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Scribble Font Builder
Added a very simple help option and listed the key commands the program accepts. Using U and D to raise and lower the pen is much quicker for the user than clicking on the on screen buttons and doesn't require a mouse move.

Code: (Select All)
'scribble font builder   v0.02
'a simple editor to build simple vector fonts for use in QB64 programs
'by James D. Jarvis
_Title "Scribble Font Builder v0.02"
Dim Shared S1&, bt&
Dim Shared buttoncount
buttoncount = 0
Dim Shared Klr(0 To 255) As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared kl As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared bk As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared pencolor As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared penstate, gridstate
Dim Shared cbgrid$(160, 2)
Dim Shared charcode$(0 To 255), current_ch
Dim Shared button(500) As _Unsigned Long 'the color tags for the buttons
Dim Shared fonstspec$ 'not used yet
S1& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32) ' the main screen
Screen S1&
_PrintMode _KeepBackground , S1&

bt& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32) ' the button tracker
penstate = 0
gridstate = 1
pencolor = Klr(15)
_Dest S1&
current_ch = Asc("A")
For c = 0 To 255
    charcode$(c) = ""
Next c
_ControlChr Off
lastadd$ = ""
Locate 2, 55: Print "Key Commands"
Locate 4, 57: Print "Q - Quit"
Locate 5, 57: Print "U - Pen Up"
Locate 6, 57: Print "D - Pen Down"
Locate 7, 57: Print "< - Last Char."
Locate 8, 57: Print "> - Next Char."
'Locate 9, 57: Print "X - Undo "
Locate 20, 57: Print "? - Help"

'main loop
    ' Screen bt&
    _Limit 1000
    Line (10, 50)-(15, 55), Klr&(kl), BF
    ask$ = keyup$
    If ask$ <> "" Then
        Select Case ask$
            Case Chr$(27), "Q", "q"
                Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
                Locate 25, 25
                Print "  QUIT PROGRAM ?  "
                Locate 26, 25
                Print "press    Y or N"
                Choice$ = pickkey$("YyNn")
                If LCase$(Choice$) = "n" Then
                    'all is well
                    GoTo exitmain
                End If
            Case "<", ","
                current_ch = current_ch - 1
                If current_ch < 0 Then current_ch = 255
                Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF
            Case ">", "."
                current_ch = current_ch + 1
                If current_ch > 255 Then current_ch = 0
                Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF
            Case "D", "d"
                penstate = 1
            Case "U", "u"
                penstate = 0
                charcode$(current_ch) = charcode$(current_ch) + "U"
            Case "X", "x"
                '   codekill = 0
                '   totl = Len(charcode$(current_ch))
                '  If Right$(charcode$(current_ch), 1) = "U" Then
                ' codekill = 1
                '   codekill = 2
                '  End If
                ' charcode$(current_ch) = Left$(charcode$(curent_ch), totl - codekill)
                'codekill = 0
                'ask$ = ""
            Case "?", "/" 'help
        End Select

        ask$ = ""
        lastask$ = ask$
    End If
    Mouser mx, my, mb
    If mb Then
        Do While mb 'wait for button release
            Mouser mx, my, mb
            _Source bt&
            bk = Point(mx, my)
            _Dest S1&
        '******** button handling code ************
        ' check position clicked in button tracking image
        ' get the color in that location
        'i color matches that assigned to button execute button commands
        For kc = 1 To buttoncount
            If bk = button(kc) Then
                bk = kc
            End If
        Next kc
        If bk > 0 And bk < buttoncount + 1 Then
            Select Case bk
                Case 1 TO 160
                    If penstate = 1 Then
                        add$ = cbgrid$(bk, 1) + cbgrid$(bk, 2)
                        If add$ <> lastadd$ Then
                            charcode$(current_ch) = charcode$(current_ch) + add$
                            lastadd$ = add$
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 161 'newfont
                    For c = 0 To 255
                        charcode$(c) = ""
                    Next c
                    current_ch = 65

                Case 162 'save font
                Case 163 'loadfotn
                Case 164 'enter asc code
                    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
                    Locate 25, 25
                    Print "Enter ASC CODE FOR NEW CHARACTER"
                    Locate 26, 25
                    Print "(0 to 255)"
                    Input ncc
                    If ncc > -1 And ncc < 256 Then
                        current_ch = ncc
                        Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF

