(10-07-2023, 01:40 PM)grymmjack Wrote: Congratulations @bplus AND @dbox
I like the idea @smcneill has and will see if I can do this.
I will also attempt to add a still image version by default and a play link/button so that CPU is a non-issue. The idea being render image, and only play in place once button pushed, but also add a checkbox over the image to remember the play decision.
I think this is a good compromise and the extra work done can be reused for future banner competitions.
One request I have for you @dbox is it even possible to do this without a external approach / mod? E.g. maybe a future qbjs keyword or meta that can include an image and render it under the play button in non auto mode? That'd solve this nicely, but if we do that it would also be nice to be able to customize the play button itself, size, position, or entirely somehow.
For now I know we can do this external to requiring qbjs mods.
I'll post updates when I have them ready for review on staging.
Well done all!
Dam* lost track of order of bplus tags I went one way you went another...
I don't think this compromise is good idea, you've managed to double bury yourself with 2 times the work!
Let's just try and get mind focused on one project instead of juggling twos sets of problems.
Do mine or do dbox just quit stalling.
b = b + ...