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QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.11.0 Released!
Damn, you guys are good, really good!
If only one could reconcile this with Microsoft and its Visual Basic. That would be more practical than all the NET stuff.
If I lived in the USA, I would simply call MS and ask through to the people who worked with VisualBasic. They're still there, these people. Certainly.

I tried via email, but there is only support etc. Forget it! And I can't call.
1. My English is not good enough for a conversation
2. It's too expensive from Germany.

From America I would ask myself questions until I got an answer: Yes or No.

Messages In This Thread
QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.11.0 Released! - by a740g - 01-03-2024, 05:45 PM
RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.11.0 Released! - by Kernelpanic - 01-03-2024, 08:51 PM

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