09-12-2023, 07:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2023, 07:34 PM by TerryRitchie.)
It's well worth learning to use hardware images. Here is a little demo I just wrote showing the power of hardware images. This program creates 8000 sprites and then let's the user switch between software and hardware mode to see the performance difference. I'm going to start creating demos for a lesson on hardware vs software images in the tutorial. It's long overdue.
H - hardware mode
S - software mode
ESC - leave program
Note: You may need to decrease the amount of objects depending on your system's performance. Change the TOTAL = 8000 to a lower number that doesn't crash the program.
H - hardware mode
S - software mode
ESC - leave program
Note: You may need to decrease the amount of objects depending on your system's performance. Change the TOTAL = 8000 to a lower number that doesn't crash the program.
Code: (Select All)
OPTION _EXPLICIT ' declare those variables son!
CONST TOTAL = 8000 ' too many circles will crash program depending on amount of RAM and VRAM
CONST SWIDTH = 1280 ' screen width
CONST SHEIGHT = 720 ' screen height
TYPE SPRITEXY ' sprite location and vector
x AS SINGLE ' horizontal coordinate
y AS SINGLE ' vertical coordinate
xdir AS SINGLE ' x vector
ydir AS SINGLE ' y vector
DIM SpriteSW(TOTAL) AS LONG ' software sprites
DIM SpriteHW(TOTAL) AS LONG ' hardware sprites
DIM SpriteXY(TOTAL) AS SPRITEXY ' sprite locations and vecotrs
DIM HWSprite AS LONG ' original sprite used for copying ('HARD' printed inside)
DIM SWSprite AS LONG ' original sprite used for copying ('SOFT' printed inside)
DIM Count AS INTEGER ' sprite counter
DIM Software AS INTEGER ' -1 in software mode, 0 in hardware mode
DIM a AS STRING ' key pressed by user
DIM t1 AS DOUBLE ' timer at start of frame
DIM t2 AS DOUBLE ' timer at end of frame
DIM t3 AS DOUBLE ' total time taken to draw sprites
RANDOMIZE TIMER ' seed random number generator
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, 32) ' create screen canvas
Software = -1 ' start in software mode
HWSprite = _NEWIMAGE(50, 50, 32) ' temp hardware sprite image
SWSprite = _NEWIMAGE(50, 50, 32) ' temp software sprite image (notice 32 - still a software sprite at this point)
_DEST HWSprite ' draw on temp hardware sprite image
LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "HARD"; ' print inside circle
CIRCLE (24, 24), 24 ' draw circle
_DEST SWSprite ' draw on temp software sprite image
LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SOFT"; ' print inside circle
CIRCLE (24, 24), 24 ' draw circle
_DEST 0 ' draw on main screen canvas
FOR Count = 1 TO TOTAL ' cycle through sprites
SpriteSW(Count) = _COPYIMAGE(SWSprite, 32) ' copy the software sprite
SpriteHW(Count) = _COPYIMAGE(HWSprite, 33) ' copy the software sprite to a hardware sprite (notice 33)
SpriteXY(Count).x = SWIDTH / 2 - 24 ' x coordinate start (centered)
SpriteXY(Count).y = SHEIGHT / 2 - 24 ' y coordinate start (centered)
SpriteXY(Count).xdir = RND - RND ' random x vector from -1 to 1
SpriteXY(Count).ydir = RND - RND ' random y vector from -1 to 1
NEXT Count
_FREEIMAGE SWSprite ' temp sprites no longer need
DO ' begin frame loop
t1 = TIMER(.001) ' get frame start time
Count = 0 ' reset sprite counter
IF Software THEN CLS ' software screens need clearing, hardware don't
DO ' begin sprite draw loop
Count = Count + 1 ' increment sprite counter
IF Software THEN ' software mode?
_PUTIMAGE (SpriteXY(Count).x, SpriteXY(Count).y), SpriteSW(Count) ' yes, draw software sprite
ELSE ' no
_PUTIMAGE (SpriteXY(Count).x, SpriteXY(Count).y), SpriteHW(Count) ' draw hardware sprite
SpriteXY(Count).x = SpriteXY(Count).x + SpriteXY(Count).xdir ' move sprite by set vectors
SpriteXY(Count).y = SpriteXY(Count).y + SpriteXY(Count).ydir
IF SpriteXY(Count).x > SWIDTH - 50 OR SpriteXY(Count).x < 1 THEN SpriteXY(Count).xdir = -SpriteXY(Count).xdir ' keep sprite on screen
IF SpriteXY(Count).y > SHEIGHT - 50 OR SpriteXY(Count).y < 32 THEN SpriteXY(Count).ydir = -SpriteXY(Count).ydir
LOOP UNTIL Count = TOTAL ' leave when all sprites drawn
t2 = TIMER(.001) ' get frame end time
t3 = t2 - t1 ' calculate total time
IF t3 > 0 THEN ' avoid /0
LOCATE 2, 28 ' position cursor
PRINT USING "#### FPS "; 1 / t3; ' print frame count
IF Software THEN ' software mode?
PRINT "software mode "; ' yes, print indicator
ELSE ' no
PRINT "hardware mode "; ' print indictaor
LOCATE 1, 2 ' print instructions
PRINT "Controlling"; TOTAL; "sprites. Press 'H' for hardware or 'S' for software - ESC to quit"
_DISPLAY ' update screen with changes
a = UCASE$(INKEY$) ' get user keypress (if any)
IF a = "S" THEN Software = -1 ' if user pressed S key set software mode
IF a = "H" THEN Software = 0: CLS ' if user pressed H set hardware mode and clear software screen
LOOP UNTIL a = CHR$(27) ' leave when user presses ESC key
FOR Count = 1 TO TOTAL ' cycle through sprites
_FREEIMAGE SpriteSW(Count) ' remove sprites from RAM
_FREEIMAGE SpriteHW(Count)
NEXT Count
SYSTEM ' return to operating system