64 Surabikku is a clone of an online sliding block puzzle I was playing called Surabikku.  Click the arrows to slide the blocks until the puzzle board looks the same as the smaller image shown.  Simple to play but not so simple to solve.  May update this to use images instead of blocks, one day.

- Dav

EDIT: bplus made an update to this puzzle, you can find it HERE.  Thanks, bplus!

Code: (Select All)
'QB64 version of a SURABIKKU like puzzle.
'Use Arrows to slide pieces so board matches the solved image.
'Coded by Dav, MAY/2022
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 675, 32)

'=== define deminsions for board

DIM SHARED row, col, size: row = 3: col = 3: size = 175
DIM SHARED boxes: boxes = row * col
'=== define box value, x/y, values...

DIM SHARED bv&(boxes) 'box values (scrambled)
DIM SHARED slv&(boxes) 'box values (solved)
DIM SHARED bx1(boxes), by1(boxes) 'top x/y cords of box
DIM SHARED bx2(boxes), by2(boxes) ' bottom x/y cords of box

'=== make color box images

DIM SHARED red&, blu&, grn&
red& = _NEWIMAGE(size, size, 32): _DEST red&: CLS , _RGB(255, 0, 0)
blu& = _NEWIMAGE(size, size, 32): _DEST blu&: CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 255)
grn& = _NEWIMAGE(size, size, 32): _DEST grn&: CLS , _RGB(0, 255, 0)

'=== init box x.y values

bc = 1 'counter
FOR r = 1 TO row
    FOR c = 1 TO col
        x = 75 + (c * size): y = 75 + (r * size)
        bx1(bc) = x - size: bx2(bc) = x ' generate x/y values
        by1(bc) = y - size: by2(bc) = y
        bc = bc + 1
'=== assign scrambled up box values

bv&(1) = red&: bv&(2) = grn&: bv&(3) = red&
bv&(4) = blu&: bv&(5) = grn&: bv&(6) = blu&
bv&(7) = grn&: bv&(8) = blu&: bv&(9) = red&
'=== assign solved box values

slv&(1) = red&: slv&(2) = red&: slv&(3) = grn&
slv&(4) = red&: slv&(5) = blu&: slv&(6) = grn&
slv&(7) = blu&: slv&(8) = blu&: slv&(9) = grn&
'=== draw puzzle

CLS , _RGB(32, 32, 32)
FOR b = 1 TO boxes
    _PUTIMAGE (bx1(b), by1(b))-(bx2(b), by2(b)), bv&(b)
    LINE (bx1(b), by1(b))-(bx2(b), by2(b)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B

'=== print info

PPRINT 668, 28, 25, _RGB(128, 128, 128), 255, "QB64 SURABIKKU"
PPRINT 665, 25, 25, _RGB(255, 255, 0), 255, "QB64 SURABIKKU"
PPRINT 725, 75, 20, _RGB(128, 128, 128), 255, "Click Arrow."
PPRINT 725, 110, 20, _RGB(128, 128, 128), 255, "Move Blocks."
PPRINT 725, 250, 20, _RGB(255, 255, 255), 255, "Make it like:"
'=== draw solved puzzle on right

_PUTIMAGE (725, 300)-(800, 375), slv&(1)
_PUTIMAGE (800, 300)-(875, 375), slv&(2)
_PUTIMAGE (875, 300)-(950, 375), slv&(3)
_PUTIMAGE (725, 375)-(800, 450), slv&(4)
_PUTIMAGE (800, 375)-(875, 450), slv&(5)
_PUTIMAGE (875, 375)-(950, 450), slv&(6)
_PUTIMAGE (725, 450)-(800, 525), slv&(7)
_PUTIMAGE (800, 450)-(875, 525), slv&(8)
_PUTIMAGE (875, 450)-(950, 525), slv&(9)
'=== draw top arrows
FOR t = 0 TO 450 STEP 175
    LINE (130 + t, 55)-(160 + t, 25), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (160 + t, 25)-(190 + t, 55), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (130 + t, 55)-(190 + t, 55), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
'=== draw bottom arrows
FOR t = 0 TO 450 STEP 175
    LINE (130 + t, 620)-(160 + t, 650), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (160 + t, 650)-(190 + t, 620), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (130 + t, 620)-(190 + t, 620), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
'=== draw left arrows
FOR t = 0 TO 450 STEP 175
    LINE (20, 160 + t)-(50, 130 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (20, 160 + t)-(50, 190 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (50, 130 + t)-(50, 190 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
'=== draw right arrows
FOR t = 0 TO 450 STEP 175
    LINE (620, 130 + t)-(650, 160 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (620, 190 + t)-(650, 160 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)
    LINE (620, 130 + t)-(620, 190 + t), _RGB(128, 128, 128)

