09-10-2023, 12:33 AM
(09-09-2023, 11:16 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote: polyFT almost working in QBJS. I just haven't figured out how to make it look good with thicker lines using the 2d graphic library functions yet but it is working with lines of one pixel thick.
Code: (Select All)'polyFT in QBjs
'v 0.5
'haven't quite figure out how to make the this look good with thicker lines but it works fine at one pixel wide
Import G2D From "lib/graphics/2d.bas"
Randomize Timer
For i = 0 to 100
polyFT Rnd * 640, Rnd * 400,rnd*30+30,int(3+rnd*12),int(rnd*360),_rgb32(int(rnd*256),int(rnd*256),int(rnd*256)),_rgb32(int(rnd*256),int(rnd*256),int(rnd*256))
_Limit 200
Next i
Sub polyFT (cx As Long, cy As Long, rad As Long, sides As Integer, rang As Long, klr As _Unsigned Long, lineyes As _Unsigned Long)
'draw an equilateral polygon using filled triangle for each segment
'centered at cx,cy to radius rad of sides # of face rotated to angle rang scaled to ww and vv of color klr and lineyes if there is an outline, a value 0 would create no outline
Dim px(sides)
Dim py(sides)
pang = 360 / sides
ang = 0
For p = 1 To sides
px(p) = cx + (rad * Cos(0.01745329 * (ang + rang)))
py(p) = cy + (rad * Sin(0.01745329 * (ang + rang)))
ang = ang + pang
Next p
For p = 1 To sides - 1
line (cx,cy)-(px(p),py(p)),klr
G2D.FillTriangle cx,cy,px(p),py(p),px(p+1),py(p+1),klr
Next p
line (cx,cy)-(px(sides),py(sides)),klr
G2D.FillTriangle cx,cy,px(sides),py(sides),px(1),py(1),klr
if lineyes>0 then
for p =1 to sides-1
Line (px(p), py(p))-(px(p + 1), py(p + 1)), lineyes
Line (px(sides), py(sides))-(px(1), py(1)), lineyes
end if
End Sub
Gotta use qb tag for pasting literal code not qbjs for qbjs share. For qbjs use share link from qbjs.org and then qbjs bbcode.
Like @bplus did.
Looks cool so far!