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Why do FOR/NEXT variables end up +1 more?
(08-24-2023, 12:51 PM)DSMan195276 Wrote: It's because `FOR` works by first incrementing the loop variable and then checking if it is greater than the end value you gave. For your loop, the first time `t` is greater is when it is incremented to 11.

The reason it works this way is because depending on your `STEP` and what end number you use, you might not hit the last number at all and instead skip right over it. Imagine you did this:

Code: (Select All)

For t = 1 To 10.5 Step 1
Print t ' What should t be?

Obviously `t` cannot be 10.5 at the end because 10.5 will never be hit by the loop. Instead it works identical to your loop,`t` gets incremented to 11 and since that's greater than 10.5 the loop stops there.
Hey @DSMan195276 Since you used backticks, they work everywhere now to show as code inline like in discord. Also you can use 3 backticks for a regular qb codeblock.

Trying the reply to you since it's quoting the backticks to see what will happen Smile

grymmjack (gj!)
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RE: Why do FOR/NEXT variables end up +1 more? - by grymmjack - 08-25-2023, 07:42 PM

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