I have been using this method to store an array in an UDT:
If somebody could point out to me how I could do this using _MEM I would like to see it..
Code: (Select All)
' define an array as string.
Type Datatype
Array As String * 16
End Type
Dim DataRecord As Datatype
Dim Array(8) As Integer
' store array.
For L = 1 To 8
Array(L) = L
' put array into UDT string.
For L = 1 To 8
Mid$(DataRecord.Array, (L - 1) * 2 + 1, 2) = MKI$(Array(L))
' get array from UDT string.
For L = 1 To 8
M = CVI(Mid$(DataRecord.Array, (L - 1) * 2 + 1, 2))
Print M;
If somebody could point out to me how I could do this using _MEM I would like to see it..