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Trust The Computer
A wee bit of SVG and XML just for the heck of it.
Code: (Select All)
'trust the computer
' press <esc> to exit
Screen _NewImage(300, 250, 32)
Dim As Long simg
svgheader$ = "<svg width='" + _Trim$(Str$(_Width)) + "' height= '" + _Trim$(Str$(_Height)) + "'  >"
svgfooter$ = "</svg>"
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_FullScreen _SquarePixels , _Smooth
i$ = "<rect x='10' y= '10' width='280' height='240' fill='red' stroke='white' stroke-width='3'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polyline points='100 100 200 100 150 220 100 100' stroke='white' stroke-width='12'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polyline points='100 100 200 100 150 220 100 100' stroke='black' stroke-width='8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<polyline points='100 100 200 100 150 220 100 100' stroke='white' stroke-width='3'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<path d='M 130 110 C 120 140, 180 140, 170 110' stroke='white' fill='none' stroke-width='8' />"
i$ = i$ + "<circle cx='40' cy='40' r='12'stroke='white' stroke-width='8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<circle cx='250' cy='40' r='12'stroke='white' stroke-width='8'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<circle cx='40' cy='40' r='12'stroke='black'fill='none' stroke-width='3'/>"
i$ = i$ + "<circle cx='250' cy='40' r='12'stroke='black'fill='none' stroke-width='3'/>"
svg$ = svgheader$ + i$ + svgfooter$
simg = _LoadImage(svg$, 32, "memory")
    _PutImage , simg
    _PrintString (75, 40), "Praise The Computer"
    _Delay 2
    _PutImage , simg
    _PrintString (45, 70), "The Computer is Your Friend"
    _Delay 2
    _PutImage , simg
    _PrintString (40, 70), "The Computer is Watching You"
    _Delay 2
    _PutImage , simg
    _PrintString (75, 40), "Trust The Computer"
    _Delay 2
    _PutImage , simg
    _PrintString (65, 40), "Freedom Is Digital"
    kk$ = InKey$
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27)
_PutImage , simg
_PrintString (25, 55), "This Would Have Looked Better"
_Delay 1
_PrintString (11, 70), "If The Programmer Centered The Text"
_Delay 5
_PutImage , simg
_Delay 3
_Delay 2
_FreeImage simg

Messages In This Thread
Trust The Computer - by James D Jarvis - 11-16-2023, 01:19 PM

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