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Reverse search and case-insernsitive search routines
i had a need of a routine to do the opposite of INSTR( in which I wanted to find the last appearance of a search field in the target string. So I wrote the following functions:

  1. '  Reverse instr: finds last position of search in target
    Function Rinstr& (Target As String, Search As String)
  2. ' Case insensitive search
    Function Iinstr& (start As Long, Target As String, Search As String)
  3. ' Case insensitive reverse seaarch
    Function RIinstr& (Target As String, Search As String)

I'm not sure how useful this would be, but I suspect someone is going to need one of these at some point.

The functions include a program that runs a set of tests to confirm they work.

Attached Files
.bas   rinstr.bas (Size: 1.95 KB / Downloads: 51)
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Reverse search and case-insernsitive search routines - by TDarcos - 04-04-2024, 12:35 AM

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