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Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker
@Sanmayce seriously why is this in the "Help Me" board, now mnr and Spriggsy they need help for sure! but why you sir? You are so far ahead of us it's like asking a snail to help with tips for running. WIP (Work In Progress) at least more like shh... genius is creating! @grymmjack or @smcneill get this guy a corner Smile

Your Print32 sounds interesting if you solve the font presentation problems maybe the PE developers will take notice. I wonder if you would mind sharing if they did take more than notice?

Of course the real genius would be the one who can explain this advanced tech stuff to me or newbies, maybe what makes Steve amazing?
b = b + ...

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RE: Schizandra - the QB64 English wordlist-walker - by bplus - 10-06-2023, 09:49 AM

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