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need a Scientific Notation to real number converter
(10-12-2023, 02:45 PM)Jack Wrote: @random1
you are not showing the code of your program, the code I suggested will not print 7.000000000000001D-2 but .070, clearly you are doing something else there
show your code so that we can help
The whole program contains almost 30K lines of code.  The code in question, the final step is shown below. 

DCNT, K, KP and FT1 are _fload

K = (KP/FT1)
K$ = StrN$(K, 5, "f")  'RENAMED THE FUNCTION TO StrN$ 
DCNT(L2)=VAL(K$)  ' K$ is stored in DCNT()  as VAL(K$)  'I suspect this is my problem 

The array DCNT() is dimmed as _float and has more than one purpose,  I am thinking this is the problem.
What I need to do is create a string array to hold K$ instead of storing as VAL(K$)       

Mixing data types is a major nemesis for me as I don't fully understand what goes on.  After thinking about
I am sure that saving k$ as VAL(K$) is the problem, I will add a second string array to hold K$ and let you
know if it takes care of the problem.


Messages In This Thread
RE: need a Scientific Notation to real number converter - by random1 - 10-13-2023, 05:23 AM

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