(11-20-2023, 03:29 PM)SpriggsySpriggs Wrote: Does it allow for using the mouse or is everything controlled by the keyboard?
99% most likely no mouse, I remember I had to get a book with Mouse subs (Interrupts) to get mouse functions in my Basic. Did QB4.5 have them? Maybe with some Interrupt / Registers routines.
Mouse will definitely add to LOC, so I'd say no. Plus you probably had to type in Input line your filename to save or load. The journal was only a couple of pages, I don't think they did installments?
I am thinking no Cut/Copy/Paste because highlighting and getting that working really adds to code lines.
Pete had something working pretty well with that but tons of lines!
BTW Aurel informed me that Windows API has 2 Editor Controls! @SpriggsySpriggs have you checked out GUI possibilties through Windows API?
b = b + ...