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Tic-80, an 8-bit game engine
I think I've tried this before early this year. It's confusing. The fonts it uses don't make it very inviting for programming in Lua or anything else.

I have a dilemma if I want to use this. There's a version for Windows, of course, but I'm not in the mood to pick that up to run it with Wine on a system which is not Debian-based. Otherwise disappointingly, like all other commercial "Ubuntu is all of Linux" hogs, only a DEB-suffix file is offered for any LInux. There's also a Raspberry PI version it seems. Installing a DEB into a non-Debian-based Linux is not recommended! Even with that utility for Porteus (based on Slackware). It might work if the library names match and other things aligned that cannot be seen in the sky and space.

EDIT: I didn't see the word-up for Lowres-NX. Sadly it also needs husband and wife. But it's friendly with older versions of Debian and Ubuntu which is good. I have to reinforce the warning about DEB-suffix files: on some distros "GDebi" program doesn't work properly summoning its GUI because there is a parse error with Perl. Must drop to the terminal and run that program asking for installation of the DEB. I had to do this for BespokeSynth and a few other things related to music. One of the distros based on Kubuntu offers a different program, I guess a fork of GDebi that works better with its GUI.

Oh yeah I could keep complaining right here. But this is an interesting project. I hope they could expand it to support other interpreters such as Julia and Python. Even if it's costly, ie. having to download source code to compile to support dynamic libraries taking many megabytes of disk space.

Somehow I press for KolibriOS to be like this, but there must learn its version of assembly language to really move forward writing games or any other type of application. Also I dreamed about coming up with something like TachyonOS, but I would need to write my own graphics, sound, HID support apart from "X-dot-org" and Wayland, cannot use QB64 nor Freebasic.

Messages In This Thread
Tic-80, an 8-bit game engine - by vividpixel - 12-09-2023, 05:38 PM
RE: Tic-80, an 8-bit game engine - by mnrvovrfc - 12-09-2023, 10:11 PM
RE: Tic-80, an 8-bit game engine - by vividpixel - 12-10-2023, 04:31 PM

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