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Draw for scalable font?
I collected a few of these DRAW FONT things posted over the years.  Not sure where I got this -- maybe it was posted on an old qbasic forum long ago, or extracted from one of the ABC packets.  The demo code says UWLabs 1997, so I assume that's the original author.  Qbasic demo from 25 years ago lives again thanks to QB64!

- Dav

DRAWable Font SUB 'maybe' by UWLabs 1997...

Code: (Select All)
LINE (0, 0)-(640, 480), 15, BF

'using the "CALL" function...


CALL Font(1, 40, 4, "Then he tripped and stumbled and fell.")

' or...

Font 50, 100, 2, "This is the FIRST font routine I created."

LINE (45, 110)-(400, 130), 7, BF
Font 51, 125, 15, "You can create embossed text like this."
Font 50, 124, 8, "You can create embossed text like this."

LINE (45, 140)-(400, 160), 7, BF
Font 51, 155, 8, "OR,  create raised text like this."
Font 50, 154, 15, "OR,  create raised text like this."

LINE (45, 180)-(250, 210), 7, BF
Font 54, 200, 8, "OR,  Shadows..."
Font 50, 197, 14, "OR,  Shadows..."

LINE (295, 180)-(400, 210), 12, BF
Font 305, 200, 4, "(Shadows.)"
Font 300, 197, 14, "(Shadows.)"

Font 51, 230, 0, "OR, BOLD Text,"
Font 50, 230, 0, "OR, BOLD Text,"

Font 201, 230, 0, "Double BOLD Text,"
Font 200, 230, 0, "Double BOLD Text,"
Font 201, 231, 0, "Double BOLD Text,"
Font 200, 231, 0, "Double BOLD Text,"

Font 381, 231, 4, "OR, 3-D Text."
Font 380, 231, 4, "OR, 3-D Text."
Font 381, 230, 5, "OR, 3-D Text."
Font 380, 230, 13, "OR, 3-D Text."

DRAW "s8" ' <---- SCALE doubled
Font 54, 270, 0, "OR, Double sized text!"
DRAW "s4" ' <---- SCALE restored

DRAW "a1" ' <---- ROTATION ANGLE 1  (90 degrees)
Font 70, 400, 0, "Vertical text."
DRAW "a0" ' <---- angle set back to zero

DRAW "a3" ' <---- ROTATION ANGLE 3  (270 degrees)
Font 85, 298, 0, "Vertical text."
DRAW "a0" ' <---- angle set back to zero

DRAW "ta15" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 15 degrees
Font 420, 475, 0, "And text at an angle!"
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 0 degrees
DRAW "ta30" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 30 degrees
Font 418, 462, 0, "And text at an angle!"
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 0 degrees
DRAW "ta45" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 45 degrees
Font 412, 450, 0, "And text at an angle!"
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 0 degrees
DRAW "ta60" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 60 degrees
Font 402, 438, 0, "And text at an angle!"
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 0 degrees
DRAW "ta75" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 75 degrees
Font 390, 430, 0, "And text at an angle!"
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 0 degrees

DRAW "ta180" ' <---- TURN ANGLE 180 degrees
Font 225, 298, 0, "Upside down."
DRAW "ta0" ' <---- angle set back to zero

'Button-look UWL Logo...
PSET (10, 440), 0
DRAW "r130d30l130u30f1c15r128c8d28l128c15u28f1r126c8d26l126c15u26f1c7r124d24l124u24f2c3fp7,7"
Font 23, 462, 15, "UWLabs(c)1997"
Font 22, 461, 8, "UWLabs(c)1997"

'Smallest text DRAW will allow... (This is not in the SUB).

Font 185, 370, 0, "Using `DRAW' even..."
PSET (200, 384), 0
DRAW "u4f2e2d4br3u4br2br4l2gd2fr2br2u4r3fgnl3fdbr1beu2er2fd2gl2h"
DRAW "br6bfbu2r3bd2br4"
DRAW "u4l2r4br2nr3d2nr2d2r3br2e2h2br4g2f2br4u4l2r4bd4"
DRAW "br8u4br6l3gfr2fgl3br12b"
DRAW "u4r3fgl3bd1br6u2er2fd2gl2hbr10bu3l3gfr2fgl3br10bu4l3gfr2fgl3"
DRAW "br7u4br3nr3d2nr3d2r3ehehbr3d4r3br2nr3u2nr2u2nr3"


