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Working on ways to map images onto balls
(10-04-2023, 11:48 PM)Dav Wrote: Was adding more textures to my BALL sub Here, and thought why not just use textured images on the balls instead.   Spherical mapping is a little above me, but here's 2 ways I've worked out so far that gives and illusion that an image is wrapped around the ball.  Will post them here for input (advice/help is more like it...)

There are 2 SUBs.  One maps the image in a circular method from the center point, the other SUB just stamps the image it plain jane on the front of the ball.  The demo makes a texture& image to use, but can load one yourself instead.  Image textures look better with the circular method I think.

if anyone have some routines for doing something like this, could you share them?  Thanks!

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'Working on a couple ways to put an image on a ball.
'Two SUB's - either pset it straight, or in a circular method from the center point.
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2023


'Get a bird& image from the built-in ICON
bird& = _NewImage(192, 192, 32): _Dest bird&
Cls , _RGB(200, 200, 0)
_PutImage (0, 0)-(192, 192), -11: _Dest 0

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)

'Make sample texture& image to use, or load your own with _LOADIMAGE
texture& = _NewImage(200, 200, 32)
_Dest texture&
Cls , _RGB(33, 66, 99)
For x = 0 To _Width Step 25
    For y = 0 To _Height Step 25
        Line (x, y)-Step(50, 50), _RGBA(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255), BF
'_PutImage (0, 0), bird&
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (50, 90), "QB64-PE POWER"
_Dest 0

'Or load your own image like below
'_FreeImage texture&
'texture& = _LoadImage("brickwall.jpg", 32)

    ImageBall Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 50 + Rnd * 150, texture&
    ImageBall2 Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 50 + Rnd * 150, texture&
    ImageBall2 Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 50 + Rnd * 50, bird&
    _Limit 5
Loop Until _KeyHit

Sub ImageBall (x, y, size, image&)
    'Puts image in a center circle
    orig& = _Source
    _Source image&
    For y2 = y - size To y + size
        For x2 = x - size To x + size
            dis = Sqr((x2 - x) ^ 2 + (y2 - y) ^ 2)
            If dis <= size Then
                ix = ((_Atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x) + _Pi) / (2 * _Pi)) * (_Width(image&) - 1)
                iy = ((_Acos((dis / size) * 2 - 1)) / _Pi) * (_Height(image&) - 1)
                c& = Point(ix, iy): r = _Red32(c&): g = _Green32(c&): b = _Blue32(c&)
                PSet (x2, y2), _RGB(r - dis, g - dis, b - dis)
            End If
    _Source orig&
End Sub

Sub ImageBall2 (x, y, size, image&)

    'puts image on straight.
    'To make it look better, make a temp image to match the size of the ball
    temp& = _NewImage(size * 2, size * 2, 32)
    'put the image& into temp&, stretch to fill
    _PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(temp&), _Height(temp&)), image&, temp&

    orig& = _Source
    _Source temp&
    For y2 = y - size To y + size
        For x2 = x - size To x + size
            If Sqr((x2 - x) ^ 2 + (y2 - y) ^ 2) <= size Then
                clr = (size - (Sqr((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y)))) / size
                c& = Point(x2 - x + size, y2 - y + size): r = _Red32(c&): g = _Green32(c&): b = _Blue32(c&)
                PSet (x2, y2), _RGB(clr * r, clr * g, clr * b)
            End If
    _FreeImage temp&
    _Source orig&
End Sub

Wow, very impressive - even to someone with my superior skillset!   Rolleyes
If that's your early attempt, I can't wait to see where it will go!
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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Messages In This Thread
Working on ways to map images onto balls - by Dav - 10-04-2023, 11:48 PM
RE: Working on ways to map images onto balls - by PhilOfPerth - 10-05-2023, 12:12 AM

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