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Got so drunk for St. Patricks Day, I programmed something in graphics...
Not enough plate for the meat!

It isn't at all intuitive, which is why I printed the key functions to the screen. This stage is just to get things going. Before I get really involved with any particular aspect of a project, I need to get my mind 100% made up as to how I want it to work; otherwise I could spend days re-coding it. There are several steps and conditions needed to make the mechanics suitable for use. Right now what I'm working on is transforming the above into subroutines and TYPE variables. When I see a project going bigger, I throw in that structure. That does waste a couple hours of my time, but if I started every project overly structured, it would take too long to get anywhere and to know if what I'm shooting for looks like it will be reasonably feasible.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Got so drunk for St. Patricks Day, I programmed something in graphics... - by Pete - 03-20-2024, 10:08 PM

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