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Correcting the code
Thank You very much, it works, but a small correction is still needed. As I wrote earlier, after pressing only the Enter key, the H# variable cannot have the value zero (0). After entering the value zero (0) it is ok, after entering any number it is ok, but when I press only the Enter key it takes the value zero (0) and that is not good. I am asking for an amendment so that after pressing only the Enter key, the H# variable takes the value N#, i.e. H# = N#. The value of N# is calculated before the loop. If you fix it, it will be great. I removed unnecessary lines. Thank you.

H$ = "": B$ = ""
        B$ = ""
    WHILE B$ = ""
        B$ = INKEY$
        _LIMIT 30
    IF B$ = Chr$(27) THEN END
    IF B$ = "-" THEN
        IF H$ = "" THEN H$ = "-" ELSE BEEP
    IF INSTR("0123456789", B$) THEN H$ = H$ + B$
    _LIMIT 30
H# = VAL(H$): PRINT H#

Messages In This Thread
Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-27-2023, 07:19 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by bplus - 10-27-2023, 08:28 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by SMcNeill - 10-27-2023, 09:31 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-28-2023, 06:34 AM
RE: Correcting the code - by SMcNeill - 10-28-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by Stuart - 10-28-2023, 10:43 AM
RE: Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-28-2023, 11:34 AM
RE: Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-28-2023, 11:49 AM
RE: Correcting the code - by bplus - 10-28-2023, 12:55 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-28-2023, 02:13 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by bplus - 10-28-2023, 02:46 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by SMcNeill - 10-28-2023, 06:18 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by Chris - 10-28-2023, 07:44 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by bplus - 10-28-2023, 07:47 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by SMcNeill - 10-28-2023, 09:48 PM
RE: Correcting the code - by bplus - 10-28-2023, 07:51 PM

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