Be aware that all versions above read filedata from the file entries itself. Which might be deleted/removed from the zipfile.
The correct central directory is at the end of the zip and gets rewritten everytime the zipfile is updated.
The central directory signature is Chr$(&H50) + Chr$(&H4B) + Chr$(&H01) + Chr$(&H02)
Also above code stops working with zipfiles larger then 2GB or ZIP64 extension
See below my version also retrieving date/time/size:
The correct central directory is at the end of the zip and gets rewritten everytime the zipfile is updated.
The central directory signature is Chr$(&H50) + Chr$(&H4B) + Chr$(&H01) + Chr$(&H02)
Also above code stops working with zipfiles larger then 2GB or ZIP64 extension
See below my version also retrieving date/time/size:
Code: (Select All)
Type fdType
Date As String * 10
Time As String * 8
Size As _Unsigned _Integer64
fName As String
End Type
ReDim Shared As fdType f(1000), d(1000)
Function processZip& (zipFile$)
Const MAXCDIR = 2000000000
Dim c As String
Open zipFile$ For Binary Access Read As #1
If LOF(1) < MAXCDIR Then
c = String$(LOF(1), 0)
c = String$(MAXCDIR, 0)
Seek #1, LOF(1) - MAXCDIR + 1
End If
Get #1, , c
Close #1
Dim s As _Unsigned Long, fd As fdType, sig As String
sig = Chr$(&H50) + Chr$(&H4B) + Chr$(&H01) + Chr$(&H02)
fileCount& = 0: dirCount& = 0
s = InStr(c, sig)
If Mid$(c, s, 4) <> sig Then Exit Do
tim~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 12, 2))
th% = _ShR(tim~%, 11): tm% = _ShR(tim~%, 5) Mod (2 ^ 6): ts% = _ShL(tim~%, 1) Mod (2 ^ 6)
dat~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 14, 2))
dy% = 1980 + _ShR(dat~%, 9): dm% = _ShR(dat~%, 5) Mod (2 ^ 4): dd% = dat~% Mod (2 ^ 5)
siz~&& = CVL(Mid$(c, s + 24, 4))
flen~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 28, 2))
xlen~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 30, 2))
clen~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 32, 2))
'iatt~% = CVI(Mid$(c, s + 36, 2))
'xatt~% = CVL(Mid$(c, s + 38, 4))
xfld$ = Mid$(c, s + 46 + flen~%, xlen~%)
'cfld$ = Mid$(c, s + 46 + flen~% + xlen~%, clen~%)
If xfld$ <> "" Then
xtype~% = CVI(Left$(xfld$, 2))
If xtype~% = 1 Then 'ZIP64
'Print "xfld=";: For i% = 1 To xlen~%: Print Right$("0" + Hex$(Asc(xfld$, i%)), 2); " ";: Next i%: Print
siz~&& = _CV(_Unsigned _Integer64, Mid$(xfld$, 5, 8))
'Print siz~&&
End If
End If
If th% < 24 And tm% < 60 And ts% < 60 And dy% < Val(Right$(Date$, 4)) And dm% > 0 And dm% < 13 And dd% > 0 And dd% < 32 And flen~% < 1024 And xlen~% <= 64 And clen~% < 1024 Then
fd.fName = Mid$(c, s + 46, flen~%)
fd.Date = LTrim$(Str$(dy%)) + "-" + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(dm%)), 2) + "-" + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(dd%)), 2)
fd.Time = Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(th%)), 2) + ":" + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(tm%)), 2) + ":" + Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(ts%)), 2)
fd.Size = siz~&&
'Print "Name="; fd.fName; "|"
'Print "Date="; fd.Date;
'Print " Time="; fd.Time;
'Print " Size="; fd.Size
'Print "iatt="; iatt~%, "xatt="; xatt~%
'Print "flen="; flen~%; "xlen="; xlen~%; "clen="; clen~%
'Print "Comment="; cfld$; "|"
If Right$(fd.fName, 1) = "/" Then
If dirCount& = UBound(d) Then ReDim _Preserve As fdType d(dirCount& + 1000)
dirCount& = dirCount& + 1
fd.Attrib = "D????"
d(dirCount&) = fd
If fileCount& = UBound(f) Then ReDim _Preserve As fdType f(fileCount& + 1000)
fileCount& = fileCount& + 1
fd.Attrib = ".????"
f(fileCount&) = fd
End If
s = s + 46 + flen~% + xlen~% + clen~%
s = InStr(s + 1, c, sig)
End If
ReDim _Preserve As fdType d(dirCount&), f(fileCount&)
processZip& = fileCount& + dirCount&
End Function
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience