I do think the code is very un-QB64 and could be structured way better which prevents issues and makes it much more readable.
- Get rid of old basic DECLARE's, WHILE/WEND's, etc.
- Don't make all variables shared unless you have a good reason; use local variables in functions/subs as much as possible
- Use sensible variablenames
- separate small blocks of code in their own functions
- don't use goto TokExit; it's a sign of bad structure in your function
- structure with FOR, SELECT CASE, etc.
A lot of things can go wrong here. For example in your WHILE p <= Len(src) it is very risky to do p=p+1:ch=mid$(src,p,1) since you don't check if p is now pointing outside ch. And there are more of these issues hidden in the structure of your function
something like this (didn't look at all the details):
- Get rid of old basic DECLARE's, WHILE/WEND's, etc.
- Don't make all variables shared unless you have a good reason; use local variables in functions/subs as much as possible
- Use sensible variablenames
- separate small blocks of code in their own functions
- don't use goto TokExit; it's a sign of bad structure in your function
- structure with FOR, SELECT CASE, etc.
A lot of things can go wrong here. For example in your WHILE p <= Len(src) it is very risky to do p=p+1:ch=mid$(src,p,1) since you don't check if p is now pointing outside ch. And there are more of these issues hidden in the structure of your function
something like this (didn't look at all the details):
Code: (Select All)
Const FALSE = 0, TRUE = Not FALSE
Function tokenizer& (src As String)
srclen& = Len(src)
srcpos& = 0
Do While srcpos& < srclen&
srcpos& = srcpos& + 1
char% = Asc(src, srcpos&) ' get char
Select Case char%
Case 32 'skip space
Case 9 'skip tab
Case 13 'skip cr
skipline% = FALSE: lineCount = lineCount + 1
Case 39 'skip commentline
skipline% = TRUE
Case 10 ' lf
skipline% = FALSE: lineCount = lineCount + 1
tp& = addToken("eol")
Case 34 'double quote
If Not skipline% Then
If dquote& = 0 Then
dquote& = srcpos&
tp& = addToken("from dquote& to srcpos&")
dquote& = 0
End If
End If
Case 48 To 57 '0 to 9
If Not skipline% Then tp& = addToken("digit")
Case tkPLUS 'Plus
If Not skipline% Then tp& = addToken("tkPlus")
Case tkMINUS 'Minus
If Not skipline% Then tp& = addToken("tkMINUS")
Case tkETCETERA 'all other const tk...
If Not skipline% Then tp& = addToken("something")
Case 92 To 125 'all other valid chars?
If Not skipline% Then tp& = addToken("something")
Case Else
End Select
tokenizer& = tp&
End Function
Function addToken& (something$)
If something$ = "allright" then
tokens = tokens + 1
' add token to array
addToken& = tokens
addToken& = errorcode ' Negative
End If
End Function
Function tokError (errcode%)
' show and/or handle error
End Function
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience