04-04-2024, 06:00 AM
You're in 32-bit screen mode; you have to use 32-bit color values as below:
Code: (Select All)
WWidth = 1120: WHeight = 820: Mode = 32: Size = 24
Screen _NewImage(WWidth, WHeight, Mode)
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", Size, "monospace"): _Font f&
lhs = (_DesktopWidth - WWidth) / 2
_ScreenMove lhs, 86 ' centre display on screen
CPL = WWidth / _PrintWidth("X")
Print &HFFFF0000& 'Red
Print &HFF00FF00& 'Green
Print &HFF0000FF& 'blue
PSet (500, 200): Draw "r100 c-65536 d100 c-16711936 l100 c-16776961 u100"