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Grab URL from net to file
I recently posted a question about grabbing a url and wrote the following:

This attempts to grab a url and writes it to a filename:

Code: (Select All)
Rem program to grab url filename.
DefLng A-Z
On Error GoTo Hell

Print "Enter url";: Input url$
Print "Enter filename";: Input Urlfile$
If Len(url$) And Len(Urlfile$) Then
  Z = DownloadToFileX&(url$, Urlfile$)
  If Z = 404 Then
      Print "File not found."
      If Z >= 200 And Z < 300 Then
        Print "Download success."
        Print "Download failure."
      End If
  End If
End If

Z = 404
Resume Next

' get a file from url and download
Function DownloadToFileX& (url As String, Urlfile$)
  Dim bytescopied As Double
  Dim bytestring As String
  Dim clienthandle As Long
  Dim filehandle As Long
  client$ = url
  If Left$(client$, 2) = "//" Then
      client$ = "HTTP:" + client$
  End If
  If Left$(LCase$(client$), 5) = "http:" Or Left$(LCase$(client$), 6) = "https:" Then
      eat$ = ""
      client$ = "HTTP:" + client$
  End If
  ' check url exists.
  clienthandle = _OpenClient(client$)
  If clienthandle = 0 Then
      DownloadToFileX& = 404
      Print "Cannot open client."
      Exit Function
  End If
  If clienthandle Then
      x = _StatusCode(clienthandle)
      DownloadToFileX& = x
      If x >= 200 And x < 300 Then

        ' prompt to delete output file only if url exists.
        If _FileExists(Urlfile$) Then
            Print "Output file exists."
            Print "Delete file(y/n/q)?";
              _Limit 50
              X$ = InKey$
              If LCase$(X$) = "y" Then
                  Var$ = Urlfile$ + Chr$(0)
                  Kill Var$
                  Exit Do
              End If
              If LCase$(X$) = "n" Then
                  Exit Do
              End If
              If LCase$(X$) = "q" Then
                  Close #clienthandle
                  DownloadToFileX& = 404
                  Exit Function
              End If
        End If

        ' open output file only if url exists.
        filehandle = FreeFile
        Open Urlfile$ For Binary As #filehandle

        ' copy the file.
        bytescopied = 0#
        starttimer = Timer
        While Not EOF(clienthandle)
            _Limit 60
            Get #clienthandle, , bytestring
            Put #filehandle, , bytestring
            bytescopied = bytescopied + Len(bytestring)
            elapsed = Timer - starttimer
            If elapsed < 0 Then elapsed = elapsed + 86400
            If elapsed >= 1 Then
              starttimer = Timer
              _Title "QB64 - Url: " + Str$(bytescopied) + " bytes copied."
            End If
        Print "QB64 - Url: " + Str$(bytescopied) + " bytes copied."
        Print "Cannot open client."
      End If
  End If
  Close #clienthandle, filehandle
End Function

Messages In This Thread
Grab URL from net to file - by eoredson - 11-07-2023, 07:39 AM
RE: Grab URL from net to file - by SMcNeill - 11-07-2023, 03:12 PM
RE: Grab URL from net to file - by eoredson - 11-08-2023, 12:11 AM

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