04-19-2022, 05:07 PM
This is a version of the widget toolkit. This version is not finished.
When I stopped working on it, I was in the process of adding windows.
They are included but do not actually do anything other than drawing on the screen.
All the widgets still work, and the background image system is fully operational.
Obligatory screenshot:
![[Image: bg-toolkit1.png]](https://i.ibb.co/n785gP9/bg-toolkit1.png)
![[Image: bg-toolkit2.png]](https://i.ibb.co/TtmWxqY/bg-toolkit2.png)
1) copy kwin2.bas and ggravity.jpg to your qb64 folder
2) compile and run kwin2.bas
![[Image: ggravity.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/w6MzWk9/ggravity.jpg)
When I stopped working on it, I was in the process of adding windows.
They are included but do not actually do anything other than drawing on the screen.
All the widgets still work, and the background image system is fully operational.
Obligatory screenshot:
![[Image: bg-toolkit1.png]](https://i.ibb.co/n785gP9/bg-toolkit1.png)
![[Image: bg-toolkit2.png]](https://i.ibb.co/TtmWxqY/bg-toolkit2.png)
1) copy kwin2.bas and ggravity.jpg to your qb64 folder
2) compile and run kwin2.bas
![[Image: ggravity.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/w6MzWk9/ggravity.jpg)
Code: (Select All)
Type aDisplayOption
Fullscreen As _Byte
Scaled As _Byte
Smoothed As _Byte
End Type
Type aBackgroundOption
Scaled As _Byte
Centered As _Byte
Tiled As _Byte
Image As _Byte
Solid As _Byte
solidColour As _Unsigned Long
horizontalGradient As _Byte
verticalGradient As _Byte
diagonalGradient As _Byte
horizontalDither As _Byte
verticalDither As _Byte
checkerboxDither As _Byte
horizontalSpacedDither As _Byte
verticalSpacedDither As _Byte
squareSpacedDither As _Byte
squarePattern As _Byte
ditherSpacing As _Unsigned Integer
colour1 As _Unsigned Long
colour2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type anOption
Display As aDisplayOption
Background As aBackgroundOption
End Type
Type aSize
restoredSizeX As _Unsigned Integer
restoredSizeY As _Unsigned Integer
maximizedSizeX As _Unsigned Integer
maximizedSizeY As _Unsigned Integer
End Type
Type aProperty
isMinimizable As _Byte
isRestorable As _Byte
isMaximizable As _Byte
isMovable As _Byte
isResizable As _Byte
End Type
Type aStatus
isMinimized As _Byte
isRestored As _Byte
isMaximized As _Byte
isMoving As _Byte
isResizing As _Byte
End Type
Type aWindow
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
Size As aSize
restoredImageHandle As _Unsigned Long
maximizedImageHandle As _Unsigned Long
Properties As aProperty
Status As aStatus
isActive As _Byte
End Type
Type anIcon
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type anObject
Title As String
Identifier As String
Windows As aWindow
Icons As anIcon
End Type
Type aButton
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
Text As String
imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aCheckbox
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
isChecked As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aSwitch
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
isEnabled As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aRadiobutton
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
groupID As _Unsigned Integer
isSelected As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aMouse
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
buttonLeft As _Byte
buttonMiddle As _Byte
buttonRight As _Byte
End Type
Type aGrayscale
Black As _Unsigned Long
Darkest As _Unsigned Long
Darker As _Unsigned Long
Dark As _Unsigned Long
Neutral As _Unsigned Long
Light As _Unsigned Long
Lighter As _Unsigned Long
Lightest As _Unsigned Long
White As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aPrimaryColour
Red As _Unsigned Long
Green As _Unsigned Long
Blue As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aSecondaryColour
Cyan As _Unsigned Long
Magenta As _Unsigned Long
Yellow As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aTertiaryColour
Azure As _Unsigned Long
Violet As _Unsigned Long
Rose As _Unsigned Long
Orange As _Unsigned Long
Chartreuse As _Unsigned Long
springGreen As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aPalette
Grayscale As aGrayscale
Primary As aPrimaryColour
Secondary As aSecondaryColour
Tertiary As aTertiaryColour
End Type
Type aLimit
Minimum As _Unsigned Integer
Current As _Unsigned Integer
Maximum As _Unsigned Integer
End Type
Dim Shared Limit As aLimit
Limit.Minimum = 0
Limit.Current = Limit.Minimum
Limit.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared limitObjects As aLimit
limitObjects.Minimum = 0
limitObjects.Current = limitObjects.Minimum
limitObjects.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared limitButtons As aLimit
limitButtons.Minimum = 0
limitButtons.Current = limitButtons.Minimum
limitButtons.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared limitCheckboxes As aLimit
limitCheckboxes.Minimum = 0
limitCheckboxes.Current = limitCheckboxes.Minimum
limitCheckboxes.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared limitSwitches As aLimit
limitSwitches.Minimum = 0
