Thank you very much for taking care of it Pete! It really didn't work well. (the position of the constructed character string was deleted in all cases, but it only built a new one if it received a new character string. Therefore, if we only repeated 1 text, it was deleted) I corrected this, in principle it now works normally.
I plan to add the option to place text in the X1Y1X2Y2 box in a line-excluded manner. (which can be rotated)
Did you intentionally enter a height of 1500 pixels for the test? It's gigantic, an awful lot. It takes a few seconds for the program to start. Consider that to create a single character, you create a hardware image of about 1500x1500 pixels. You specified FH11 as the size when printing, so it is ideal to set the font size in 'font_add' to about this size.
Here is the correct file.
Thanks again!
I plan to add the option to place text in the X1Y1X2Y2 box in a line-excluded manner. (which can be rotated)
Did you intentionally enter a height of 1500 pixels for the test? It's gigantic, an awful lot. It takes a few seconds for the program to start. Consider that to create a single character, you create a hardware image of about 1500x1500 pixels. You specified FH11 as the size when printing, so it is ideal to set the font size in 'font_add' to about this size.
Here is the correct file.
Thanks again!
Code: (Select All)
Sub m_fontsettings (a$, b$, x): m_fntset(0) = Asc(a$): m_fntset(1) = Asc(b$): m_fntset(2) = x: End Sub
Sub m_fontadd (i, f$, c As _Integer64, c2 As _Integer64, shmove, fs, xmulti, spfnt)
m_fnt(i, 0) = fs
m_fnt(i, 1) = _LoadFont(f$, fs)
m_fnt(i, 2) = _Red32(c)
m_fnt(i, 3) = _Green32(c)
m_fnt(i, 4) = _Blue32(c)
m_fnt(i, 5) = _Alpha32(c)
m_fnt(i, 6) = xmulti
m_fnt(i, 7) = 0
m_fnt(i, 10) = _Red32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 11) = _Green32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 12) = _Blue32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 13) = _Alpha32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 14) = shmove
m_fnt(i, 15) = spfnt
End Sub
Sub m_fontaddpic (i, f$, pic_handle, pic_alpha, pic_multi, c2 As _Integer64, shmove, fs, xmulti, spfnt)
m_fnt(i, 0) = fs
m_fnt(i, 1) = _LoadFont(f$, fs)
m_fnt(i, 2) = pic_handle
m_fnt(i, 3) = -1
m_fnt(i, 4) = pic_alpha
m_fnt(i, 5) = pic_multi
m_fnt(i, 6) = xmulti
m_fnt(i, 7) = 0
m_fnt(i, 10) = _Red32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 11) = _Green32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 12) = _Blue32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 13) = _Alpha32(c2)
m_fnt(i, 14) = shmove
m_fnt(i, 15) = spfnt
End Sub
Function m_printwidth (t$): concatenation (t$): printwidth = m_trw(1): End Function
Function m_printheight (t$): concatenation (t$): printheight = m_trw(2): End Function
Sub m_printstring_center (py, t$, r1, r2): concatenation (t$): ps (_Width - m_trw(1)) / 2 + 1, py, r1, r2: End Sub
Sub m_printstring_right (py, t$, marg, r1, r2): concatenation (t$): ps _Width - marg - m_trw(1), py, r1, r2: End Sub
Sub rotate_2d (x, y, ang): x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang): y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang): x = x1: y = y1: End Sub
Sub m_printstring (px, py, t$, r1, r2): m_trw(0) = 0: concatenation (t$): ps px, py, r1, r2: End Sub
Sub ps (sx, sy, r1, r2)
ReDim r(1), t(4, 1)
t(4, 0) = sx: t(4, 1) = sy
r(0) = m_trw(1) / 2 * r1
r(1) = -m_trw(2) / 2
For t = 0 To m_trw(0) - 1
si = 20 + t * 6
t(0, 0) = m_trw(si + 1): t(0, 1) = m_trw(si + 2): t(1, 0) = m_trw(si + 3): t(1, 1) = m_trw(si + 2)
