So here's something as the equalizer style. I was lazy to do with the graphics and adjust the sliders here.... so I did it using the keyboard, or repeatedly press V to start or end the quick adjustment of the equalization.
Finally is used SndOpenRaw too.
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 32)
Title "Equalizer"
S = SndOpen("10.mp3")
Dim m As MEM
Dim Shared As Single L(5), R(5), L2(5), R2(5), Le(10), Ri(10), LVol(10), RVol(10), X(10)
Dim As Long f
Dim As Long Raw(10)
m = MemSound(S, 0)
If m.ELEMENTSIZE <> 8 Then
Print "Try another music file, program required SINGLE array. Try MP3."
SndClose S
MemFree m
End If
eff = 0
X(1) = SetFreq(80)
X(2) = SetFreq(125)
X(3) = SetFreq(180)
X(4) = SetFreq(250)
X(5) = SetFreq(500)
X(6) = SetFreq(1000)
X(7) = SetFreq(2000)
X(8) = SetFreq(4000)
X(8) = SetFreq(8000)
X(9) = SetFreq(12000)
X(10) = SetFreq(16000)
For SetVol = 1 To 10
LVol(SetVol) = 0.1
RVol(SetVol) = 0.1
For R = 1 To 10
Raw(R) = SndOpenRaw
'The program (if written correctly) should read two harmonic frequencies above and two below the selected frequency
'to make the sound denser
FreqChange = -1
Do Until n& >= m.SIZE - SndRate
eq = 1
Do Until eq = 10
a = 1
Le(eq) = 0
Ri(eq) = 0
Do Until a = 5
'get freqency in samples
So& = n& + 8 * X(eq)
MemGet m, m.OFFSET + n&, L(a)
MemGet m, m.OFFSET + n& + 4, R(a)
MemGet m, m.OFFSET + So&, L2(a)
MemGet m, m.OFFSET + So& + 4, R2(a)
Le(eq) = Le(eq) - (L(a) - L2(a))
Ri(eq) = Ri(eq) - (R(a) - R2(a))
a = a + 1
Le(eq) = Le(eq) * LVol(eq)
Ri(eq) = Ri(eq) * RVol(eq)
eq = eq + 1
For eq = 1 To 10
SndRaw Le(eq), Ri(eq), Raw(eq) ', Raw(eq)
If eff Then
If n& Mod SndRate / 20 = 0 Then
omega = omega + .1
For eq = 1 To 10
LVol(eq) = Abs(Sin(omega + eq * Pi / 20))
RVol(eq) = Abs(Sin(omega + eq * Pi / 20))
End If
End If
Do Until SndRawLen(Raw(10)) <= .1
i$ = InKey$
Select Case LCase$(i$)
Case "q": SetEqVolP 1
Case "a": SetEqVolM 1
Case "w": SetEqVolP 2
Case "s": SetEqVolM 2
Case "e": SetEqVolP 3
Case "d": SetEqVolM 3
Case "r": SetEqVolP 4
Case "f": SetEqVolM 4
Case "t": SetEqVolP 5
Case "g": SetEqVolM 5
Case "y": SetEqVolP 6
Case "h": SetEqVolM 6
Case "u": SetEqVolP 7
Case "j": SetEqVolM 7
Case "i": SetEqVolP 8
Case "k": SetEqVolM 8
Case "o": SetEqVolP 9
Case "l": SetEqVolM 9
Case "p": SetEqVolP 10
Case "ů": SetEqVolM 10
Case "v": eff = Not eff
End Select
Locate 2
Print "First equalizer."
Print "Press: q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p for eq volume up"
Print " a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,ů for eq volume down"
For eqva = 1 To 10
Print "Freq: "; SndRate \ X(eqva); " vol:"; LVol(eqva); " "
n& = n& + 8
SndClose S
MemFree m
Sub SetEqVolM (i)
LVol(i) = LVol(i) - .1
If LVol(i) < 0 Then LVol(i) = 0
RVol(i) = LVol(i)
End Sub
Sub SetEqVolP (i)
LVol(i) = LVol(i) + .1
If LVol(i) > 1.4 Then LVol(i) = 1.4
RVol(i) = LVol(i)
End Sub
Function SetFreq (f)
SetFreq = SndRate \ 2 \ f
End Function
Finally is used SndOpenRaw too.