slidespeed = 300


    IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) = 0 THEN clicked = 0

    mi = _MOUSEINPUT: mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY

    IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) = -1 AND clicked = 0 THEN
        clicked = 1
        '===== if top-left button clicked...
        IF mx > 75 AND mx < 250 AND my > 0 AND my < 75 THEN
            '=== slide column up
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== just move bottom two images up
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(4), by1(4) - y), bv&(4)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(7), by1(7) - y), bv&(7)
                '=== expand bottom location with top image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(7), by2(7) - y)-(bx2(7), by2(7)), bv&(1)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx2(1), by2(1)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(4), by1(4))-(bx2(4), by2(4)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(7), by1(7))-(bx2(7), by2(7)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(1): t2& = bv&(4): t3& = bv&(7) 'old values
            bv&(1) = t2&: bv&(4) = t3&: bv&(7) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if bottom-left button clicked...
        IF mx > 75 AND mx < 250 AND my > 600 AND my < 675 THEN
            '=== slide column down
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== expand top location with bottom image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx2(1), by2(1) + y), bv&(7)
                '=== just move top two images down
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(1), by1(1) + y), bv&(1)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(4), by1(4) + y), bv&(4)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx2(1), by2(1)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(4), by1(4))-(bx2(4), by2(4)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(7), by1(7))-(bx2(7), by2(7)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(1): t2& = bv&(4): t3& = bv&(7) 'old values
            bv&(1) = t3&: bv&(4) = t1&: bv&(7) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if top-middle button clicked...
        IF mx > 250 AND mx < 425 AND my > 0 AND my < 75 THEN
            '=== slide column up
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== just move bottom two images up
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(5), by1(5) - y), bv&(5)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(8), by1(8) - y), bv&(8)
                '=== expand bottom location with top image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(8), by2(8) - y)-(bx2(8), by2(8)), bv&(2)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(2), by1(2))-(bx2(2), by2(2)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(5), by1(5))-(bx2(5), by2(5)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(8), by1(8))-(bx2(8), by2(8)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(2): t2& = bv&(5): t3& = bv&(8) 'old values
            bv&(2) = t2&: bv&(5) = t3&: bv&(8) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if bottom-middle button clicked...
        IF mx > 250 AND mx < 425 AND my > 600 AND my < 675 THEN
            '=== slide column down
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== expand top location with bottom image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(2), by1(2))-(bx2(2), by2(2) + y), bv&(8)
                '=== just move top two images down
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(2), by1(2) + y), bv&(2)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(5), by1(5) + y), bv&(5)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(2), by1(2))-(bx2(2), by2(2)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(5), by1(5))-(bx2(5), by2(5)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(8), by1(8))-(bx2(8), by2(8)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(2): t2& = bv&(5): t3& = bv&(8) 'old values
            bv&(2) = t3&: bv&(5) = t1&: bv&(8) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if top-right button clicked...
        IF mx > 425 AND mx < 600 AND my > 0 AND my < 75 THEN
            '=== slide column up
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== just move bottom two images up
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(6), by1(6) - y), bv&(6)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(9), by1(9) - y), bv&(9)
                '=== expand bottom location with top image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(9), by2(9) - y)-(bx2(9), by2(9)), bv&(3)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(3), by1(3))-(bx2(3), by2(3)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(6), by1(6))-(bx2(6), by2(6)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(9), by1(9))-(bx2(9), by2(9)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(3): t2& = bv&(6): t3& = bv&(9) 'old values
            bv&(3) = t2&: bv&(6) = t3&: bv&(9) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if bottom-right button clicked...
        IF mx > 425 AND mx < 600 AND my > 600 AND my < 675 THEN
            '=== slide column down
            FOR y = 0 TO size
                '=== expand top location with bottom image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(3), by1(3))-(bx2(3), by2(3) + y), bv&(9)
                '=== just move top two images down
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(3), by1(3) + y), bv&(3)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(6), by1(6) + y), bv&(6)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(3), by1(3))-(bx2(3), by2(3)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(6), by1(6))-(bx2(6), by2(6)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(9), by1(9))-(bx2(9), by2(9)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(3): t2& = bv&(6): t3& = bv&(9) 'old values
            bv&(3) = t3&: bv&(6) = t1&: bv&(9) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if left-top button clicked...
        IF mx > 0 AND mx < 75 AND my > 75 AND my < 250 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move right two images left
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(2) - x, by1(2)), bv&(2)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(3) - x, by1(3)), bv&(3)
                '=== and expand far right location with far left image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx2(3) - x, by1(3))-(bx2(3) - x, by2(3)), bv&(1)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx2(1), by2(1)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(2), by1(2))-(bx2(2), by2(2)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(3), by1(3))-(bx2(3), by2(3)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(1): t2& = bv&(2): t3& = bv&(3) 'old values
            bv&(1) = t2&: bv&(2) = t3&: bv&(3) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if right-top button clicked...
        IF mx > 600 AND mx < 675 AND my > 75 AND my < 250 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move left two images right
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(1) + x, by1(1)), bv&(1)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(2) + x, by1(2)), bv&(2)
                '=== and expand far left location with far right image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx1(1) + x, by2(1)), bv&(3)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(1), by1(1))-(bx2(1), by2(1)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(2), by1(2))-(bx2(2), by2(2)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(3), by1(3))-(bx2(3), by2(3)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(1): t2& = bv&(2): t3& = bv&(3) 'old values
            bv&(1) = t3&: bv&(2) = t1&: bv&(3) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if left-middle button clicked...
        IF mx > 0 AND mx < 75 AND my > 250 AND my < 425 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move right two images left
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(5) - x, by1(5)), bv&(5)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(6) - x, by1(6)), bv&(6)
                '=== and expand far right location with far left image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx2(6) - x, by1(6))-(bx2(6) - x, by2(6)), bv&(4)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(4), by1(4))-(bx2(4), by2(4)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(5), by1(5))-(bx2(5), by2(5)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(6), by1(6))-(bx2(6), by2(6)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(4): t2& = bv&(5): t3& = bv&(6) 'old values
            bv&(4) = t2&: bv&(5) = t3&: bv&(6) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if right-middle button clicked...
        IF mx > 600 AND mx < 675 AND my > 250 AND my < 425 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move left two images right
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(4) + x, by1(4)), bv&(4)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(5) + x, by1(5)), bv&(5)
                '=== and expand far left location with far right image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(4), by1(4))-(bx1(4) + x, by2(4)), bv&(6)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(4), by1(4))-(bx2(4), by2(4)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(5), by1(5))-(bx2(5), by2(5)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(6), by1(6))-(bx2(6), by2(6)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(4): t2& = bv&(5): t3& = bv&(6) 'old values
            bv&(4) = t3&: bv&(5) = t1&: bv&(6) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if left-bottom button clicked...
        IF mx > 0 AND mx < 75 AND my > 425 AND my < 600 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move right two images left
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(8) - x, by1(8)), bv&(8)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(9) - x, by1(9)), bv&(9)
                '=== and expand far right location with far left image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx2(9) - x, by1(9))-(bx2(9) - x, by2(9)), bv&(7)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(7), by1(7))-(bx2(7), by2(7)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(8), by1(8))-(bx2(8), by2(8)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(9), by1(9))-(bx2(9), by2(9)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(7): t2& = bv&(8): t3& = bv&(9) 'old values
            bv&(7) = t2&: bv&(8) = t3&: bv&(9) = t1& 'new values
        END IF
        '===== if right-bottom button clicked...
        IF mx > 600 AND mx < 675 AND my > 425 AND my < 600 THEN
            '=== slide column left
            FOR x = 0 TO size
                '=== just move left two images right
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(7) + x, by1(7)), bv&(7)
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(8) + x, by1(8)), bv&(8)
                '=== and expand far left location with far right image
                _PUTIMAGE (bx1(7), by1(7))-(bx1(7) + x, by2(7)), bv&(9)
                '=== redraw boxes around them, for looks
                LINE (bx1(7), by1(7))-(bx2(7), by2(7)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(8), by1(8))-(bx2(8), by2(8)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                LINE (bx1(9), by1(9))-(bx2(9), by2(9)), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B
                _LIMIT slidespeed
            '=== update/assign new values
            t1& = bv&(7): t2& = bv&(8): t3& = bv&(9) 'old values
            bv&(7) = t3&: bv&(8) = t1&: bv&(9) = t2& 'new values
        END IF
        '==== check if puzzle is solved....

