Quote:It's an overflow error. /sigh
Add this one line to the top of the code and try it:
Code: (Select All)
DefLng A-Z
s is a SINGLE by default. The overall dictionary is larger than a single can hold, so it reads the first 255000 or so words and definition and then says, "Blah!!!"
I anticipated that and had this line in code:
Dim As Long l, count, sp, ep
No s in there???
I am trying again with all varaibles DIM'd...
BTW you are using two different varaibles for Load_Time#1 and LoadTimer#1 no wonder it's 0.
yep! it is still erroring out with subscript out of range for dictionary at 3000000???
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Dim dict$, temp$, temp1$
dict$ = "Collins.txt"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Type Dict_Type
As String Word, Definition
End Type
ReDim Shared Dict(3000000) As Dict_Type
Dim load_time1#, load_time2#, t#, t1#
load_time1# = Timer
temp$ = readfile$(dict$) ' <<<< made my own
'Print Mid$(temp$, 1, 500) ' test load
Dim i As Integer, k As Integer
Dim As Long l, count, sp, ep, f
sp = 1
ep = InStr(sp, temp$, Chr$(13) + Chr$(10))
temp1$ = Mid$(temp$, sp, ep - sp)
'Print temp1$
l = InStr(temp1$, Chr$(9)) 'tab separated data file
count = count + 1
Dict(count).Word = _Trim$(Left$(temp1$, l - 1))
Dict(count).Definition = _Trim$(Mid$(temp1$, l + 1))
'Print count, Dict(count).Word, sp, Len(temp$) ' <<<< 3,000,000 not enough WTH??? it's wrapping around and starting over??
sp = ep + 2
Loop Until sp >= Len(temp$) ' Or count > 279496 ' <<<<<< stop the insane wrap around!!!
load_time2# = Timer
ReDim _Preserve Dict(count) As Dict_Type
Dim Junk(10) As String
Data cheese,dog,cat,elephant,rootbeer,house,food,drink,zebra,mouse
For i = 1 To 10
Read Junk(i)
t# = Timer
For k = 1 To 10000
For i = 1 To 10
f = FindWord&(Junk(i))
If k = 1 Then 'no need to scroll the screen and print the words repeatedly
If f = 0 Then
Print Junk(i), "Word not found"
Print Junk(i), Dict(FindWord(Junk(i))).Definition
End If
End If
t1# = Timer
Print Using "###.######## seconds to load dictionary with ###,###,### words."; load_time2# - load_time1#, count
Print Using "###.######## seconds to find #### words and definitions, ###,###,### repeated times."; t1# - t#, i - 1, k - 1
Function FindWord& (word$)
Dim As Long low, hi, test
low = 1: hi = UBound(Dict)
While low <= hi
test = Int((low + hi) / 2)
Select Case _StriCmp(Dict(test).Word, word$)
Case 0
'Print "found"; test
FindWord = test: Exit Function
Case -1
'Print "low"; Dict(test).Word
low = test + 1
Case 1
'Print "high"; Dict(test).Word
hi = test - 1
End Select
End Function
Function readfile$ (f$)
Dim buff$
If _FileExists(f$) Then
Open f$ For Binary As #1
buff$ = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , buff$
readfile$ = buff$
Close #1
End If
End Function
So something else is going on that using count to control stop fixes.
BTW .39 +/- secs to load dictionary well within acceptable range!
b = b + ...