limitSwitches.Current = limitSwitches.Minimum
limitSwitches.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared limitRadiobuttons As aLimit
limitRadiobuttons.Minimum = 0
limitRadiobuttons.Current = limitRadiobuttons.Minimum
limitRadiobuttons.Maximum = 0 - 1
ReDim Shared Objects(Limit.Current) As anObject
ReDim Shared Buttons(limitButtons.Current) As aButton
ReDim Shared Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current) As aCheckbox
ReDim Shared Switches(limitSwitches.Current) As aSwitch
ReDim Shared Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current) As aRadiobutton
Dim Shared Mouse As aMouse
Dim Shared theOptions As anOption
theOptions.Display.Fullscreen = 0
theOptions.Display.Scaled = 0
theOptions.Display.Smoothed = -1
Dim Shared theDesktop As _Unsigned Long
theDesktop.sizeX = 640
theDesktop.sizeY = 480
theDesktop.imageHandle = _NewImage(theDesktop.sizeX, theDesktop.sizeY, 32)
Screen theDesktop.imageHandle
If theOptions.Display.Fullscreen Then
If theOptions.Display.Scaled Then
If theOptions.Display.Smoothed Then
_FullScreen _Stretch , _Smooth
_FullScreen _Stretch
End If
If theOptions.Display.Smoothed Then
_FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth
_FullScreen _SquarePixels
End If
End If
End If
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Dim Shared colorPalette As aPalette
colorPalette.Grayscale.Black = _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Darkest = _RGBA32(31, 31, 31, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker = _RGBA32(63, 63, 63, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Dark = _RGBA32(95, 95, 95, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral = _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Light = _RGBA32(159, 159, 159, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter = _RGBA32(191, 191, 191, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.Lightest = _RGBA32(223, 223, 223, 255)
colorPalette.Grayscale.White = _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
colorPalette.Primary.Red = _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Primary.Green = _RGBA32(0, 255, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Primary.Blue = _RGBA32(0, 0, 255, 255)
colorPalette.Secondary.Cyan = _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Secondary.Magenta = _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Secondary.Yellow = _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.Azure = _RGBA32(0, 127, 255, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.Violet = _RGBA32(127, 0, 255, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.Rose = _RGBA32(255, 0, 127, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.springGreen = _RGBA32(0, 255, 127, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.Orange = _RGBA32(255, 165, 0, 255)
colorPalette.Tertiary.Chartreuse = _RGBA32(127, 255, 0, 255)
Dim Shared theBackground As _Unsigned Long
theBackground.imageHandle = _LoadImage("ggravity.jpg")
theBackground.sizeX = _Width(theBackground.imageHandle)
theBackground.sizeY = _Height(theBackground.imageHandle)
If theBackground.imageHandle Then
theOptions.Background.Image = -1
theOptions.Background.Scaled = 0
theOptions.Background.Centered = 0
theOptions.Background.Tiled = 0
End If
initObject 100, 100, 200, 200, "Window 1", "Window Title 1"
initObject 200, 200, 200, 200, "Window 2", "Window Title 2"
initObject 300, 300, 200, 200, "Window 3", "Window Title 3"
initButton 100, 200, 100, 40, "Button"
initCheckbox 100, 400, 50, -1, "Checkbox"
initSwitch 200, 150, 25, 0, "Switch"
initRadiobutton 550, 100, 50, 1, -1, "Radiobutton 1"
initRadiobutton 550, 175, 50, 1, 0, "Radiobutton 2"
initRadiobutton 550, 250, 50, 1, 0, "Radiobutton 3"
Dim Shared zoneTypeClicked As String
theOptions.Background.Solid = 0
theOptions.Background.solidColour = thePalette.Tertiary.Azure
theOptions.Background.horizontalGradient = 0
theOptions.Background.verticalGradient = 0
theOptions.Background.diagonalGradient = 0
theOptions.Background.horizontalDither = -1
theOptions.Background.verticalDither = 0
theOptions.Background.checkerboxDither = 0
theOptions.Background.horizontalSpacedDither = 0
theOptions.Background.verticalSpacedDither = 0
theOptions.Background.squareSpacedDither = 0
theOptions.Background.squarePattern = 0
theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing = 3
theOptions.Background.colour1 = thePalette.Tertiary.Azure
theOptions.Background.colour2 = thePalette.Tertiary.Violet
If theOptions.Background.Solid Then
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), theOptions.Background.solidColour, BF
If theOptions.Background.horizontalGradient Then
gradientHorizontal 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2
If theOptions.Background.verticalGradient Then
gradientVertical 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2
If theOptions.Background.diagonalGradient Then
gradientDiagonal 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2
If theOptions.Background.horizontalDither Then
ditherHorizontal 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