        solved = 1 'assume it is first
        FOR s = 1 TO boxes
            '=== if piece doesnt match, not solved
            IF bv&(s) <> slv&(s) THEN solved = 0
        '=== Solved?  END
        IF solved = 1 THEN BEEP: BEEP: END
    END IF

SUB PPRINT (x, y, size, clr&, trans&, text$)
    'This sub outputs to the current _DEST set
    'It makes trans& the transparent color
    'x/y is where to print text
    'size is the font size to use
    'clr& is the color of your text
    'trans& is the background transparent color
    'text$ is the string to print
    '=== get users current write screen
    orig& = _DEST
    '=== if you are using an 8 or 32 bit screen
    bit = 32: IF _PIXELSIZE(0) = 1 THEN bit = 256
    '=== step through your text
    FOR t = 0 TO LEN(text$) - 1
        '=== make a temp screen to use
        pprintimg& = _NEWIMAGE(16, 16, bit)
        _DEST pprintimg&
        '=== set colors and print text
        CLS , trans&: COLOR clr&
        PRINT MID$(text$, t + 1, 1);
        '== make background color the transprent one
        _CLEARCOLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), pprintimg&
        '=== go back to original screen  to output
        _DEST orig&
        '=== set it and forget it
        x1 = x + (t * size): x2 = x1 + size
        y1 = y: y2 = y + size
        _PUTIMAGE (x1 - (size / 2), y1)-(x2, y2 + (size / 3)), pprintimg&
        _FREEIMAGE pprintimg&

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QB64 Surabikku - Sliding block puzzle - by Dav - 05-05-2022, 04:39 PM

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