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Fall Banner bplus WIP
FontFlag is working great! I can get most of leaves fallen before cycling around to main loop for another set.

Fall Banner with moving leaves and FontFlag

Code: (Select All)

'Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner Move Leaves bak 2023-09-03"
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling
' tweak numbers for falling leaves for more and not too leaden.

' 2023-09-03 FontFlag to signal FPrint is done

Type new_Leaf
x As Single
y As Single
w As Single
h As Single
c As _Unsigned Long
isFree As Integer
randomMove As Integer
yvel As Single
xvel As Single
yacc As Single
xacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0010
Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared lastLeaf As Long
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long
Dim Shared FontFlag As Long ' to signal Font has been finished

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)
Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 970 ' for banner
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32)

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene
Dim trees, y, r, h, tim

While 1
'Draw scene:
ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
totalLeaves = 0
stopFrame = 0
FontFlag = 0

horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

'sky and hill background
For i = horizon To ymx
midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
lien 0, i, xmx, i

'fallen leaves:
For i = 1 To 50 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon * 1.002, ymx)

' trees
trees = rand&(5, 12)
For i = 1 To trees
y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
r = .01 * y: h = rand&(y * .15, y * .18)
branch rand&(50, xmx - 50), y, r, 90, h, 0
'_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
'_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
'FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00, 1
If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
scene = _CopyImage(0)
tim = Timer(.01)
'Animate scene:
While FontFlag < 1500 ' keep going 1500 more loops to drop allot of leaves
If Rnd < .4 Then wind = Rnd / 50 - Rnd / 800 Else wind = 0
_PutImage , scene
For i = 1 To totalLeaves
moveLeaf leaf(i)
drawLeaf leaf(i)
_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0
FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00
_Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv)
Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
Dim bc~&
x = xx: y = yy
lev = levv
length = lengthh
angD = angDD
startr = startrr
x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
dx = (x2 - x) / length
dy = (y2 - y) / length
bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
For i = 0 To length
fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
End If
If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > 7 Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
lev = lev + 1
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long

subRadius = Abs(R)
RadiusError = -subRadius
X = subRadius
Y = 0

If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub fRect (x1, y1, x2, y2, c&)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c&, BF
End Sub

Sub fRectStep (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Line (x1, y1)-Step(x2, y2), , BF
End Sub

Sub lien (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
Dim sp, leafs, n, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
sp = 15: leafs = rand&(0, 2)
For n = 1 To leafs
xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(50, 250), rand&(25, 255), rand&(0, 40))
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
idx.randomMove = -1
idx.randomMove = 1
End If

If idx.isFree Then
'leaves falling
If idx.y < horizon Then
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
If idx.y >= horizon Then idx.isFree = 0
End If

idx.xacc = idx.xacc + wind
idx.xvel = idx.xvel + idx.xacc
idx.x = idx.x + idx.xvel
If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
If Rnd <= .02 And wind Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.randomMove

'leaves waving in their branch
If idx.y < horizon Then
If idx.randomMove = 1 Then
idx.randomMove = -1
idx.randomMove = 1
End If
If Rnd <= .01 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.randomMove
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub allFree
Dim i&
For i& = 1 To totalLeaves
leaf(i&).isFree = -1
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
Dim which&, i&
If Timer(.01) - lastLeaf > .002 Then
For i& = 1 To 10
which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
leaf(which&).isFree = -1
lastLeaf = Timer
End If
End Sub

Sub drawLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)
Color idx.c
fRectStep idx.x, idx.y, idx.w, idx.h
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
'needs midInk, rand&

Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
'the sky
For i = 0 To ymx
midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
'the land
startH = ymx - 200
rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
For mountain = 1 To 4
Xright = 0
y = startH
While Xright < xmx
' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
' range = how far up / down, along X
upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
lastx = Xright - 1
For X = Xright To range
y = y + upDown
Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
lastx = X
Xright = range
rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
' s$ is string to "print" out
' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
Dim As Long frame
Dim d$

ls = Len(s$)
For l = 1 To ls
a = Asc(s$, l)
If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
'Print Chr$(a), sq 'debug
For digi = 1 To 9
d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
For c = 0 To sq - 1
i = (r * sq) + c + 1
$If WEB Then
i = i + 1
$End If
If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
frame = frame + 1
If frame >= stopFrame Then
stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
FontFlag = FontFlag + 1
' _Title Str$(FontFlag) ' checking how long it needs to cycle after letters are complete
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
Dim As Integer a
a = Asc("S")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
a = Asc("T")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
a = Asc("A")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...122..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...2.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1333332."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
a = Asc("F")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("I")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..22222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....1...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("G")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
a = Asc("Q")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
a = Asc("O")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("D")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

a = Asc("6")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("H")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
a = Asc("4")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........2"

a = Asc("E")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
a = Asc("N")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
a = Asc("B")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
a = Asc("L")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
a = Asc("U")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
a = Asc("P")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("R")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub

b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-03-2023, 09:10 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-04-2023, 12:01 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-04-2023, 01:31 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-04-2023, 12:26 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-04-2023, 12:48 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by mnrvovrfc - 09-04-2023, 01:57 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-04-2023, 02:04 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-04-2023, 02:54 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-04-2023, 02:42 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-04-2023, 09:27 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by dbox - 09-05-2023, 01:58 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 02:08 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-05-2023, 05:07 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by SMcNeill - 09-05-2023, 02:18 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 12:27 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 02:51 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 05:36 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by mnrvovrfc - 09-05-2023, 05:58 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 06:23 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-05-2023, 06:44 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-06-2023, 12:05 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-06-2023, 03:11 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by SMcNeill - 09-06-2023, 05:05 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-06-2023, 11:48 AM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-07-2023, 03:53 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-07-2023, 07:19 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by Dav - 09-07-2023, 08:57 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-07-2023, 10:27 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-08-2023, 07:28 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by dbox - 09-08-2023, 07:32 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by bplus - 09-08-2023, 08:16 PM
RE: Fall Banner bplus WIP - by grymmjack - 09-08-2023, 11:33 PM

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