If theOptions.Background.verticalDither Then
ditherVertical 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
If theOptions.Background.checkerboxDither Then
ditherCheckerbox 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2
If theOptions.Background.horizontalSpacedDither Then
ditherHorizontalSpaced 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
If theOptions.Background.verticalSpacedDither Then
ditherVerticalSpaced 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
If theOptions.Background.squareSpacedDither Then
ditherSquare 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
If theOptions.Background.squarePattern Then
patternSquare 0, 0, _Width, _Height, theOptions.Background.colour1, theOptions.Background.colour2, theOptions.Background.ditherSpacing
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), thePalette.Grayscale.Black, BF
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If theOptions.Background.Image Then
If theOptions.Background.Scaled Then
_PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(theDisplay.imageHandle), _Height(theDisplay.imageHandle)), theBackground.imageHandle, theDisplay.imageHandle
If theOptions.Background.Centered Then
Dim centeredX As Integer: centeredX = (_Width(theDisplay.imageHandle) - _Width(theBackground.imageHandle)) / 2
Dim centeredY As Integer: centeredY = (_Height(theDisplay.imageHandle) - _Height(theBackground.imageHandle)) / 2
_PutImage (centeredX, centeredY)-(_Width(theBackground.imageHandle) + centeredX, _Height(theBackground.imageHandle) + centeredY), theBackground.imageHandle, theDisplay.imageHandle
If theOptions.Background.Tiled Then
Dim numberWide As Single: numberWide = _Width / _Width(Temporary)
Dim numberHigh As Single: numberHigh = _Height / _Height(Temporary)
Dim currentTileY As _Unsigned Integer: For currentTileY = 0 To numberHigh
Dim currentTileX As _Unsigned Integer: For currentTileX = 0 To numberWide
_PutImage (_Width(theBackground.imageHandle) * currentTileX, _Height(theBackground.imageHandle) * currentTileY), theBackground.imageHandle, theDisplay.imageHandle
Next currentTileX
Next currentTileY
_PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(theBackground.imageHandle), _Height(theBackground.imageHandle)), theBackground.imageHandle, theDisplay.imageHandle
End If
End If
End If
End If
For i1 = 0 To limitButtons.Current
_PutImage (Buttons(i1).positionX, Buttons(i1).positionY), Buttons(i1).imageHandle
Next i1
For i2 = 0 To Limit.Current
_PutImage (Objects(i2).Windows.positionX, Objects(i2).Windows.positionY), Objects(i2).Windows.restoredImageHandle
Next i2
For i3 = 0 To limitCheckboxes.Current
If Checkboxes(i3).isChecked Then
_PutImage (Checkboxes(i3).positionX, Checkboxes(i3).positionY), Checkboxes(i3).imageHandle2
_PutImage (Checkboxes(i3).positionX, Checkboxes(i3).positionY), Checkboxes(i3).imageHandle1
End If
Next i3
For i4 = 0 To limitSwitches.Current
If Switches(i4).isEnabled Then
_PutImage (Switches(i4).positionX, Switches(i4).positionY), Switches(i4).imageHandle2
_PutImage (Switches(i4).positionX, Switches(i4).positionY), Switches(i4).imageHandle1
End If
Next i4
For i5 = 0 To limitRadiobuttons.Current
If Radiobuttons(i5).isSelected Then
_PutImage (Radiobuttons(i5).positionX, Radiobuttons(i5).positionY), Radiobuttons(i5).imageHandle2
_PutImage (Radiobuttons(i5).positionX, Radiobuttons(i5).positionY), Radiobuttons(i5).imageHandle1
End If
Next i5
If Mouse.buttonLeft Then
For i = 0 To LimitWindows.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "window")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "window"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To LimitIcons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "icon")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "icon"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To limitButtons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "button")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "button"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To limitCheckboxes.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "checkbox")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "checkbox"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To limitSwitches.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "switch")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "switch"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To limitRadiobuttons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "radiobutton")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "radiobutton"
End If
Next i
zoneTypeClicked = LCase$(LTrim$(RTrim$(zoneTypeClicked)))
Select Case zoneTypeClicked
Case "window"
Case "icon"
Case "button"
Case "checkbox"
If Checkboxes(status2).isChecked = -1 Then
Checkboxes(status2).isChecked = 0
Checkboxes(status2).isChecked = -1
End If
Case "switch"
If Switches(status2).isEnabled = -1 Then
Switches(status2).isEnabled = 0
Switches(status2).isEnabled = -1
End If
Case "radiobutton"
For i = 0 To limitRadiobuttons.Current
If Radiobuttons(i).groupID = Radiobuttons(status2).groupID Then
Radiobuttons(i).isSelected = 0
End If
Next i
