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Got so drunk for St. Patricks Day, I programmed something in graphics...
Well this is what I came up with to work in fonts of differing heights. Click any of the 12 randomly generated text lines to move the cursor to the beginning of that line.

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1100, 600, 32)
_Display ' Turn off autodisplay.
Color Black, _RGB32(255, 255, 255, 255)
_Delay .1
_ScreenMove _Middle
_Delay .1
_Clipboard$ = ""
Type textvar
    redo As Integer
    initiate As Integer ' -1 Indicates the Subroutine has been Initiated.
    nof As Integer ' Number of Fonts.
    maxchrs As Integer ' The Max Characters of a Text String. IMPORTANT: Cannot be over 255.
    fsn As Integer ' Font Selection Number 1 reg, 2 Bold, 3 Italic, 4 Bold Italic.
    noa As Integer ' Number of Text Attributes.
    lm As Integer ' Left Margin by Pixel.
    row As Integer ' Row by Pixel.
    rm As Integer ' Right Margin by Pixel.
    ccol As Integer ' Numeric Column of a Character.
    oldccol As Integer ' Numeric Column of the Previous Cursor Position.
    pixcol As Integer ' The Pixel Column the Cursor is On Currently.
    insreg As Integer ' Causes a Delay in Changing the Cursor Appearance When the Insert Key is Rapidly Pressed.
    reprnt As Integer ' Only Reprints a Row of Characters When Non-zero.
    ovr As Integer ' Overwrite mode When Non-zero, Otherwise Insert Mode.
    xl As Integer ' Pixel Column for a Character that is Part of a Link.
    mindex As Integer ' Numeric Matrix Index.
    fsize As Integer ' Font Size.
    underline As Integer ' Underline Text.
    link As Integer ' Hyperlink Text.
    c_wdth As Integer ' Cursor Width in Pixels
    c_hght As Integer ' Cursor Height in Pixels.
    numchrs As Integer ' Number of Characters in the Line of Text.
    sa As Integer ' Special Attributes for Paragraph, highlighting markers, etc.
    cchr As String ' Cursor Character.
    t As String ' Row of Text.
    m As String ' Text and Attributes to be Saved in an RA File.
    url As String ' URL Link to Follow.
    linkmap As String ' Maps Pixels for Link ID with Mouse.
    shift As Integer ' Shift Keys.
    autoshift As Integer ' Used for instances like mouse highlighting to mimic keyboard highighting.
    ctrl As Integer ' Ctrl key.
    alt As Integer ' Alt key.
    hl As Integer ' Highlighting Left (-1) or Right (+1)
    arrows As Integer ' Aids the Cursor Update Subroutine When Arrows are Used to Highliht Text.
    mouse_button1_row As Integer
    button1 As Integer
    hold_highlight As Integer
    maxhgt As Integer ''''''''''''
    tm As Integer
    tcopy As String ' Copied Text
    mcopy As String ' Copied Text Matrix
    button_map1 As String
End Type
Dim tx As textvar

Type mousevar
    mx As Integer
    my As Integer
    wh As Integer
    lb As Integer
    rb As Integer
    lb_status As Integer
    rb_status As Integer
    oldmx As Integer
    CursorStyle As Integer
    mousekey As String ' Auto Keyboard Input.
End Type
Dim m As mousevar