SUB Font (x, y, c, Text$)
    '  Font(x,y,c,Text$)
    '       where:
    '       x = starting x coordinate
    '       y = starting y coordinate
    '       c = text color
    '       Text$ = the string to display
    '       on 320 width screens, use less than 37 chars.
    '       on 640 width screens, use less than 74 chars.
    d = POINT(x, y)
    PSET (x, y), d
    color$ = STR$(c)
    DRAW "c" + color$ + "bl3"

    FOR h = 1 TO LEN(Text$)
        char$ = MID$(Text$, h, 1)
        GOSUB ReadChar
    NEXT h

    GOTO SubsEnd

    DRAW "br3"
    SELECT CASE char$
        CASE "A": DRAW "u4m+3,-8m+3,+8l6r6d4"
        CASE "B": DRAW "u12r4f2d2g2l4r4f2d2g2l4r4br2"
        CASE "C": DRAW "br6bu2g2l2h2u8e2r2f2bd10"
        CASE "D": DRAW "u12r4f2d8g2l4br6"
        CASE "E": DRAW "br6l6u6r4l4u6r6bd12"
        CASE "F": DRAW "u6r4l4u6r6bd12"
        CASE "G": DRAW "br3bu5r3d3g2l2h2u8e2r2f2bd10"
        CASE "H": DRAW "u12d6r6u6d12"
        CASE "I": DRAW "brru12lr2ld12r"
        CASE "J": DRAW "bu4d2f2r2e2u10bd12"
        CASE "K": DRAW "u12d6r2m+4,-6m-4,+6m+4,+6"
        CASE "L": DRAW "u12d12r6"
        CASE "M": DRAW "u12m+3,+6m+3,-6d12"
        CASE "N": DRAW "u12m+6,+12u12bd12"
        CASE "O": DRAW "br2h2u8e2r2f2d8g2l2br4"
        CASE "P": DRAW "u12r4f2d2g2l4d6br6"
        CASE "Q": DRAW "br2h2u8e2r2f2d8g2l2bu4f4"
        CASE "R": DRAW "u12r4f2d2g2l4r3m+3,+6"
        CASE "S": DRAW "bu2f2r2e2u2h2l2h2u2e2r2f2bd10"
        CASE "T": DRAW "br3u12l3r6l3d12br3"
        CASE "U": DRAW "bu12d10f2r2e2u10bd12"
        CASE "V": DRAW "bu12m+4,+12m+4,-12bd12"
        CASE "W": DRAW "br2h2u10bd12br2e2u6d6f2e2u10bd12"
        CASE "X": DRAW "m+6,-12bl6m+6,+12"
        CASE "Y": DRAW "bu12d3f3e3u3bd3bg3d6br3"
        CASE "Z": DRAW "bu12r6m-6,+12r6"
        CASE "1": DRAW "bu8m+2,-4d12"
        CASE "2": DRAW "bu10e2r2f2d2g6d2r6"
        CASE "3": DRAW "bu10e2r2f2d2g2l2r2f2d2g2l2h2br6bd2"
        CASE "4": DRAW "bu4m+5,-8d8r2l7r5d4br2"
        CASE "5": DRAW "bm+6,-12l6d4r4f2d4g2l2h2bm+6,+2"
        CASE "6": DRAW "bu6e2r2f2d4g2l2h2u8e2r2f2bd10"
        CASE "7": DRAW "bu12r6m-3,+8d4br3"
        CASE "8": DRAW "br2h2u2e2r2l2h2u2e2r2f2d2g2f2d2g2l2br4"
        CASE "9": DRAW "be6bu2g2l2h2u2e2r2f2d8g2l2h2bm+6,+2"
        CASE "0": DRAW "bu2u8e2r2f2d8g2l2h2m+6,-8bd10"
        CASE ".": DRAW "ud"
        CASE ",": DRAW "brudge"
        CASE "!": DRAW "brubu3u8bd12"
        CASE "?": DRAW "bu8u2e2r2f2d2g3dbd3dbr3"
        CASE "'": DRAW "bu10u2bd12"
        CASE "*": DRAW "bu6bee4bebl6bff4bfbu3l6bd9br6"
        CASE "\": DRAW "bu12m+6,+12"
        CASE "/": DRAW "m+6,-12bd12"
        CASE "(": DRAW "br3rlh2u8e2rbd12"
        CASE ")": DRAW "bu12rf2d8g2lbr3"
        CASE "$": DRAW "bu4f2r2e2h2l2h2e2r2f2bu2bl3u2bd12u2bd2br3"
        CASE " ": DRAW "br6"
        CASE "a": DRAW "br2h2u2e2r2f2u2d6u2g2l2br4"
        CASE "b": DRAW "u12d8e2r2f2d2g2l2h2bf2br4"
        CASE "c": DRAW "br6bugl3h2u2e2r3fbd5"
        CASE "d": DRAW "br6u2g2l2h2u2e2r2f2u8d12"
        CASE "e": DRAW "br6bugl3h2u2e2r2f2dl6bd3br6"