Radiobuttons(status2).isSelected = -1
End Select
End If
_Limit 60
Sub initObject (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer, inIdentifier As String, inTitle As String)
Limit.Current = Limit.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve Objects(Limit.Current) As anObject
Objects(Limit.Current).Title = inTitle
Objects(Limit.Current).Identifier = inIdentifier
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.positionX = inPositionX
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.positionY = inPositionY
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX = inSizeX
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY = inSizeY
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeX = _Width
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeY = _Height
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.restoredImageHandle = _NewImage(Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX, Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY, 32)
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.maximizedImageHandle = _NewImage(Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeX, Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeY, 32)
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Properties.isMinimizable = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Properties.isRestorable = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Properties.isMaximizable = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Properties.isMovable = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Properties.isResizable = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Status.isMinimized = -1
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Status.isRestored = 0
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Status.isMaximized = 0
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Status.isMoving = 0
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Status.isResizing = 0
Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.isActive = 0
Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.positionX = Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.positionX + (Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX / 2)
Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.positionY = Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.positionY + (Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY / 2)
Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.imageHandle = _LoadImage("blank.png")
Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.sizeX = _Width(Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.imageHandle)
Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.sizeY = _Height(Objects(Limit.Current).Icons.imageHandle)
_Dest Objects(Limit.Current).Windows.restoredImageHandle
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255), BF
box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
If Objects(Identifier).Windows.isActive = -1 Then
Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 255, 255, 255)
Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 127, 127, 255)
End If
box2 _Width - 48, 3, 20, 20, 1, 7
box2 _Width - 25, 3, 20, 20, 1, 2
box3 4, 3, 20, 20, 1, 1, 7
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initButton (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer, inText As String)
limitButtons.Current = limitButtons.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve Buttons(limitButtons.Current) As aButton
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).positionX = inPositionX
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).positionY = inPositionY
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).sizeX = inSizeX
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).sizeY = inSizeY
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).Text = inText
Buttons(limitButtons.Current).imageHandle = _NewImage(Buttons(limitButtons.Current).sizeX, Buttons(limitButtons.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest Buttons(limitButtons.Current).imageHandle
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_PrintString (5, 5), Buttons(limitButtons.Current).Text
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initCheckbox (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inIsChecked As _Byte, inText As String)
limitCheckboxes.Current = limitCheckboxes.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current) As aCheckbox
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).positionX = inPositionX
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).positionY = inPositionY
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX = inSize
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY = inSize
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).isChecked = inIsChecked
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).Text = inText
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX, Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX, Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Line (2, _Height - 3)-(_Width - 3, 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
