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MouseyBalls, playing with balls using mouse (repel/attract)
Yep, I'm still playing with simple balls.  This demo shows how to attract/repel objects on the screen from the mouse pointer position.   I may use this method in a game.  Using the mouse, carve a path through the balls (right click), or draw them to the mouse (left click).  SPACE will reset the screen.  Uses hardware image for speed handling large number of balls.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
'By Dav, OCT/2023

'Demo of attracting/repelling objects (balls) from mouse point.
'Uses hardware images for speed handling large number of objects.

'Use mouse clicks to interact with the balls on screen.
'LEFT click mouse to carve a path through the balls (repels from mouse point).
'RIGHT click to draw the balls back (attracts them to mouse point).
'SPACE will reset ball position on screen.
'That's it for now.  Have a ball.

Screen _NewImage(1000, 600, 32)

balls = 3000

Dim ballx(balls), bally(balls), balldir(balls)
Dim ballsize(balls), ballclr&(balls), ballimage&(balls)

For i = 1 To balls
    ballx(i) = Rnd * _Width
    bally(i) = Rnd * _Height
    ballsize(i) = Rnd * 10 + 5
    balldir(i) = Rnd * 10 * _Pi
    ballclr&(i) = _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)

'make ball hardware images for speed
For i = 1 To balls
    temp& = _NewImage(ballsize(i) * 2, ballsize(i) * 2, 32)
    _Dest temp&
    r = _Red32(ballclr&(i)): g = _Green32(ballclr&(i)): b = _Blue32(ballclr&(i))
    x = _Width(temp&) / 2: y = _Height(temp&) / 2
    For y2 = y - ballsize(i) To y + ballsize(i)
        For x2 = x - ballsize(i) To x + ballsize(i)
            clr = (ballsize(i) - (Sqr((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y)))) / ballsize(i)
            If clr > 0 Then PSet (x2, y2), _RGB(clr * r, clr * g, clr * b)
    ballimage&(i) = _CopyImage(temp&, 33)
    _FreeImage temp&
Next: _Dest 0
For x = 1 To 2000
    c = Rnd * 3
    Line (Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height)-Step(c, c), _RGBA(200, 200, 200, 25 + Rnd * 200), BF
Next: back& = _CopyImage(_Display, 33)

    _PutImage (0, 0), back&

    While _MouseInput: Wend

    For i = 1 To balls

        dx = _MouseX - ballx(i)
        dy = _MouseY - bally(i)

        angle = Atn(dy / dx)
        If dx < 0 Then angle = angle + _Pi
        balldir(i) = angle

        dis = (dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2) ^ .68
        speed = _Width / (dis + 1)

        If _MouseButton(1) Then
            ballx(i) = ballx(i) + speed * -Cos(balldir(i))
            bally(i) = bally(i) + speed * -Sin(balldir(i))
        ElseIf _MouseButton(2) Then
            ballx(i) = ballx(i) + speed * Cos(balldir(i))
            bally(i) = bally(i) + speed * Sin(balldir(i))
            balldir(i) = Rnd * 10 * _Pi
            ballx(i) = ballx(i) + Cos(balldir(i))
            bally(i) = bally(i) + Sin(balldir(i))
        End If

        If ballx(i) < ballsize(i) Then ballx(i) = ballsize(i)
        If ballx(i) > _Width - ballsize(i) Then ballx(i) = _Width - ballsize(i)
        If bally(i) < ballsize(i) Then bally(i) = ballsize(i)
        If bally(i) > _Height - ballsize(i) Then bally(i) = _Height - ballsize(i)

        _PutImage (ballx(i), bally(i)), ballimage&(i)


    keys = Inp(&H60)

    If keys = 57 Then
        For i = 1 To balls
            ballx(i) = Rnd * _Width
            bally(i) = Rnd * _Height
    End If

    _Limit 30

Loop Until keys = 1


Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner

Messages In This Thread
MouseyBalls, playing with balls using mouse (repel/attract) - by Dav - 10-13-2023, 01:16 PM

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