03-27-2024, 01:47 PM
Steve - I'm not sure how to measure the speed of the method I'm using to calculate the size of an array and then dimension it. I have a number of files with data that are grow in size over time. The method I'm using is to simply count the number of data items in the file and then create the array.
for example
This is showing no time at all, how would I change the code to get a truer measure of the fill time of what I'm doing and your ReDim examples?
for example
Code: (Select All)
t# = Timer(0.001)
count = 0
For c = 1 To limit: count = count + 1: Next
Dim Shared foo(count)
Print Using "There were ###,###,### items in the array, and it took us ##.### seconds to fill it."; UBound(foo), t1# - t#