                    End If
                Case 165 'select previous character
                    current_ch = current_ch - 1
                    If current_ch < 0 Then current_ch = 255
                    Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF
                Case 166 'select next character
                    current_ch = current_ch + 1
                    If current_ch > 255 Then current_ch = 0
                    Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF
                Case 167 'change penstate
                    If penstate = 0 Then
                        penstate = 1
                        penstate = 0
                        charcode$(current_ch) = charcode$(current_ch) + "U"
                    End If
                Case 168 'grid on or grid off
                    If gridstate = 0 Then
                        gridstate = 1
                        gridstate = 0
                    End If
                Case 169 'erase current character
                    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
                    Locate 25, 25
                    Print "ERASE CURENT CHARACTER ?"
                    Locate 26, 25
                    Print "press    Y or N"
                    Choice$ = pickkey$("YyNn")
                    If LCase$(Choice$) = "n" Then
                        Line (140, 70)-(150, 86), Klr(0), BF
                        charcode$(current_ch) = ""
                    End If
            End Select

        End If
    End If
    'Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)

Sub buildrefcolors
    For c = 0 To 255
        Klr(c) = _RGB32(c, c, c) 'all grey for now
    Next c
    'very slightly cooled EGA palette
    Klr(1) = _RGB32(0, 0, 170) 'ega_blue
    Klr(2) = _RGB32(0, 170, 0) 'ega_green
    Klr(3) = _RGB32(0, 170, 170) 'ega_cyan
    Klr(4) = _RGB32(170, 0, 0) 'ega_red
    Klr(5) = _RGB32(170, 0, 170) 'ega_magenta
    Klr(6) = _RGB32(170, 85, 0) 'ega_brown
    Klr(7) = _RGB32(170, 170, 170) 'ega_litgray
    Klr(8) = _RGB32(85, 85, 85) 'ega_gray
    Klr(9) = _RGB32(85, 85, 250) 'ega_ltblue
    Klr(10) = _RGB32(85, 250, 85) 'ega_ltgreen
    Klr(11) = _RGB32(85, 250, 250) 'ega_ltcyan
    Klr(12) = _RGB32(250, 85, 85) 'ega_ltred
    Klr(13) = _RGB32(250, 85, 250) 'ega_ltmagenta
    Klr(14) = _RGB32(250, 250, 85) 'ega_yellow
    Klr(15) = _RGB32(250, 250, 250) 'ega_white
End Sub
Sub Mouser (x, y, b)
    mi = _MouseInput
    b = _MouseButton(1)
    x = _MouseX
    y = _MouseY
End Sub
Sub drawgrid
    'draws grid on main scrren and button click spots on button tracker image
    xx = 200: YY = 50
    _Dest S1&
    For x = 0 To 9
        Line (xx + x * 20, YY)-(xx + x * 20, YY + 300), Klr(2)
    Next x
    For y = 0 To 15
        Line (xx, YY + y * 20)-(xx + 180, YY + y * 20), Klr(2)
    Next y
    br = 0
    bg = 1
    bb = 1
    _Dest bt&
    For x = 0 To 9
        For y = 0 To 15
            br = br + 1
            button(br) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
            Circle (xx + x * 20, YY + y * 20), 6, _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
            Paint (xx + x * 20, YY + y * 20), _RGB32(br, bg, bb), _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
            cbgrid$(br, 1) = Hex$(x)
            cbgrid$(br, 2) = Hex$(y)
        Next y
    Next x
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 160
End Sub
Sub fillbox (x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, style, fill As _Unsigned Long)
    xa = x1: xb = x2: ya = y1: yb = y2
    For l = 1 To thickness
        Line (xa, ya)-(xb, yb), pencolor, B , style
        xa = xa + 1: xb = xb - 1
        ya = ya + 1: yb = yb - 1
    Next l
    If fill > 0 Then
        Line (xa, ya)-(xb, yb), fill, BF
    End If
End Sub
Sub draw_buttonbar
    br = 200: bg = 0: bb = 2
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 5, 30, 100, 2, "NEW font", Klr(8)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 40, 30, 100, 2, "SAVE font", Klr(8)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 75, 30, 100, 2, "LOAD font", Klr(8)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 110, 30, 100, 2, "CHARACTER", Klr(8)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 145, 30, 30, 2, "<", Klr(2)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 75, 145, 30, 30, 2, ">", Klr(2)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 180, 30, 100, 2, "PEN U/D", Klr(2)
    _Dest bt&
    Line (200, 10)-(380, 40), button(buttoncount), BF 'penstate banner will aslo act as same button
    _Dest S1&
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 215, 30, 100, 2, "Grid ON/OFF", Klr(2)
    buttoncount = buttoncount + 1
    bg = bg + 1
    button(buttoncount) = _RGB32(br, bg, bb)
