Quote:What are you trying to do with the array of VLS's anyway?I have a Screen Editor dimensioned a large array I am writing to the file using binary write variable length string array which is slow.
Binary write because Linux might strip 013 ascii from the file.
For example:
Code: (Select All)
Linux = -1
Dim Array(1024) As String
For L = 1 To 1024
Array(L) = Str$(L)
Open "testfile.xxx" For Binary As #1
For L = 1 To 1024
X$ = Array(L)
For X = 1 To Len(X$)
Y$ = Mid$(X$, X, 1)
Put 1, , Y$
If Linux Then
Z$ = Chr$(10)
Put 1, , Z$
Z$ = Chr$(13)
Put 1, , Z$
Z$ = Chr$(10)
Put 1, , Z$
End If
Note: You cannot Put 1,,Chr$(10) or Put 1,,Asc(Chr$(10))