        CASE "f": DRAW "br2u10e2f2bl2bd4l4br5bd6"
        CASE "g": DRAW "be6d2h2l2g2d2f2r2e2u2d6g2l2h2bu2br6"
        CASE "h": DRAW "u12d8e2r2f2d4"
        CASE "i": DRAW "bru5bu2ubd8"
        CASE "j": DRAW "brbu8dbd2d8glhbe3"
        CASE "k": DRAW "u12d10e4g2f4"
        CASE "l": DRAW "bru12d12"
        CASE "m": DRAW "u6d2e2f2d4u4e2f2d4"
        CASE "n": DRAW "u6d2e2r2f2d4"
        CASE "o": DRAW "br2h2u2e2r2f2d2g2l2br4"
        CASE "p": DRAW "d4u10d2e2r2f2d2g2l2h2f2br4"
        CASE "q": DRAW "br6u6d2h2l2g2d2f2r2e2d6u4"
        CASE "r": DRAW "u6d2e2r3fbd5"
        CASE "s": DRAW "bufr4euhl4huer4fbd5"
        CASE "t": DRAW "bu8r2lu4d11frebd"
        CASE "u": DRAW "bu6d4f2r2e2u4d6"
        CASE "v": DRAW "bu6m+3,+6m+3,-6bd6"
        CASE "w": DRAW "bu6d4f2e2u2d2f2e2u4bd6"
        CASE "x": DRAW "e6bl6f6"
        CASE "y": DRAW "bu6m+3,+6m+3,-6m-3,+6m-2,+4bu4br5"
        CASE "z": DRAW "bu6r6g6r6"
        CASE "#": DRAW "bubr2u2l2r2u6d2l2r4u2d2r2l2d4r2l4r2d2br2bd"
        CASE "@": DRAW "br6l4h2u4e2r2f2d2g2l2u4r2d4br2bd2"
        CASE "%": DRAW "m+6,-12bl5fghebr4bd12hefgbr"
        CASE "^": DRAW "bu9e3f3bd9"
        CASE "&": DRAW "br6m-5,-8u2erfd2g4d2f2r2m+2,-4bd4"
        CASE ">": DRAW "e6h6bf6bd6"
        CASE "<": DRAW "br6h6e6bd12"
        CASE "-": DRAW "bu5r6bd5"
        CASE "=": DRAW "bu6r6bd2l6bd4br6"
        CASE "+": DRAW "br3bu2u6bg3r6bd5"
        CASE ":": DRAW "brubu3ubd5"
        CASE "`": DRAW "bu10u2bd12"
        CASE "~": DRAW "bu11er2fr2ebd12"
        CASE "_": DRAW "r6"
        CASE "{": DRAW "br5h2u2ehlrehu2e2bd12"
        CASE "}": DRAW "br2e2u2herlheu2h2bd12br3"
        CASE "[": DRAW "r2l2u12r2bd12"
        CASE "]": DRAW "r2u12l2r2d12"
        CASE ";": DRAW "brudgeubu3ubd5"
        CASE CHR$(34): DRAW "brbu10u2br2d2bd10"
        CASE "|": DRAW "bru5bu2u5bd12"
        CASE CHR$(9): x = x + 120: PSET (x, y), 0
            DRAW "c" + color$


Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner

Messages In This Thread
Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-13-2022, 01:02 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by SMcNeill - 05-13-2022, 01:36 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-13-2022, 02:34 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by bplus - 05-13-2022, 02:06 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-13-2022, 02:32 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-15-2022, 03:14 AM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by Dav - 05-16-2022, 10:26 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-17-2022, 11:23 AM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by bplus - 05-17-2022, 03:51 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-17-2022, 06:25 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-17-2022, 09:00 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by Dav - 05-21-2022, 05:30 PM
RE: Draw for scalable font? - by James D Jarvis - 05-21-2022, 08:59 PM

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