    drawbutton 5, 240, 30, 100, 2, "Erase", Klr(4)
End Sub
Sub displaypenstate
    xx = 200: YY = 30
    If penstate = 1 Then
        fillbox 200, 10, 380, 40, 2, &HFFFFFFFF, Klr(2)
        text$ = "PEN DOWN"
        px = 290 - _PrintWidth(text$) / 2
        _PrintString (px, 16), text$
        Line (200, 10)-(380, 40), Klr(20), BF
        fillbox 200, 10, 380, 40, 2, &HF0F0FF0F, Klr(4)
        text$ = "!! PEN UP !!"
        px = 290 - _PrintWidth(text$) / 2
        _PrintString (px, 16), text$
    End If
End Sub
Sub displaychar
    _PrintMode _FillBackground
    _PrintString (52, 150), Chr$(current_ch)
    _PrintMode _KeepBackground
End Sub
Sub drawbutton (bx, by, hh, ww, thick, text$, fill As _Unsigned Long)
    fsize = _FontHeight
    _Dest S1&
    cx = ww / 2
    cy = hh / 2 - fsize / 2
    pw = _PrintWidth(text$)
    pw = Int(pw / 2)
    Color pencolor
    fillbox bx, by, bx + ww - 1, by + hh - 1, thick, &HFFFFFFFF, fill
    _PrintString (bx + cx - pw, by + cy), text$
    _Dest bt&
    Line (bx, by)-(bx + ww - 1, by + hh - 1), button(buttoncount), BF
End Sub
Sub showcharcode
    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
    tx$ = "Character: " + Chr$(current_ch)
    _PrintString (1, 370), tx$
    _PrintString (1, 390), charcode$(current_ch)
End Sub
Sub drawcode
    xx = 200
    yy = 50
    lx$ = ""
    ly$ = ""
    points = 0
    If Len(charcode$(current_ch)) > 0 Then
        For c = 1 To Len(charcode$(current_ch))
            If Mid$(charcode$(current_ch), c, 1) <> "U" Then
                nx$ = Mid$(charcode$(current_ch), c, 1)
                ny$ = Mid$(charcode$(current_ch), c + 1, 1)
                c = c + 1
                If points = 0 Then
                    lx$ = nx$
                    ly$ = ny$
                    points = points + 1
                    points = points + 1
                    If points = 2 Then
                        lx = Val(lx$): ly = Val("&H" + ly$)
                        nx = Val(nx$): ny = Val("&H" + ny$)
                        Line (xx + lx * 20, yy + ly * 20)-(xx + nx * 20, yy + ny * 20), Klr(15)
                        points = points - 1
                        lx$ = nx$
                        ly$ = ny$
                    End If
                End If
                lx$ = ""
                ly$ = ""
                points = 0
            End If
        Next c
    End If
    scribblechar 140, 70, Chr$(current_ch), 1, Klr(15)
End Sub
Sub hidegrid
    xx = 200: yy = 50
    Line (200, 50)-(380, 350), Klr(0), BF
    If gridstate = 0 Then
        'Line (200, 50)-(380, 350), Klr(0), BF
        For x = 0 To 9
            Line (xx + x * 20, yy)-(xx + x * 20, yy + 300), Klr(2)
        Next x
        For y = 0 To 15
            Line (xx, yy + y * 20)-(xx + 180, yy + y * 20), Klr(2)
        Next y
    End If
End Sub
Sub scribblechar (x, y, t$, s, tk As _Unsigned Long)
    xx = x
    yy = y
    lx$ = ""
    ly$ = ""
    points = 0
    tt = Asc(t$)
    If Len(charcode$(tt)) > 0 Then
        For c = 1 To Len(charcode$(tt))
            If Mid$(charcode$(tt), c, 1) <> "U" Then
                nx$ = Mid$(charcode$(tt), c, 1)
                ny$ = Mid$(charcode$(tt), c + 1, 1)
                c = c + 1
                If points = 0 Then
                    lx$ = nx$
                    ly$ = ny$
                    points = points + 1
                    points = points + 1
                    If points = 2 Then
                        lx = Val(lx$): ly = Val("&H" + ly$)
                        nx = Val(nx$): ny = Val("&H" + ny$)
                        Line (xx + lx * s, yy + ly * s)-(xx + nx * s, yy + ny * s), tk
                        points = points - 1
                        lx$ = nx$
                        ly$ = ny$
                    End If
                End If
                lx$ = ""
                ly$ = ""
                points = 0
            End If
        Next c
    End If
End Sub
Function pickkey$ (list$)
    pickflag = 0
        _Limit 60
        x = _KeyHit
        x = -x
        If x > 0 And x < 256 Then
            A$ = Chr$(x)
            If InStr(list$, A$) Then pickflag = 1
            pickkey$ = A$
        End If
    Loop Until pickflag = 1
End Function
Sub savefont
    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
    Locate 25, 25
    Print "Save Current Font ?"
    Locate 26, 25
    Print "press    Y or N"
    Choice$ = pickkey$("YyNn")
    If LCase$(Choice$) = "n" Then
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "Please Enter a File Name"
        Locate 26, 25
        Input filename$
        fileout$ = filename$
        Open fileout$ For Output As #1
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        oline$ = "         " + filename$
        Write #1, oline$