_Dest Checkboxes(limitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initSwitch (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inIsEnabled As _Byte, inText As String)
limitSwitches.Current = limitSwitches.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve Switches(limitSwitches.Current) As aSwitch
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).positionX = inPositionX
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).positionY = inPositionY
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeX = inSize
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeY = inSize * 2
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).isEnabled = inIsEnabled
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).Text = inText
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeX, Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeY, 32)
Switches(limitSwitches.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeX, Switches(limitSwitches.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest Switches(limitSwitches.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height / 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), BF
_Dest Switches(limitSwitches.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, _Height / 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), BF
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initRadiobutton (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inGroupID As _Unsigned Integer, inIsSelected As _Byte, inText As String)
limitRadiobuttons.Current = limitRadiobuttons.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current) As aRadiobutton
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).positionX = inPositionX
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).positionY = inPositionY
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX = inSize
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeY = inSize
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).groupID = inGroupID
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).isSelected = inIsSelected
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).Text = inText
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX, Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeY, 32)
Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX, Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Line (2, _Height - 3)-(_Width - 3, 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
_Dest Radiobuttons(limitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub Titlebar (titlebarPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarWidth As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarHeight As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarColor As _Unsigned Long)
Line (titlebarPositionX, titlebarPositionY)-(titlebarPositionX + titlebarWidth, titlebarPositionY + titlebarHeight), titlebarColor, BF
End Sub
Sub box (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer)
Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral, BF
End Sub
Sub box2 (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepth As _Unsigned Integer)
interiorDepth = interiorDepth * boxDepth
Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter, BF
Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker, BF
Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral, BF
End Sub
Sub box3 (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepthX As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepthY As _Unsigned Integer)
interiorDepthX = interiorDepthX * boxDepth
interiorDepthY = interiorDepthY * boxDepth
Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral, BF
Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxDepth + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepthY), colorPalette.Grayscale.Lighter, BF
Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepthY), colorPalette.Grayscale.Darker, BF
Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepthY), colorPalette.Grayscale.Neutral, BF
End Sub
Sub probeMouse
While _MouseInput
Mouse.positionX = _MouseX
Mouse.positionY = _MouseY
Mouse.buttonLeft = _MouseButton(1)
Mouse.buttonRight = _MouseButton(2)
Mouse.buttonMiddle = _MouseButton(3)
End Sub
Function isZone~& (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer, inSelector As String)
inSelector = LCase$(LTrim$(RTrim$(inSelector)))
Select Case inSelector
Case "window"
If Mouse.positionX >= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX + Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY + Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "icon"
If Mouse.positionX >= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX + Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.sizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY + Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "button"
If Mouse.positionX >= Buttons(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Buttons(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Buttons(inIdentifier).positionX + Buttons(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Buttons(inIdentifier).positionY + Buttons(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "checkbox"