Dim Shared bit As _Bit
ReDim Shared cl(3) As Integer, bc(3) As Integer
ReDim Shared default_cl(3), default_bc(3)
tx.nof = 4
tx.fsize = 18
tx.maxchrs = 30 ' IMPORTANT: Cannot be over 255.
ReDim Shared fnum(tx.nof) As Long
ReDim Shared index_col(tx.maxchrs)
default_cl(1) = 0: default_cl(2) = 0: default_cl(3) = 0
default_bc(1) = 255: default_bc(2) = 255: default_bc(3) = 255
tx.fsn = 1 ' Default font style number.
tx.noa = 12 ' Number of character attributes.
''''tx.row = 100 ' Current row in pixels.
tx.lm = 100 ' Left margin in pixels. RIGHT MARGIN is assigned in SKIN subroutine. = 10 ' Number of special attributes.
cl(1) = default_cl(1): cl(2) = default_cl(2): cl(3) = default_cl(3)
bc(1) = default_bc(1): bc(2) = default_bc(2): bc(3) = default_bc(3) = 100 ' Top margin '''''''''''''''''
tx.m$ = String$( + tx.maxchrs * (tx.noa + 1), Chr$(0)) ' Algorithm makes a 1 string field, 10 ID fields for highlighting, paragraph, plain text line, etc., and tx.noa attributes fields.
tx.t$ = String$(tx.maxchrs, Chr$(0)) ' Our text.
tx.linkmap$ = String$(_Width, Chr$(0))
' Matrix: 1-maxchrs text, maxchrs + 1 to maxchrs + 10 Special attributes, maxchrs + 11 on are attributes each tx.noa spaces long.
' Example: maxchrs = 255. tx.noa = 12. 1-255 text, 256-265 special attributes, 266-277 attributes for 1st character in text string, 278-289 2nd, etc.
f = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 18)
g = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 22)
h = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 26)
_Font f
y = 100
noa = 2
v$ = String$(_Height, Chr$(0))
tx.ccol = 1
tx.c_wdth = 12
tx.row =
For ii = 1 To 12
    a$ = "": tx.maxhgt = 0
    m$ = String$(500, Chr$(0))
    For i = 1 To 30
        a$ = a$ + Chr$(Rnd * 25 + 65)
    For i = 1 To Len(a$)
        c$ = Mid$(a$, i, 1)
        _Font f
        If Int(Rnd * 8) = 3 Then _Font h
        If Int(Rnd * 15) = 3 Then _Font g
        If _FontHeight > tx.maxhgt Then tx.maxhgt = _FontHeight
        Mid$(m$, 256 + 3, 1) = Chr$(tx.maxhgt)
        Mid$(m$, i, 1) = c$
        Mid$(m$, 266 + 0 + (i - 1) * noa, 1) = Chr$(_PrintWidth(c$))
        Mid$(m$, 266 + 1 + (i - 1) * noa, 1) = Chr$(_FontHeight)
        j = j + _PrintWidth(c$)
    j = 0
    tx.maxhgt = Asc(Mid$(m$, 256 + 3, 1))
    For i = 1 To Len(a$)
        c$ = Mid$(m$, i, 1)
        k = Asc(Mid$(m$, 266 + 1 + (i - 1) * noa, 1))
        Select Case k
            Case 18: _Font f
            Case 22: _Font g
            Case 26: _Font h
        End Select
        _PrintString (y + j, tx.row + tx.maxhgt - k), c$: _Display
        j = j + Asc(Mid$(m$, 266 + 0 + (i - 1) * noa, 1))
    Mid$(v$, tx.row + 1, tx.maxhgt) = String$(tx.maxhgt, Chr$(ii))
    If ii < 12 Then tx.row = tx.row + 6 + tx.maxhgt
    Locate 1, 620: Print; "  "; ln; "  ";: _Display
    mouse m
    If Mid$(v$,, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then _MouseShow "LINK" Else _MouseShow "DEFAULT"
    If m.lb_status = 1 Then
        bit = 0: text_cursor tx: bit = -1
        ln = Asc(Mid$(v$, + 1))
        tx.row = InStr(v$, Chr$(ln)) - 1
    End If
    If Timer > cc! Then
        cc! = Timer + .25: If cc! > 86400 Then cc! = .25
        text_cursor tx
        bit = bit Xor 1
    End If

Sub mouse (m As mousevar)
    ' Local vars: i%,j%
    If Len(m.mousekey$) And m.lb_status <> 2 Then Exit Sub ' Bypass mouse when an automatic key was issued unless a drag event is occurring.
    While _MouseInput
        m.wh = m.wh + _MouseWheel
    Wend = _MouseX = _MouseY = _MouseButton(1)
    m.rb = _MouseButton(2)
    Select Case
        Case 0
            Select Case m.lb_status
                Case -2
                    m.lb_status = 0 ' The clicked event and the release triggered any event structured to occur on release.
                Case -1
                    m.lb_status = -2 ' The clicked event triggered any event structured to occur on initial button press.
                Case 0
                    ' Button has not been pressed yet.
                Case 1
                    m.lb_status = -1 ' Rare but button was released before the next required cycle, so cycle is continued here.
                Case 2
                    m.lb_status = 0 ' The drag event is over because the button was released.
            End Select
        Case -1
            Select Case m.lb_status ' Note drag is determined in the text highlighting routine.
                Case -1
                    ' An event occurred and the button is still down.
                Case 0
                    m.lb_status = 1
                Case 1
                    m.lb_status = -1 ' The button is down and triggered any event structured to occur on initial press.  The status will remain -1 as long as the button is depressed.
            End Select
    End Select
    Select Case m.rb
        Case 0
            Select Case m.rb_status
                Case -1
                    m.rb_status = 0 ' An event occurred and the button was released.
                Case 0
                    ' Button has not been pressed yet.
                Case 1
                    m.rb_status = 0 ' Button was released wth no event occurring.
            End Select
        Case -1
            Select Case m.rb_status
                Case -1
                    ' An event occurred and the button is still down.
                Case 0
                    m.rb_status = 1
                Case 1
                    ' The button is still down but no event occurred.
            End Select
    End Select
    m.oldmx =
End Sub

Sub text_cursor (tx As textvar)
    If bit Then ' Show cursor.
        If tx.ovr Then
            Line (tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1), tx.row)-(tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1) + tx.c_wdth, tx.row + tx.maxhgt), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 255), BF
            Line (tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1), tx.row + tx.maxhgt - 2)-(tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1) + tx.c_wdth - 2, tx.row + tx.maxhgt - 2), _RGB32(default_cl(1), default_cl(2), default_cl(3), 255) ' Show blinking insert cursor.
        End If
    Else ' Hide cursor.
        Line (tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1), tx.row + tx.maxhgt - 2)-(tx.lm + index_col(tx.ccol - 1) + tx.c_wdth - 2, tx.row + tx.maxhgt - 2), _RGB32(default_bc(1), default_bc(2), default_bc(3), 255) ' Hide blinking insert cursor.
    End If
End Sub

So to get it working in the project, I need to make a text line array, slightly change the cursor subroutine, and get the Enter key to work like a text editor. Beyond that is vertical scrolling when more lines are added than fits the page.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Got so drunk for St. Patricks Day, I programmed something in graphics... - by Pete - 04-12-2024, 02:10 AM

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