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A func.bas makes a func.exe - Can I Call(SHELL?) to func.exe?
You're shelling to an external program, opening that program, running that program, closing that program... Of course it's going to be slow -- that's a lot of system calls to be making to get your result.

Instead, find some other way for your programs to communicate, without having to shell/load/run/close them each time you want something from them. -- -like here, my mini messenger is using open connection to chat with each other.

If you've got a RAM Drive up and going, you could always write the data to a file with the first program, and then read the data with the second program, as needed. (I wouldn't want to beat my poor hard drive to death using such a means of interaction, but it'd be easy to do with a ram drive.)

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RE: A func.bas makes a func.exe - Can I Call(SHELL?) to func.exe? - by SMcNeill - 05-13-2022, 08:17 PM

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