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BASIC's Comparison Matrix: ideas for content?
Quote:Transclusion? Programmability? OneNote? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Microsoft could really make it orders of magnitude more useful,
if they would just let it be programmable like Word, Excel, Access, & Powerpoint.
It could be their MongoDB! 
But what do I know?
I'm sure "useful" doesn't really figure into the bottom line,
or the agenda when they are talking about business strategy
and choosing which user base to cater to
(which seems to be the system admins, who don't want their users to have too much power,
or else it's just more pain for them to lock everything down in a corporate setting. 
Why else would they move from vbscript to something like PowerHell as their scripting language? LoL) 

From my experience, the problem with giving users the power to create things: ultimately, I.T. becomes responsible for the maintenance of the frigging things.  Oh the disasters I've seen become I.T.'s responsibility to keep alive.

OneNote is fine for quickly taking notes for something you're going to properly write later with, wait for it: TiddlyWiki.

Quote:Is your BAM built on whatever the latest TiddlyWiki engine is (last I checked which is ages ago, it was 5.x)?

I am so far behind in how it works that it will be just like starting over!
 BAM is currently powered by TiddlyWiki version 5.2.0, a little behind the latest version of TiddlyWiki at 5.2.2

I'm of the mindset: upgrade only when it hurts too much not to.

Quote:I'm not sure if you want to point people to any GW-BASIC docs,
in case it helps, there is a manual to be found here:

Thank-you for the link!  Having loads of references is a great thing.

I've been using, which is really convenient for web browsing.

Quote:If GW-BASIC is the target goal, for me what would kick ass would be for your BAM to be able to run Akalabeth, graphics and all!

The GW-BASIC source can be found here.

I'm going to have to add that to my TODO.

Right now, I'm going through all of the little GW-BASIC programs over at Rosetta Code to iron out the easy kinks.

For example, GW-BASIC allows:  IF condition GOTO line_num (so not "THEN"), so I'm just testing a change to allow that in BAM before rolling it out.

BAM won't be 100% compatible, but if I can get it to the point of requiring little fussing to get a GW-BASIC program to work, I'll be happy.

Then maybe QB64.  I'll see.  Although BAM and QBJS are completely different critters, I really don't want to make it look like they are in competition.  (QBJS can't compete with BAM, and BAM can't compete with QBJS.  Both are really good at very different things, but that might not be apparent to the naked eye.

YABASIC is also on my mind.

Aside:  BASIC Anywhere Machine began after I hit the wall trying to figure out Emscripten.  To me, the ability to take QB64 Phoenix Edition BASIC program's C++ code and turning that into WASM with Emscripten, that would be a killer way to get QB64 programs on the web.  A third alternative (BAM and QBJS being the other ones, and none of them being competition for the other).

Something like that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: BASIC's Comparison Matrix: ideas for content? - by CharlieJV - 05-20-2022, 12:58 AM

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