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        Write #1, " This A SCribble Font wrtitten for use in QB64 programs"
        Write #1, " please see for more on scribble fonts and QB64PE"
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        Write #1, "10x16"
        For c = 0 To 255
            Write #1, charcode$(c)
        Next c
        Close #1
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "File Saved"
        _Delay 0.5
    End If
End Sub
Sub loadfont
    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
    Locate 25, 25
    Print "Save Current Font before Loading NEW FONT ?"
    Locate 26, 25
    Print "press    Y or N"
    Choice$ = pickkey$("YyNn")
    If LCase$(Choice$) = "Y" Then
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "Please Enter a File Name"
        Locate 26, 25
        Input filename$
        fileout$ = filename$
        Open fileout$ For Output As #1
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        oline$ = "         " + filename$
        Write #1, oline$
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        Write #1, " This A SCribble Font wrtitten for use in QB64 programs"
        Write #1, " please see for more on scribble fonts and QB64PE"
        Write #1, " ****************************************************************************************"
        Write #1, "10x16"
        For c = 0 To 255
            Write #1, charcode$(c)
        Next c
        Close #1
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "File Saved"
        _Delay 1
        Choice$ = "n"
    End If
    If LCase$(Choice$) = "n" Then
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "Please Enter a File Name of FONT to LOAD"
        Locate 26, 25
        Input filename$
        fileout$ = filename$
        filein$ = filename$
        Open filein$ For Input As #1
        For headerread = 1 To 6
            Input #1, dummy$
        Next headerread
        Input #1, fontspec$ 'not used yet but keeeping in place for revision
        For cc = 0 To 255
            Input #1, charcode$(cc)
        Next cc
        Close #1
        Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
        Locate 25, 25
        Print "FONT LOADED"
        Choice$ = "z"
        _Delay 1
    End If
End Sub
Function keyup$
    keyup$ = ""
    x = _KeyHit
    If x < 0 Then
        x = -x
        If x > 0 And x < 256 Then keyup$ = Chr$(x)
        keyup$ = ""
    End If
End Function
Sub showhelp
    helplast = 0
    'super-minimal help for now
    Line (1, 370)-(639, 479), Klr(0), BF
    View Print 24 To 30
    Print "====  Buttons  ===="
    Print "NEW Font  -  Clears the current font."
    Print "Save Font - Save the font into the same directory as this app, will accept any filename."
    Print "Load Font - loads as font from the same directory with any name you choose (no error trapping yet)"
    GoSub helpwait
    Print "Pen U/D - Toggle to change thr state of the pen. The Alert above the grid will show if pen is up or down."
    Print "            When the pen is UP coordinate clicks will NOT be recorded."
    Print "            When the pen is DOWN coordinate clicks WILL be recorded."
    GoSub helpwait
    Print "Character - opens a prompt for the ascii charcter code of the charcter yuo wish to work on."
    GoSub helpwait
    Print "'<'  and '>'  - Choose last character or next charcater to work on."
    Print "Grid ON/OFF - Toggles the drawing grid on and off."
    Print "ERASE - Erases the current working character scribble data."
    Print " "
    GoSub helpwait
    Print "====  Keys  ===="
    Print "Q - Quits program, after prompt"
    Print "U - Raises the pen so a line will not connect to points on grid clicks."
    Print "If the pen is up coordinate cicks on the grid will NOT be recorded."
    Print "D - Lowers the pen to indicate consecutive points will be connected on grid clicks"
    Print "<,> -  Change to the previous character or the nect character being worked on."
    GoSub helpwait

    helplast = 1
    Input wait$
    wait$ = LCase$(wait$)
    If wait$ = "grid" Or wait$ = "grid on" Or wait$ = "grid off" Or wait$ = "grid on/off" Then GoTo helpgrid
    If wait$ = "q" Or wait$ = "quit" Then GoTo helpquit
    If wait$ = "u" Or wait$ = "up" Then GoTo helpup
    If wait$ = "pen" Or wait$ = "pen u/d" Or wait$ = "pen up" Or wait$ = "pen down" Then GoTo helpUD
    If wait$ = "help" Or wait$ = "?" Or wait$ = "buttons" Then GoTo helpbuttons
    If helplast = 0 Then Return
    View Print
End Sub

Messages In This Thread
Scribble Font Builder - by James D Jarvis - 05-15-2022, 03:10 AM
RE: Scribble Font Builder - by James D Jarvis - 05-15-2022, 06:00 PM
RE: Scribble Font Builder - by James D Jarvis - 05-16-2022, 12:52 PM

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