If Mouse.positionX >= Checkboxes(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Checkboxes(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Checkboxes(inIdentifier).positionX + Checkboxes(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Checkboxes(inIdentifier).positionY + Checkboxes(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "switch"
If Mouse.positionX >= Switches(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Switches(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Switches(inIdentifier).positionX + Switches(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Switches(inIdentifier).positionY + Switches(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "radiobutton"
If Mouse.positionX >= Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If Mouse.positionY >= Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If Mouse.positionX <= Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionX + Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If Mouse.positionY <= Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionY + Radiobuttons(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
Sub gradientHorizontal (x0, y0, w, h, c1 As _Unsigned Long, c2 As _Unsigned Long)
Dim mr As Double, mg As Double, mb As Double
mr = (_Red(c2) - _Red(c1)) / w
mg = (_Green(c2) - _Green(c1)) / w
mb = (_Blue(c2) - _Blue(c1)) / w
For x = 0 To w - 1
r = _Red(c2) + (x - w) * mr
g = _Green(c2) + (x - w) * mg
b = _Blue(c2) + (x - w) * mb
Line (x + x0, y0)-Step(0, h), _RGBA32(r, g, b, 255), BF
End Sub
Sub gradientVertical (x0, y0, w, h, c1 As _Unsigned Long, c2 As _Unsigned Long)
Dim mr As Double, mg As Double, mb As Double
mr = (_Red(c2) - _Red(c1)) / h
mg = (_Green(c2) - _Green(c1)) / h
mb = (_Blue(c2) - _Blue(c1)) / h
For y = 0 To h - 1
r = _Red(c2) + (y - h) * mr
g = _Green(c2) + (y - h) * mg
b = _Blue(c2) + (y - h) * mb
Line (x0, y + y0)-Step(w, 0), _RGBA32(r, g, b, 255), BF
End Sub
Sub gradientDiagonal (x0, y0, w, h, c1 As _Unsigned Long, c2 As _Unsigned Long)
Dim mr As Double, mg As Double, mb As Double
dw = w + h
mr = (_Red(c2) - _Red(c1)) / dw
mg = (_Green(c2) - _Green(c1)) / dw
mb = (_Blue(c2) - _Blue(c1)) / dw
For d = 0 To dw - 1
r = _Red(c2) + (d - dw) * mr
g = _Green(c2) + (d - dw) * mg
b = _Blue(c2) + (d - dw) * mb
If d <= h - 1 Then
Line (x0 + d, y0)-(x0, y0 + d), _RGBA32(r, g, b, 255)
ElseIf d >= h And d <= w - 1 Then
Line (x0 + d, y0)-(x0 + (d - h), y0 + h), _RGBA32(r, g, b, 255)
ElseIf d >= w And d <= dw - 1 Then
Line (x0 + w, y0 + (d - w))-(x0 + (d - h), y0 + h), _RGBA32(r, g, b, 255)
End If
Next d
End Sub
Sub ditherCheckerbox (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long)
Line (x0, y0)-(x0 + w, y0 + h), inColor2, BF
For j = y0 To y0 + h
If j Mod 2 = 1 Then
For i = x0 To x0 + w
If i Mod 2 = 1 Then
PSet (i, j), inColor2
PSet (i, j), inColor1
End If
Next i
For i = x0 To x0 + w
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
PSet (i, j), inColor2
PSet (i, j), inColor1
End If
Next i
End If
Next j
End Sub
Sub ditherVertical (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
Line (x0, y0)-(x0 + w, y0 + h), inColor2, BF
For j = y0 To y0 + h
For i = x0 To (x0 + w) - 1 Step inSpacing
PSet (i, j), inColor1
Next i
Next j
End Sub
Sub ditherHorizontal (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
Line (x0, y0)-(x0 + w, y0 + h), inColor2, BF
For i = x0 To (x0 + w) - 1
For j = y0 To y0 + h Step inSpacing
PSet (i, j), inColor1
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Sub ditherHorizontalSpaced (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
cc = 1
Line (x0, y0)-(x0 + w, y0 + h), inColor2, BF
For i = x0 To x0 + w Step inSpacing
Select Case cc
Case 1
For j = y0 To y0 + h
If j Mod 2 <> 0 Then
PSet (i, j), inColor1
End If
Next j
cc = cc + 1
Case 2
For j = y0 To y0 + h
If j Mod 2 = 0 Then
PSet (i, j), inColor1
End If
Next j
cc = 1
End Select
Next i
End Sub
Sub ditherVerticalSpaced (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
cc = 1
Line (x0, y0)-(x0 + w, y0 + h), inColor2, BF
For i = y0 To y0 + h Step inSpacing
Select Case cc
Case 1
For j = x0 To x0 + w
If j Mod 2 <> 0 Then
PSet (j, i), inColor1
End If
Next j
cc = cc + 1
Case 2
For j = x0 To x0 + w
If j Mod 2 = 0 Then
PSet (j, i), inColor1
End If
Next j
cc = 1
End Select
Next i
End Sub
Sub ditherSquare (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
Line (x0, y0)-((x0 + w) - 1, (y0 + h) - 1), inColor2, BF
For i = x0 To x0 + w Step inSpacing
For j = y0 To y0 + h Step inSpacing
PSet (i, j), inColor1
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Sub patternSquare (x0, y0, w, h, inColor1 As _Unsigned Long, inColor2 As _Unsigned Long, inSpacing As _Unsigned Integer)
Line (x0, y0)-((x0 + w) - 1, (y0 + h) - 1), inColor2, BF
For i = x0 To x0 + w Step inSpacing
Line (centerX + i, y0)-(centerX + i, (y0 + h) - 1), inColor1
Next i
For i = y0 To y0 + h Step inSpacing
Line (x0, centerY + i)-((x0 + w) - 1, centerY + i), inColor1
Next i
End Sub