03-13-2024, 01:31 PM
(03-13-2024, 01:21 PM)TerryRitchie Wrote:Not sure about 3.11 (not so easy to test for me; don't want to bother customer too much with trial and error)(03-13-2024, 12:00 PM)mdijkens Wrote: For a customer I have created a utility in QB64 (console-mode).Does your code compiled with version 3.11.0 work correctly on your customer's system? If so this may be a dependency issue. Unfortunately I don't have a Mac any longer to test this theory. The binary stuff in the terminal is probably error messages scrolling by. Is there a way to capture that output?
It's relatively small and simple (some REST calls via SHELL "wget ..." to update csv-files)
I develop everything on Windows 10 and use the latest QB64pe x64 3.12
Now it's finished and need to compile it for Mac-OS (customer uses macbooks everywhere)
Since I don't have a Mac, I use a VirtualBox with Mac Big Sur (11?) for some time now to compile my QB64 programs for a Mac.
This always worked, until now...
When tested by customer they see binary stuff scrolling by very fast in a terminal window; as if the executable is displayed instead of executed...
Since I know nothing about Mac, I don't know what goes wrong here.
It is not errormessages we see in terminal. it much more looks like:
Quote:╧·φ■☺♥☻♀àÇ!↓H__PAGEZERO☺↓╚☻__TEXT☺@♫@♫♣__text__TEXT"☺♂"♦♦Ç__stubs__TEXTå*♂☺0♠å*♂♦Ç♠__stub_helper__TEXT╕0♂☺Ä ╕0♂☻♦Ç__gcc_except_tab__TEXTH:♂☺h H:♂☻__const__TEXT░C♂☺Y5☺░C♂♦__cstring__TEXT y♀☺K╗☺ y♀☻__objc_methname__TEXTT4♫☺<T4☻__unwind_info__TEXTÉ4♫☺l♂É4♫☻↓╪☺__DATA_CONST@♫☺Ç@♫Ç♥♥♣►__got__DATA_CONST@♫☺8☺@♫♥☺__mod_init_func__DATA_CONST8A♫☺88A♫♥ __const__DATA_CONSTpA♫☺áApA♫♦__cfstring__DATA_CONST►â♫☺@►â♫♥__objc_imageinfo__DATA_CONSTPâ♫Pâ♫☻↓(☻__DATA└♫☺i└♫@♥♥♠__la_symbol_ptr__DATA└♫☺└♫♥/☺__objc_selrefs__DATA@╚♫☺►@╚♫♥♣►__objc_classrefs__DATAP╚♫P╚♫♥►__data__DATA`╚♫☺4♂`╚♫♦__common__DATAá╙♫☺P╙e♦☺__bss__DATA≡ªt☺ú√☻♦☺↓H__LINKEDIT└w☺Ç♣☼@w♣☺☺"Ç0☼êê☼° ÇTo me it seems the application is not recognized as an application but maybe some other file-type that makes it list its content ?
The fact that this customer already has a hard time using terminal command make me wonder if there's just one step missing that other (experienced) customers did right automatically?
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience