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"Raw" (OBS) Websocket ws:// communication (_OpenClient, Get, Put), is it possible?
Thanks for all the responses so far, I'm reading all of it, and there's definitely a lot of reading to do, although I'm not sure how much I can comprehend vs how much will go over my head, hence why I need some assistance.

Also, I've added some code on the "direction" I think it could go, but I could be completely wrong, and if that is the case, hopefully I can be aware of that sooner rather than later, otherwise I'll be spending time on code that will just lead to a dead end. This is an example:

If you have OBS open and Websocket enabled, you should see the response "HTTP/1.1 400 Server: WebSocket++/0.8.2", so I'm least getting some sort of a response... note that the code is just a hot mess, " Content-Length " for example I've needed for another scenario, but may or may not even be needed in this case.

Code: (Select All)
Common Shared WS_Port_Client As String, WS_Server_Port As String, WS_EOL As String, WS_Server_IP As String, WS_Password As String, WS_Header As String, WS_Data As String
Common Shared c34 As String

WS_EOL = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
c34 = Chr$(34)

WS_Server_Port = "4455"
WS_Server_IP = ""
WS_Password = "TBD"

WS_Port_Client = "TCP/IP:" + WS_Server_Port + ":"

WS_Data = "{" + c34 + "sceneName" + c34 + ":" + c34 + "BRB" + c34 + "}"

ws_client = _OpenClient(WS_Port_Client + WS_Server_IP)

WS_Header = ""

WS_Header = WS_Header + "WHAT GOES HERE?" + WS_EOL

WS_Header = WS_Header + "Content-Length: " + _Trim$(Str$(Len(WS_Data))) + WS_EOL + WS_EOL
WS_Header = WS_Header + WS_Data

Put #ws_client, , WS_Header

b$ = ""
While b$ = ""
    Get #ws_client, , b$
Print b$

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Raw" (OBS) Websocket ws:// communication (_OpenClient, Get, Put), is it possible? - by loopy750 - 09-11-2023, 06:02 PM

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