Mouse control ! The puppet moves in the direction of the mouse cursor!
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en = 9: gold = 12: c0 = 219: c1 = 46: c2 = 36: c3 = 35: c4 = 2: r(0) = 80: r(1) = 45: For t = 0 To 1: r(2 + t) = Int(r(t) / 2): p(t) = r(2 + t): d(t) = p(t): Next t: Randomize Timer: Screen _NewImage(r(0), r(1), 0): _FullScreen
_ControlChr Off: Color 6: _PrintString (1, 1), String$(r(0) * r(1), Chr$(c0)): For c = 1 To 4000: _PrintString (d(0), d(1)), Chr$(c1): t = Int(4 * Rnd): f = 0: For a = 0 To 1: b = a * 2: l = t = b + 1
d(a) = (t = b Or l) * (l * 2 + 1) + d(a): f = f Or d(a) = 1 Or d(a) = r(a) - 1: Next a: For t = 0 To 1: d(t) = r(t + 2) * -f + d(t) * (-f Xor 1): Next t, c: Color 14: For c = 1 To gold: Do: For t = 0 To 1
g(t) = Int((r(t) - 10) * Rnd) + 5: Next t: Loop While Screen(g(1), g(0), 0) <> c1 Or g(0) = r(2): _PrintString (g(0), g(1)), Chr$(c2): Next c: For c = 0 To en - 1: Do: For t = 0 To 1: en(c, t) = Int((r(t) - 10) * Rnd) + 5
Next t: Loop Until Screen(en(c, 1), en(c, 0), 0) = c1 And Screen(en(c, 1), en(c, 0) + 1, 0) = c0: Next c: Do: Color 6: _PrintString (p(0), p(1)), Mid$(Chr$(c1), 1, c): While _MouseInput: Wend
die = die Or Screen(p(1), p(0), 0) = c3: d1 = Sgn(_MouseX - p(0)): d2 = Sgn(_MouseY - p(1)): m(0) = d1 + p(0): m(1) = d2 + p(1): m = Abs(d1 Or d2) * st: c = Abs(m And Screen(m(1), m(0), 0) <> c0): For t = 0 To 1
p(t) = m(t) * c + p(t) * (c Xor 1): Next t: fg = -(Screen(p(1), p(0), 0) = c2): mygold = mygold + fg: Sound 2000, .6 * fg: die = die Or Screen(p(1), p(0), 0) = c3: Color 15: _PrintString (p(0), p(1)), Chr$(c4): m = 0
For c = 0 To en - 1: die = die Or Screen(en(c, 1), en(c, 0), 0) = c4: ti = c Mod 3: t = en(c, 2) - (ti = 0) * 2: Do: t = t + (ti = 0): For w = 0 To 1: b = (t + 16 + w) Mod 4
d(w) = en(c, w) + (((b And 1) = 0) * ((b = 0) * 2 + 1)) * (ti <> 1) - (Sgn(t And (1 + w)) * 2 - 1) * (ti = 1): Next w: u = Screen(d(1), d(0), 0): z = -(u = c0): t = (t - Int(4 * Rnd) * (z And (ti > 0))) Mod 4: Loop While z
Color 6: _PrintString (en(c, 0), en(c, 1)), Mid$(Chr$(c1), 1, en(c, 3)): en(c, 0) = d(0): en(c, 1) = d(1): en(c, 2) = t: en(c, 3) = -(u = c1): Color 2: _PrintString (d(0), d(1)), Mid$(Chr$(c3), 1, en(c, 3))
die = die Or (u = c4) Or (m(0) = en(c, 0) And m(1) = en(c, 1)): Next c: Do Until _MouseButton(1) Or st: _PrintString (1, 1), "Press left mouse button to start": t = _MouseInput: Loop: st = 1: Color 6
_PrintString (1, 1), String$(50, Chr$(c0)): _Limit 10: Loop Until _KeyDown(27) Or gold = mygold Or die: Color 15: Print Left$("you dead", -8 * die); Left$("congratulation!", -15 * (gold = mygold))