02-29-2024, 04:36 PM
I had removed the first two lines, my Collins.txt starts with AA word...
Steve I tested your code, but do not have version 3.12 installed yet so made my own _ReadFile function.
Your code seems to wrap around and I had to put a count = 279,496 limit to stop the thing from going around over and over WTH???
Zebra is found by your code and it does work well once the wrap around was fixed???
Steve I tested your code, but do not have version 3.12 installed yet so made my own _ReadFile function.
Your code seems to wrap around and I had to put a count = 279,496 limit to stop the thing from going around over and over WTH???
Code: (Select All)
dict$ = "Collins.txt"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Type Dict_Type
As String Word, Definition
End Type
ReDim Shared Dict(3000000) As Dict_Type
load_time1# = Timer
temp$ = readfile$(dict$) ' <<<< made my own
'Print Mid$(temp$, 1, 500) ' test load
Dim As Long l, count, sp, ep
sp = 1
ep = InStr(sp, temp$, Chr$(13) + Chr$(10))
temp1$ = Mid$(temp$, sp, ep - sp)
'Print temp1$
l = InStr(temp1$, Chr$(9)) 'tab separated data file
count = count + 1
Dict(count).Word = _Trim$(Left$(temp1$, l - 1))
Dict(count).Definition = _Trim$(Mid$(temp1$, l + 1))
'Print count, Dict(count).Word, sp, Len(temp$) ' <<<< 3,000,000 not enough WTH??? it's wrapping around and starting over??
sp = ep + 2
Loop Until sp >= Len(temp$) Or count > 279496 ' <<<<<< stop the insane wrap around!!!
load_time2# = Timer
ReDim _Preserve Dict(count) As Dict_Type
Dim Junk(10) As String
Data cheese,dog,cat,elephant,rootbeer,house,food,drink,zebra,mouse
For i = 1 To 10
Read Junk(i)
t# = Timer
For k = 1 To 10000
For i = 1 To 10
f = FindWord(Junk(i))
If k = 1 Then 'no need to scroll the screen and print the words repeatedly
If f = 0 Then
Print Junk(i), "Word not found"
Print Junk(i), Dict(FindWord(Junk(i))).Definition
End If
End If
t1# = Timer
Print Using "###.######## seconds to load dictionary with ###,###,### words."; loadtimer2# - loadtime1#, count
Print Using "###.######## seconds to find #### words and definitions, ###,###,### repeated times."; t1# - t#, i - 1, k - 1
Function FindWord (word$)
Dim As Long low, hi, test
low = 1: hi = UBound(Dict)
While low <= hi
test = Int((low + hi) / 2)
Select Case _StriCmp(Dict(test).Word, word$)
Case 0
'Print "found"; test
FindWord = test: Exit Function
Case -1
'Print "low"; Dict(test).Word
low = test + 1
Case 1
'Print "high"; Dict(test).Word
hi = test - 1
End Select
End Function
Function readfile$ (f$)
If _FileExists(f$) Then
Open f$ For Binary As #1
buff$ = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , buff$
readfile$ = buff$
Close #1
End If
End Function
Zebra is found by your code and it does work well once the wrap around was fixed???
b = b + ...