t(2, 0) = m_trw(si + 1): t(2, 1) = m_trw(si + 4): t(3, 0) = m_trw(si + 3): t(3, 1) = m_trw(si + 4)
If Sgn(r2) Then
For t1 = 0 To 3: t(t1, 0) = t(t1, 0) - r(0): t(t1, 1) = t(t1, 1) - r(1): rotate_2d t(t1, 0), t(t1, 1), r2
t(t1, 0) = t(t1, 0) + r(0): t(t1, 1) = t(t1, 1) + r(1): Next t1
End If
For t1 = 0 To 7: t2 = Int(t1 * .5): t3 = t1 And 1: t(t2, t3) = t(t2, t3) + t(4, t3): Next t1
w = _Width(m_trw(si)) - 1: h = _Height(m_trw(si)) - 1
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(w, 0)-(0, h), m_trw(si) To(t(0, 0), t(0, 1))-(t(1, 0), t(1, 1))-(t(2, 0), t(2, 1))
_MapTriangle (w, h)-(w, 0)-(0, h), m_trw(si) To(t(3, 0), t(3, 1))-(t(1, 0), t(1, 1))-(t(2, 0), t(2, 1))
Next t
End Sub
Sub concatenation (t$)
If t$ = m_lasttext$ Then Exit Sub
m_lasttext$ = t$
m_trw(0) = 0
ind = 0: tr_c = 0: f_size = 10
Do Until ac >= Len(t$): ac = ac + 1: ac$ = Mid$(t$, ac, 1)
If ac$ = Chr$(m_fntset(0)) Then
vh = InStr(ac + 1, t$, Chr$(m_fntset(1))): If vh = 0 Then Print "syntax error in text command": End
v = Val(Mid$(t$, ac + 3, vh - ac - 3))
Select Case LCase$(Mid$(t$, ac + 1, 2))
Case "fi": ind = v
Case "fh": f_size = v
End Select
ac = vh
find = -1
If Sgn(m_fnt(ind, 7)) Then
For t = 20 To 20 + m_fnt(ind, 7) * 5
If Asc(ac$) = m_fnt(ind, t) Then find = t: Exit For
Next t
End If
If find = -1 Then
find = 20 + m_fnt(ind, 7) * 5
savedest = _Dest
_Font m_fnt(ind, 1)
sh = m_fnt(ind, 14)
pwac = _PrintWidth(ac$)
temp2 = _NewImage(pwac + sh, m_fnt(ind, 0) + sh, 32)
m_fnt(ind, find + 2) = 1 / (m_fnt(ind, 0) + sh) * (pwac + sh) * m_fnt(ind, 6) 'accel
m_fnt(ind, find + 3) = 1 / m_fnt(ind, 0) * (m_fnt(ind, 0) + sh) * 1.2 'accel
m_fnt(ind, find + 4) = 1 / m_fnt(ind, 0) * pwac * m_fnt(ind, 6) * m_fnt(ind, 15) 'accel
_Dest temp2: Cls , 0
_Font m_fnt(ind, 1)
Color _RGBA32(m_fnt(ind, 10), m_fnt(ind, 11), m_fnt(ind, 12), m_fnt(ind, 13)), 0
_PrintString (sh, sh), ac$
If m_fnt(ind, 3) = -1 Then
temp11 = _NewImage(pwac + sh, m_fnt(ind, 0) + sh, 32)
_Dest temp11
sy = m_fnt(ind, 5) * _Width(m_fnt(ind, 2))
sx = sy / _Height * _Width
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(sx, 0)-(0, sy), m_fnt(ind, 2) To(0, 0)-(_Width, 0)-(0, _Height)
_MapTriangle (sx, sy)-(sx, 0)-(0, sy), m_fnt(ind, 2) To(_Width, _Height)-(_Width, 0)-(0, _Height)
_SetAlpha m_fnt(ind, 4)
temp10 = _NewImage(pwac + sh, m_fnt(ind, 0) + sh, 32)
_Dest temp10
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_Font m_fnt(ind, 1)
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
_PrintString (0, 0), ac$
_SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) To _RGB32(1, 1, 1)
_Dest temp11
_PutImage , temp10
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_Dest temp2
_PutImage , temp11
_FreeImage temp10
_FreeImage temp11
Color _RGB32(m_fnt(ind, 2), m_fnt(ind, 3), m_fnt(ind, 4)), 0
_PrintString (0, 0), ac$
_SetAlpha m_fnt(ind, 5), _RGB32(m_fnt(ind, 2), m_fnt(ind, 3), m_fnt(ind, 4))
End If
m_fnt(ind, find + 1) = _CopyImage(temp2, m_fntset(2))
_FreeImage temp2
m_fnt(ind, find) = Asc(ac$)
_Dest savedest
m_fnt(ind, 7) = m_fnt(ind, 7) + 1
End If
si = m_trw(0) * 6 + 20
m_trw(si) = m_fnt(ind, find + 1) 'text
m_trw(si + 1) = actual_x
m_trw(si + 2) = -f_size
m_trw(si + 3) = m_trw(si + 1) + f_size * m_fnt(ind, find + 2)
m_trw(si + 4) = m_trw(si + 2) + f_size * m_fnt(ind, find + 3)
m_trw(si + 5) = ac$ = " "
actual_x = m_trw(si + 1) + f_size * m_fnt(ind, find + 4)
m_trw(0) = m_trw(0) + 1
End If
If f_size > f_sizemax Then f_sizemax = f_size
m_trw(1) = actual_x
m_trw(2) = f_sizemax
End Sub